For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

IF you're having trouble coping with the anarchic internet lately - and even specific crypto-ANARCHISTS on specific parts of it - like Cypherpunks - then here's one real easy way to fight back - GET OFF THE INTERNET! Its only going to get more crypto-ANARCHIST every day. Cut your losses off, Tossers. Get lost. SCRAM. FUCK OFF. [ This message bought to you by new-wave-eunuchs Karl, Batshit, Zendo and Gramps ]

Different people will have different opinions here. Each one probably has a little truth to it. To relate on anarchy: when there is no authority, people don't tend to get hurt, because nobody is trying to enslave others to meet their goals. This means you're being kinda dictatorial when you try to force anything on anyone else. We need people to stop others from doing that. On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 2:28 AM professor rat <> wrote:
IF you're having trouble coping with the anarchic internet lately - and even specific crypto-ANARCHISTS on specific
parts of it - like Cypherpunks - then here's one real easy way to fight back - GET OFF THE INTERNET!
Its only going to get more crypto-ANARCHIST every day. Cut your losses off, Tossers. Get lost. SCRAM.
[ This message bought to you by new-wave-eunuchs Karl, Batshit, Zendo and Gramps ]

But to clarify, 'anarchy is big' is traditionally the message for the rebels (who badly need help, are experiencing multiple genocides and severely struggling), to inspire them. 'anarchy is a joke' is traditionally the message for the dictators and market leaders, so their supporters grow. There are a lot of anarchic tools that would quickly outcompete the mainstream tools if they weren't being systemically destroyed and suppressed. Authoritarians generally operate without any understanding of these tools being even possible, so there are usually a lot of ways to do unexpected things.. On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 7:41 AM Karl <> wrote:
Different people will have different opinions here. Each one probably has a little truth to it.
To relate on anarchy: when there is no authority, people don't tend to get hurt, because nobody is trying to enslave others to meet their goals. This means you're being kinda dictatorial when you try to force anything on anyone else. We need people to stop others from doing that.
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 2:28 AM professor rat <> wrote:
IF you're having trouble coping with the anarchic internet lately - and even specific crypto-ANARCHISTS on specific
parts of it - like Cypherpunks - then here's one real easy way to fight back - GET OFF THE INTERNET!
Its only going to get more crypto-ANARCHIST every day. Cut your losses off, Tossers. Get lost. SCRAM.
[ This message bought to you by new-wave-eunuchs Karl, Batshit, Zendo and Gramps ]

To restate: when you're getting hurt, it's not anarchy. That's my community's viewpoint. Meanwhile, when a cohort of governments and businesses can use business agreements and cyberweapons to make your life or goal instantly controllable, they may try to blame this on your friends if they share similar lives or goals. On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 8:13 AM Karl <> wrote:
But to clarify, 'anarchy is big' is traditionally the message for the rebels (who badly need help, are experiencing multiple genocides and severely struggling), to inspire them. 'anarchy is a joke' is traditionally the message for the dictators and market leaders, so their supporters grow. There are a lot of anarchic tools that would quickly outcompete the mainstream tools if they weren't being systemically destroyed and suppressed. Authoritarians generally operate without any understanding of these tools being even possible, so there are usually a lot of ways to do unexpected things..
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 7:41 AM Karl <> wrote:
Different people will have different opinions here. Each one probably has a little truth to it.
To relate on anarchy: when there is no authority, people don't tend to get hurt, because nobody is trying to enslave others to meet their goals. This means you're being kinda dictatorial when you try to force anything on anyone else. We need people to stop others from doing that.
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 2:28 AM professor rat <> wrote:
IF you're having trouble coping with the anarchic internet lately - and even specific crypto-ANARCHISTS on specific
parts of it - like Cypherpunks - then here's one real easy way to fight back - GET OFF THE INTERNET!
Its only going to get more crypto-ANARCHIST every day. Cut your losses off, Tossers. Get lost. SCRAM.
[ This message bought to you by new-wave-eunuchs Karl, Batshit, Zendo and Gramps ]

On 2020-11-15 23:18, Karl wrote:
To restate: when you're getting hurt, it's not anarchy. That's my community's viewpoint.
Nuts. People will hurt people. For anarchy to work, the bad people have to be hurt back considerably worse. This is feasible because good people can cooperate better than bad people, but for really large scale cooperation for really large scale violence, you need a commander in chief, a sovereign, and King, and *then* it is not anarchy. War is the father of us all. So, large scale cooperation on an anarchic internet needs effective means for excluding bad people - fortunately direct violence is difficult over the internet, which gives the edge to forms of cooperation that do not require an alarmingly entrenched sovereign.

