Cryptocurrency: The Fed plans to create a system that would allow Americans to transfer money faster
On 8/6/19, jim bell <> wrote:
The Fed plans to create a system that would allow Americans to transfer money faster
Ever notice how every Government and Corporation has been trying to make "their own amazing coin" for you, to FUD and to keep you hooked into using their silly Fiat system, even rebooting their old game you're already somewhat wary of... into something new shitcoin system that will take you decades to realize... so they can fuck you harder and faster in more new and wondrous ways in the interim. It's a trap !!! All of it! And being deployed out of their correct fear of losing out to true cryptocurrency which cannot be controlled by them. Cryptocurrency offers that which they simply cannot, your own control over your own p2p money, permissionless, no gatekeepers, no rulers, no lining their middleman pockets by abusing your deposits to make money on the backside.
On Tue, Aug 06, 2019 at 04:55:44PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
On 8/6/19, jim bell <> wrote:
The Fed plans to create a system that would allow Americans to transfer money faster
Ever notice how every Government and Corporation has been trying to make "their own amazing coin" for you, to FUD and to keep you hooked into using their silly Fiat system, even rebooting their old game you're already somewhat wary of... into something new shitcoin system that will take you decades to realize... so they can fuck you harder and faster in more new and wondrous ways in the interim.
It's a trap !!! All of it! And being deployed out of their correct fear of losing out to true cryptocurrency which cannot be controlled by them.
Cryptocurrency offers that which they simply cannot, your own control over your own p2p money, permissionless, no gatekeepers, no rulers, no lining their middleman pockets by abusing your deposits to make money on the backside.
Admittedly, nothwithstanding the Feds printing money hand over fist and charging interest on such "money", yes they do even then "abuse" our deposits in such ways as "bail in" and "now it's gone" with no recourse... But "our" deposits never reduce when any bank loan is issued - those bank loans are money printed out of thin air, the asset of your signature on the loan form, your promise to pay. One could also call "creation of money out of thin air by issuing a bank cheque every time a lay-goy signs a promise to pay (bank loan contract/ agreement)", and charging interest on that money they just printed (even though they write off the capital, but not the interest, as the capital is repaid), as "abusing your deposits". Remember the Fed. Create your world. The reset is on the way - in the next year or two most likely. Be prepared to build out your local communities with sane locally autonomous and FLOSS infrastructure when it comes. Better still, get going now. Seriously, this is insanity defined: 22% Of Millennials Say They Have No Friends | Zero Hedge A staggering 22% of millennials (aged 23 - 38) surveyed by YouGov say they have no friends [in meat space presumably], while less than 1/3 say they have at least 10 friends. Meanwhile 30% of Millennials say they 'always or often feel lonely.' … Oddly, 25% of Millennials surveyed also said they don't have any acquaintances. SERIOUSLY FOLKS, get, the firetruck, out into meat space - your local community, MAKE IT HAPPEN - make friends with those who have no friends - EVERYONE has something interesting to tell - create local clubs that work for you and them, radio, gaming, easy sports, digital content hoarding, digital infrustructure geeks, makers, knitting, alcohol distilling (for strictly educational purposes of course), gardening, water filtering, LITERALLY ANYTHING to make it real, keep it real and connect with others in your community. In this way you WILL HAVE A START on building a better world when the looming financial reset hammers down on us all... and you and those you've learned to care for and enjoy the company of will be ready with your own local currencies and other plans for a new and better, extremely distributed poles of communities in the world. In this way you can share the joys of self responsibility, of doing what must be done to be free from Jewgle, Twatter, FaceSlut, the Federal Reserve Banks and the rest! WARNING: This opportunity of a total collapse of the existing monetary systems comes very rarely! NOW is your, our, time to ready the community cavalry and ROLL OUT our FLOSS infrastructure. Imagine it, share it, do it. Let's create an awesome world folks, the time is nearly upon us,
Speaking of meatspace and hosting your own everything:
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness