Re: Assange still alive and kickin'...

On Dec 25, 2016 2:52 AM, "Assorange" <> aka Zenaan Harkness wrote: Zenaan, Please, in this Christmas day, I sincerely ask you to stop disturbing this list. You made references to God and the Bible in past messages, so I think you believe in Jesus existence and sacrifice. Today is his birthday and you are doing evil and cruel things. Do you think it is the correct way of acting to honor the life and death of your saviour? :(( If you want to annoy and to attack me, simply do what you always do: send me lots of stupid garbage and spam *in private*. Please, let the cypherpunks list in peace. You hate me, so attack only me and don't disturb the whole list with junk and prejudiced messages, please. Do something good for this world, creature. Spread good feelings, not hate, racism and prejudices. I am not using nail polish today because I am too exhausted to make my own manicure after spending the last weeks fixing and cleaning old toys to donate to poor and refugee children. My private messages are pretty late because I was busy painting hundreds and hundreds of little colourful nails in old dolls to make them more beautiful to the children. I am naked, using no make up today, but in the last days I made little clothes, hundreds of ribbons and beautiful make up in several old dolls to make them look beautiful like new toys. Glitter becomes bright fairy dust when you want to believe in the magic... <3 Please, try to spread a bit of love instead hate and intolerance, Zenaan. Think of the children. They will be the future.
Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at
What is the problem about being gay, uh? I am not gay, but if I was, I would tell to everybody about my sexual preferences with sincere proud. It's wonderful when someone accepts their own sexuality and respect the sexual choices of other people. It's about love, about respecting people, about honouring the freedom of letting they live their own lives in the way they want. I had threesome sexual relations with my boyfriend and another girl. It was wonderful, a really gorgeous meeting. I don't discard to fall in love or having sex with a girl again, but I simply don't feel lesbian or bissexual because my passion is being penetrated and I love real penises, not the artificial ones. Just it. No problems about accepting my own sexuality, but I think it would be healthy for you to leave the closet and try to be happy. So much hate is pure envy, my dear! ;)
Sat Dec 25 12:00:00 EST 2016 wrote: My love, I said that Assange is alive
Are you the authority on these things lol
No, I am not. Ask "Julian". I never called him in a so intimate way like you, Zenaan, but I think Assange won't care about it. Everybody knows I am more intelligent, charming and interesting than you and if someone like you can call him "Julian", I probably can too. ;) Yep, my ego can be so big as yours! It's pretty annoying, isn't it? Hahaha!! ;D Nah, my ego trips ignore your existence. I use better references in my comparations or it would be too much cowardy with you, little poor devil. ;P
will be kicked soon
No, not my style. You offended the Japanese people some times and yes, we are "rice eaters", but we are proud and believe in honour, loyalty and respect, concepts that you probably never will understand. I am a proud rice eater. My favorite comfort food is "Kare Raisu" in a spicy veggie version, with no meat and more vegetables than the traditional Japanese recipe. Remember in the future that Brazilians love rice too. With beans, please. :) My blood is Japanese, but I am and I always will be Brazilian. Not because of my documents, but because it was my heart's choice and I always follow my heart. Merry Christmas, Zenaan. Remember Jesus rejected the hypocrites and, please, think seriously about being a better person. I will do the same. I always make this kind of reflection in the end of all the years. Cecilia Tanaka

PS: - Sorry for killing the English language, ugh! :(( It would be wiser to review my messages before sending them, but I know I would simply not send them after a second reading, so I am talking too much and using a pretty disastrous grammar, haha!! ;) Please, ignore all the missing letters, typos and mistakes like using "proud" instead "pride". Thank you in advance and have an amazing wow day! :) Ceci
participants (1)
Cecilia Tanaka