Re: Journalists Shill Sources and Secrets

At 09:25 PM 3/16/2014, Cari Machet wrote: wait ... are you saying money corrupts ??? if you are saying that corruption is at hand then how can we trust the supposed human beings behind any of these names ? i mean i think you are saying corruption is at hand but i dont want to assume anything... Assume this promotional creed screed for national security journalism: No, media venality is not news. What is worth examining is the long-term exploitation of "national security" as a joint gov-com-edu-org racket to manipulate secretkeeping as a wealth concentration industry. This has been commonplace since the national security state was invented after WW2 and led to need for continuous spying to manufacture enemies and to arm for diddly squat combat against fictious foes by hugely expensive but hardly ever used armaments. Cryptosystems among the black budgetary wastage. In particular cryptosystem popularization (as here and its emulators) as ostensible opposition to the national security racket, begun in the flower-child 60s to flower wildly in the 90s and rise to a kudzu crescendo with Snowden's operation to validate crypto use against illusory enemies within the state, cloaked as usual by the blanket exculpt "to do no harm to national security," then hide behind privileged natsec journalism so dirty and complicit in govenment affairs it needs protection from the public, so merely dribbles dainty tidbits of threats to privacy and to advance the favorite ACLU and EFF lawyerly fund-raising hobgobblin of constitutional violation. FISA Court jiggery-pokery by lawfare warriors indicates that lawyers and judges know diddly about comsec technology but dare not admit it and lose control of the public narrative of threat and protection obligatory in the trillion dollar national security hootenany which compares to organized religion of the medieval era which ruled heaven and earth with fantasticly frightening and pleasuring tales of evil and salvation. Adled journalists are racing to adopt encryption as crusading chain mail raiment, ignorant of how easily it can be penetrated, but no matter, what will really protect the valiant journalists is "constitutional protection," a comedy of conceit and stupidity usually associated with court jesters.
participants (1)
John Young