On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 06:18:39 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-11-15 23:18, Karl wrote:
To restate: when you're getting hurt, it's not anarchy. That's my community's viewpoint.
People will hurt people. For anarchy to work, the bad people have to be hurt back considerably worse.
anarchy is voluntary cooperation so Karl's definition is right. Your comment on the other hand doesn't follow. Under anarchy the number of bad people has to be low enough so that their actions don't matter. How that is achieved is an open question.
This is feasible because good people can cooperate better than bad people, but for really large scale cooperation for really large scale violence, you need a commander in chief, a sovereign, and King, and *then* it is not anarchy.
right, and that's the reason you're anything but an anarchist or libertarian, but a cookie cutter totalitarian-statist.
War is the father of us all.
yeah, spoken like the most pure, right-wing, conservative warmongering nutcase.
So, large scale cooperation on an anarchic internet needs effective means for excluding bad people
LMAO!!! The ARPANET is anything but 'anarchic'. It's one of the most sick tools for totalitarianism ever.
fortunately direct violence is difficult over the internet, which gives the edge to forms of cooperation that do not require an alarmingly entrenched sovereign.
yeah that's why the ARPANET is run by google-fukerbook-amazon-NSA, all 'private' facades for the 'silicon valley' US industrial military complex .
The American empire has become the Anti American empire.
Trump and Maga is revolt against the American empire
in case there was any more proof that you're the most crass shill ever, you provided proof yet again. We are still waiting for the orange moneky to shut down twatter. OH WAIT, the orange monkey is a twatter adict.

On 2020-11-16 07:02, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
anarchy is voluntary cooperation so Karl's definition is right.
In order to do anything, you need space to do it in and stuff to do it with, and when many people are cooperating in a space with stuff people are going fight over whose space it is and whose stuff it is.

On 11/15/20, <> wrote:
On 2020-11-16 07:02, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
anarchy is voluntary cooperation so Karl's definition is right.
In order to do anything, you need space to do it in and stuff to do it with, and when many people are cooperating in a space with stuff people are going fight over whose space it is and whose stuff it is.
If anybody needs more space, more stuff, or any other kind of help, find a way to let the rest of us know. We're working together, we're resourceful, and we can find enough for everyone.

On 11/15/20, <> wrote:
In order to do anything, you need space to do it in and stuff to do it with, and when many people are cooperating in a space with stuff people are going fight over whose space it is and whose stuff it is.
On 2020-11-16 08:14, Karl wrote:
If anybody needs more space, more stuff, or any other kind of help, find a way to let the rest of us know. We're working together, we're resourceful, and we can find enough for everyone.
"Why are you excluding us" tends, in practice, to be rapidly followed by "You don't belong here. If you don't like what we are doing, go build your own place. Soon thereafter followed by a second round of "why are you excluding us". Observe how fast the founders get kicked out once they agree to an open source code of conduct. Similarly, reflect on so many cities and suburbs now occupied by people who did not build them and cannot maintain them, as for example the ruins of Detroit, Nasa, and America's nuclear arsenal. In order to get anything done, you have to exclude bad people, and bad people do not carry an unambiguous label on them, so you have to exclude people who profile as bad, regardless of the (unknown and suspect) content of their character.

On 11/15/20, <> wrote:
On 11/15/20, <> wrote:
In order to do anything, you need space to do it in and stuff to do it with, and when many people are cooperating in a space with stuff people are going fight over whose space it is and whose stuff it is.
On 2020-11-16 08:14, Karl wrote:
If anybody needs more space, more stuff, or any other kind of help, find a way to let the rest of us know. We're working together, we're resourceful, and we can find enough for everyone.
"Why are you excluding us" tends, in practice, to be rapidly followed by "You don't belong here. If you don't like what we are doing, go build your own place.
Soon thereafter followed by a second round of "why are you excluding us".
Observe how fast the founders get kicked out once they agree to an open source code of conduct. Similarly, reflect on so many cities and suburbs now occupied by people who did not build them and cannot maintain them, as for example the ruins of Detroit, Nasa, and America's nuclear arsenal.
In order to get anything done, you have to exclude bad people, and bad people do not carry an unambiguous label on them, so you have to exclude people who profile as bad, regardless of the (unknown and suspect) content of their character.
I don't see any need to exclude _people_. If Karl never posted anything, nobody would mind if he were subscribed to the list. But often it's highly helpful to reduce certain behaviors. In a normal community, this can be done by addressing their reasons. It takes a lot of practice to be able to say all the different translations of "you're cool and important. we're addressing this other concern right now but should have it resolved within a timeframe and capacity. let's make time to make sure your concerns are addressed: I think others have the issue too." It's a lot easier to learn to say that well among people who are already experienced in living that way for a long time, in the same kind of community and culture.

