another approach to conveying ideas about surveillance through theater is via commentary on HDTV split-screen... +-------------------+--------------------+ | critique | television | | | show | | o 0 o | | | 0 | 0 | | ==> | 0 o | | | | | |o| ==> | /|\ <--> /\ | | o| o| | ==> | \ || | | | 0 | O | ==> | /\ || | | | | | | | | +-------------------+--------------------+ the aspect ratio could use or shrink a 4:3 aspect ratio for a given show or new content, and then alongside it, to the left have a call center or fundraising booth approach, in league with MSTK3 [3302032.9200] style commentary occurring simultaneously with commentary as satire or otherwise, given original or new content. for instance, an episode for existing or preexisting television comedy could be thus be recontextualized and reinterpreted via this approach, where the surveillance society would have attackers stealing pins via hidden card readers when an actor uses a cash-machine or purchases something at a cash register. likewise, make a phone call and the surveillers light up with commentary about what is going on, adding depth and counterpoint and absurdity into the illusion of the 'secure' context, presented as if normal and everyday. in this way, a theater approach could exist via such conceptual structure and provide a format to explore such ideas via advanced viewpoints and perspectives otherwise lacking or absent in their parallelism, as situations coexist in simultaneous, interacting hidden dimensions these dynamics and relations then, thresholds, boundaries, identity and awareness, as it relates to what is and is not observed, near and far, and how it is all put together or people remain oblivious to the context of their own existence via lack of information or legal protection from events, and shared and-or unshared quasi-'reality' - perhaps a form of wilderness, a condition of rogue ideology waiting for ideas capable of evaluating it [3302032.9200] Mystery Science Theater 3000 hing (hen ated wid ional sta
participants (1)
brian carroll