On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they find themselves, like the founders of various open source projects, excluded from what they created. You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.
It takes a lot of practice to be able to say all the different translations of "you're cool and important. we're addressing this other concern right now but should have it resolved within a timeframe and capacity.
That really did not help the various open source projects, nor the people who built Detroit and made it work, nor the people who built Nasa's rockets. As I said, you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you. If any person creates something good, another person hates him for it and wants to destroy him and what he created.

On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.
If war wants to stay alive, they will need to stop attacking peace. Obi Wan Kenobi said "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" because striking the strongest, wisest influence, acting on the interests of the largest section of the galaxy, produces the clearest and most powerful blowback. As we pursue these blowbacks, the death star shrinks, and a lot of kind caring people have horrific deaths so that other people take arms against exploding planets.

On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct. Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down around their ears while police stood around like potted palms. If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we can see them driving out the good people. Peoples homes in Detroit did not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the Debian drama. Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good people. Bad people did bad things to good people.

On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
Open source projects are all targeted.
Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
The mob bosses set up orders for the police to create conflict between those two groups, pretty reliably.
If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we can see them driving out the good people. Peoples homes in Detroit did
The driving out happens, I just refuse to hold in me that anyone bad exists. Doing it makes you do things that result in others calling you 'bad'.
not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the Debian drama. Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good people. Bad people did bad things to good people.
Some people even identify as being bad people. It means they need rescuing.

On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
On 2020-11-17 07:24, Karl wrote:
Open source projects are all targeted.
Social justice killed Nasa and Intel. Pretty sure Nasa was not targeted intentionally. The SLS relies on old rocket parts built long ago that it does not appear that Nasa can make any more, and Intel shut down its last fab, and now relies on a Taiwanese owned and run fab.
Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
The mob bosses set up orders for the police to create conflict between those two groups, pretty reliably.
To create conflict between whites and blacks, it suffices for police to stand back and let blacks be blacks. Observe what happens when a BLM protest occurs in a black neighborhood. Gets trashed the same way a white neighborhood does. Blacks are dangerous to everyone, and they are most dangerous to other blacks. Even a black Harvard professor is likely to sucker punch you. Similarly, remember the anti fracking protests and anti pipeline protests under Obama. The greenies trashed the wilderness that they were supposedly there to preserve.
If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we can see them driving out the good people.
The driving out happens, I just refuse to hold in me that anyone bad exists.
Nuts. We see bad people maliciously hurting good people, as in the recent open source dramas.
Some people even identify as being bad people.
No they identify as good people - in order to better attack good people. But their supposed goodness consists in caring deeply about strangers far away in places they could not find on a map, which totally justifies them murdering their mother for the inheritance and cheating their brother out of his share of the inheritance. If someone cares deeply about a wilderness he never visits and strangers far away that he has never met, make sure you have flick knife or a gun in your pocket. If you have created something nice, he hates you, and wants to destroy you and what you created. When good, smart, hard working, cooperative people get together to create something good, bad people want in, and if they get in, trouble ensues.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 10:35:15AM +1000, wrote:
On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
The driving out happens, I just refuse to hold in me that anyone bad exists.
We see bad people maliciously hurting good people, as in the recent open source dramas.
Some people even identify as being bad people.
No they identify as good people - in order to better attack good people.
But their supposed goodness consists in caring deeply about strangers far away in places they could not find on a map, which totally justifies them murdering their mother for the inheritance and cheating their brother out of his share of the inheritance.
If someone cares deeply about a wilderness he never visits and strangers far away that he has never met, make sure you have flick knife or a gun in your pocket.
Wise advice - oftentimes metaphorical, sometimes actual (i.e. be prepared for physical self defence).
If you have created something nice, he hates you, and wants to destroy you and what you created.
When good, smart, hard working, cooperative people get together to create something good, bad people want in, and if they get in, trouble ensues.
Aye. It's tiresome. And supposing you do create a community of some reasonably sane people, a training regime is needed for the younger generations - perhaps in a community of 10 "stable geniuses", allow in one snake on occasion, perhaps to working busy bees or harvests, and observe, and teach your younguns to observe, and more importantly handle. A classic variant, especially in these "gen-Me" days, is The Grasshopper And The Ant". The handling is sometimes the tricky bit. Sometimes perhaps it's best to "let the house burn down" (metaphorically), and start afresh with fewer, and presumably wiser, fellow travellers.

On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 07:20:10 +1000 wrote:
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
ah james the shill and his endless nonsense. Now let's look at reality : "while I can't vote, I did want to say publicly anyway that I really really hope that Obama will be the US president elect after Tuesday night. I realize it probably won't come as a big shock to anybody (yes, I'm a socially liberal open source freak" as to stallman HE is a feminazi who was kicked out of his 'foundation' by the feminazis...
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
but that's what you want isn't it? You want a 'code of conduct' imposed by the orange monkey.

On 11/16/20, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
as to stallman HE is a feminazi who was kicked out of his 'foundation' by the feminazis...
Punk, I don't usually talk to you this way, but since I'm posting obsessively to the list: It sounds like you're concerned about something that's important to you, worried that feminism could pull people away from things that important?

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 07:20:10AM +1000, wrote:
On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we can see them driving out the good people. Peoples homes in Detroit did not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the Debian drama. Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good people. Bad people did bad things to good people.
This. Thank you James. Evil exists within humans, the only question is what we do prior to, during and after, both in the face of our own evil, and in the face of the evil of others. Those with low IQ too often reduce themselves to ever greater attempts to cause others to reduce themselves to the same low IQ and sociopathic positions they hold, in the face of their own failures and their own failure to do the work required to raise their own standard. Quite pathetic really. Some such as "professor rat" (with apologies to rats) would gladly see the Linuses, RMSes and Debian developers "offed" rather than merely "shunned" (literally from "their own" communities which they literally built) as, according to these APsters, that's merely 'collateral damage' and as he stated a day or three ago, "well worth that price". Not everyone agrees with this communist/ leftist "not my culture"al cleansing (genocide machine) Marxist manifesto of course, but that never stopped the massacres - he's right about that part at least: once the rubicon is crossed, war literally finds you, personally. Also note that the "pro rat" high priest of Assassination Politics demands we take his creed as the "truth", and his "guaranteed 'good' outcome eventually", and he completely ignores the few simple concerns and qustions raised, and instead attempted a character assassination on the questioner. Rather than handle the ball, he attacked the man. How weak is that... He failed to even -attempt- to respond meaningfully to any of the 6+1+1=8 fundamental named fail points/ questions/ concerns, re his "glorified and hailed AP" blood revolution "guaranteed to work this time". Really. That is, he utterly failed to handle the ball ... of his own conversation!, and instead attacked the man who asked a few questions as I did. In other words instead of even a hint of ANY meaningful response to the questions, "professor rat" promptly attacked my character, and soon after "apparently" added me, publicly, personally to his "assassinations for which I have paid some money towards" list (how true his loud barking is, is anybody's guess). This is a classic tactic of sociopaths - attack the man, do not handle the ball (even when it's your own) - nothing but pure power and murder as and when needed, "the means justifies the ends, please trust me religiously that the ends will be good". Quite pathetic really - demonstrating that he is a bully, a coward, AND an intellectual fraud. ... Now queue an even bigger bark about even moar money added to my hitlist ledger, from professor rat, now that he is again being called out on his "trust me, THIS time the blood letting will FINALLY work, I promise you, really truly the revolution has not been properly tried before" bullshit: please forget Pol Pot, ignore the rivers of Bolshevik blood, and don't even -think- about Idi Amin - no THIS time the Marxist revolution is going to work, saith Professor Rat the High Priest of assassination politics. Good luck fellow Souls, keep your eyes open, listen carefully, and stay ahead of the curve,

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 03:04:36PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 07:20:10AM +1000, wrote:
On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
On 11/16/20, <> wrote:
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we can see them driving out the good people. Peoples homes in Detroit did not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the Debian drama. Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good people. Bad people did bad things to good people.
Thank you James.
Evil exists within humans, the only question is what we do prior to, during and after, both in the face of our own evil, and in the face of the evil of others.
Those with low IQ too often reduce themselves to ever greater attempts to cause others to reduce themselves to the same low IQ and sociopathic positions they hold, in the face of their own failures and their own failure to do the work required to raise their own standard. Quite pathetic really.
To be sure, high-IQ sociopaths can be far more destructive... as Juan correctly noted, IQ is not correlated with morals.
Some such as "professor rat" (with apologies to rats) would gladly see the Linuses, RMSes and Debian developers "offed" rather than merely "shunned" (literally from "their own" communities which they literally built) as, according to these APsters, that's merely 'collateral damage' and as he stated a day or three ago, "well worth that price".
Not everyone agrees with this communist/ leftist "not my culture"al cleansing (genocide machine) Marxist manifesto of course, but that never stopped the massacres - he's right about that part at least: once the rubicon is crossed, war literally finds you, personally.
Also note that the "pro rat" high priest of Assassination Politics demands we take his creed as the "truth", and his "guaranteed 'good' outcome eventually", and he completely ignores the few simple concerns and qustions raised, and instead attempted a character assassination on the questioner.
Rather than handle the ball, he attacked the man.
How weak is that...
He failed to even -attempt- to respond meaningfully to any of the 6+1+1=8 fundamental named fail points/ questions/ concerns, re his "glorified and hailed AP" blood revolution "guaranteed to work this time". Really.
That is, he utterly failed to handle the ball ... of his own conversation!, and instead attacked the man who asked a few questions as I did.
In other words instead of even a hint of ANY meaningful response to the questions, "professor rat" promptly attacked my character, and soon after "apparently" added me, publicly, personally to his "assassinations for which I have paid some money towards" list (how true his loud barking is, is anybody's guess).
This is a classic tactic of sociopaths - attack the man, do not handle the ball (even when it's your own) - nothing but pure power and murder as and when needed, "the means justifies the ends, please trust me religiously that the ends will be good".
Quite pathetic really - demonstrating that he is a bully, a coward, AND an intellectual fraud.
... Now queue an even bigger bark about even moar money added to my hitlist ledger, from professor rat, now that he is again being called out on his "trust me, THIS time the blood letting will FINALLY work, I promise you, really truly the revolution has not been properly tried before" bullshit: please forget Pol Pot, ignore the rivers of Bolshevik blood, and don't even -think- about Idi Amin - no THIS time the Marxist revolution is going to work, saith Professor Rat the High Priest of assassination politics.
Good luck fellow Souls, keep your eyes open, listen carefully, and stay ahead of the curve,

On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 07:52:57 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-11-16 07:02, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
anarchy is voluntary cooperation so Karl's definition is right.
In order to do anything, you need space to do it in and stuff to do it with, and when many people are cooperating in a space with stuff people are going fight over whose space it is and whose stuff it is.
what are you babbling about son? I mean, you've shown you're a US military industrial complex shill who lie about 9/11. You've explicitly stated you're a monarchist and you think the orange monkey is the emperor of the universe. You are the worst possible kind of deranged shill...and yet you keep babling about topics of which you know NOTHING about? Come on.

On 2020-11-15 22:41, Karl wrote:
Different people will have different opinions here. Each one probably has a little truth to it.
Nah, some people are working for Soros, and do not have their own opinions, just a script. And some people are working for the NSA, and do not have their own opinions, just a script. The shill says "Hail fellow X, I too am an X" To pass as X, shills post lots of stuff lifted from conversations by real Xs, with certain parts of what real Xs say curiously absent, as with antisemitism that cannot acknowledge or mention actual Jewish misconduct by actual Jews such as Soros and Victoria Nuland, and, when discussing technical things like bitcoin or Tor, the stuff lifted gets horribly broken because the script writers lifting bitcoin conversations do not understand what they are lifting. It matters if someone is a loudspeaker for a microphone held far away, and the man holding the microphone is not listening to you, because he has ten thousand similar loudspeakers shouting the same thing in ten thousand places, so many loudspeakers that he needs a Human Resources Department and an IT team to manage them all. It was pretty obvious that the man holding rat's microphone was not listening. Trouble with talking to shills is that it is like talking back to the television. Between you and the person actually speaking, you have a one way channel with only a superficial appearance of interaction.
participants (5)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness