The Verge: Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be ‘fully mobile’ in 2021

The Verge: Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be ‘fully mobile’ in 2021. Jim Bell's comment: I imagine, and hope, that this news will signal the ability of the Starlink system to be used by people in "freedom-hostile" nations. But, that may depend on how this is implemented. Can anyone buy a dish and use it anywhere on Earth? Without regard to political boundaries?

On 4/17/21, jim bell <> wrote:
The Verge: Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be ‘fully mobile’ in 2021. Jim Bell's comment: I imagine, and hope, that this news will signal the ability of the Starlink system to be used by people in "freedom-hostile" nations. But, that may depend on how this is implemented. Can anyone buy a dish and use it anywhere on Earth? Without regard to political boundaries?
All the new "Mobile Lifestyle", "Digital Workers", and yes even Internet Freedom in regions subject to various forms of censorship, are huge new markets that Starlink can capture. If Starlink wants to take the lead and push the envelope of Starlink adoption into these new frontiers, Starlink needs to accept prepayment for both the Starlink hardware, and the Starlink service, prepaid for up to an entire year of service upfront with one payment... using a variety of different leading cryptocurrencies... Monero-XMR, Bitcoin-BTC, Bitcoin_Cash-BCH, Ethereum-ETC, Zcash-ZEC, and so on over time as any broad pick of a top 10 list of distributed cryptocurrency leaders changes over the years. Tesla already accepts Bitcoin for its cars, and is now being rewarded by reaping many new sales upon making that leap into accepting distributed cryptocurrencies such as among the above for payment. Tesla's competitors are now losing uncaptured market share due to Tesla's wise choice to be the first to accept cryptocurrencies. Not only that, but just as Blockstream is broadcasting Bitcoin from satellite, satellite internet will naturally form strong synergies with distributed cryptocurrencies and the global marketplace, ecommerce, fintech, investing, etc. Starlink must now announce that it will accept cryptocurrencies for its internet service and hardware. Please note that "Digital / Mobile Nomads" "World Travellers" etc, have no use for, thus do not have a "service address" or anything else of the sort... they are in fact permanently mobile. Many live and work and travel in mobile Recreational Vehicles, hardly staying in one spot for more than a few weeks while travelling entire Continents. Starlink is perfect for this already existing and rapidly growing class of users. Not to mention the entire owner operated global Trucking industry, Sea Steaders, etc. Right now these travelling users must use prepaid cellular SIMs to get mobile internet service from the legacy cellular telecoms. That is very cumbersome for them, and is slow unreliable internet service, with monthly interruptions in their life and work to deal with paying bills all around the world in whatever national currencies they happen to be in that month, needing to get new local service in new locales, etc. Nor is cellular available in remote Land and Sea locations. Cellular is a huge pain and they are not happy users. If Starlink adopts a simple prepaid cryptocurrency subscription plan... what address and shipping method to mail the hardware to, and crypto prepayment for the dish and yearly service access by dish serial number, no more than that is needed... then Starlink can easily siphon tens of thousands of mobile users from the legacy Cellular Telcos. These new Starlink users will speak highly of such a simple service, and that will lead to even more sales. The new "Mobile Lifestyle" is a huge sales and marketing opportunity that Starlink needs to cater to, and with a new generation of competitors providing novel internet access in the coming decade, Starlink cannot afford to not capture them.
OG Satcom... $/bandwidth dropping, capacity and number deployed increasing, ever since.
Can anyone buy a dish and use it anywhere on Earth? Without regard to political boundaries?
The bigger question... Can anyone launch their own sats without such regards, when?

Starlink has ability to shut off and does shut off all abusers, thus as among business opportunities lost covered here before, it is irrational why starlink has still not yet allowed anonymous crypto prepaid accounts to acquire and patronize its service and add much needed revenue to its bottom line, and if Musk is walking his twitter talk about free speech, starlink must allow anonymous users for freedom. Elon Musk's Starlink Satellite Internet Hits 400,000 Users SpaceX's Starlink has exponentially grown its subscriber base worldwide this year. The network of thousands of satellites in low Earth orbit, providing high-speed internet anywhere globally, has seen a 275% increase in subs since January. CNBC noted that the Elon Musk-owned company presented the new figures to the Federal Communications Commission in a presentation on May 19. Starlink had 145k subscribers at the beginning of the year. By March, it was 250k, and as of this month, it had 400k. Last week, SpaceX launched a two-stage Falcon 9 rocket with 53 more Starlink internet satellites into orbit. The satellites will expand the company's constellation of more than 2.5k, which provides high-speed internet worldwide. Coverage is set to expand across North America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East by the end of the year, opening the doors for the company to add even more subs. The 400k subs are spread across 48 U.S. states and dozens of countries (36 in total). Starlink's website shows much of the U.S. and Europe have service, but plenty of places worldwide are on a "waitlist." Starlink has also inked deals with two carriers to provide inflight Wi-Fi, which could dramatically increase internet speeds on planes from the dial-up-like speeds that make remote work near impossible. High-speed internet from space is great, but is it a profitable business? Not yet... So Starlink now has 400,000 subs= $530M/yr revenue. It plans 30,000 satellites @ $400,000 each & lasting 5 years. That means it needs $2.4B annual revenue just to break even on satellites. Let's add $500M/yr ground systems + $500M payroll = $3.4B/yr revenue just to BREAK EVEN. — Stanphyl Capital (@StanphylCap) May 25, 2022 Meanwhile, Russia has been trying to jam the internet service as it's being used across Ukraine. Also, Chinese scientists are developing ways to destroy the global network.

On Wed, 25 May 2022 23:03:23 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Starlink has ability to shut off and does shut off all abusers,
look at the technonazi turd grancrap in all its glory. Starshit-NSA has the ability and purpose of 'shuting off' all 'abusers', that is, anybody who doesn't parrot the US jewnazi party line. Imagine grancrap being as stupid as completely showing his true colors...for the 1000th time.

China's Military Must Be Able To Destroy SpaceX's Starlink Satellites: Researchers The Chinese military must be able to destroy SpaceX's Starlink satellites if they pose a threat to national security, according to an April publication by Chinese military researchers. The researchers speculated that US military drones and stealth fighter jets could boost their data transmission speed by more than 100x using the Starlink network. Notably, SpaceX has signed a contract with the US Department of Defense to develop technology based on the Starlink platform - which includes instruments sensitive enough to track hypersonic weapons traveling at 5x the speed of sound or faster. The paper also recommends developing a satellite surveillance system with 'unprecedented scale and sensitivity' in order to track every Starlink satellite, according to the South China Morning Post. The study was led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications under the PLA’s Strategic Support Force. Co-authors included several senior scientists in China’s defence industry. -SCMP "A combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the constellation’s operating system," reads the paper, published in China's peer-reviewed journal Modern Defence Technology. SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk is generally considered popular in China, however he received harsh criticism after two Starlink satellites came 'dangerously close' to the Chinese space station last year. Starlink satellites could threaten China’s national security in space and on the ground, according to the researchers. Photo: Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Musk notably provided over 12,000 Starlink dishes to Ukraine to help facilitate broadband internet amid the war with Russia - which SpaceX is providing free of charge. "All critical infrastructure uses Starlink, all structures that are needed for the state’s functioning use them," said Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine's minister for digital transformation. "We need to receive them constantly because they are one of the elements of the foundation of our fight and resilience. Another concern from the Chinese researchers is that Starlink satellites all contain ion thrusters, which could allow them to rapidly change orbits for a rapid move against high-value targets in space. On the public-facing side of things, Starlink's popularity has continued to grow - experiencing a 275% increase since January. The research paper also suggests that the unprecedented scale and flexibility of the Starlink system would allow the West to insert military payloads into SpaceX commercial launches - necessitating the development of new anti-satellite capabilities and a surveillance system that can obtain super-sharp images of small satellites in order to identify unusual features. China claims it has already developed numerous ground-based laser imaging devices that can photograph orbiting satellites at a millimetre-resolution, but in addition to optical and radar imaging, the country also needs to be able to intercept signals from each Starlink satellite to detect any potential threat, according to Ren. He said China had also showed its ability to destroy a satellite with a missile, but this method could produce a large amount of space debris, and the cost would be too high against a system consisting of many small, relatively low-cost satellites. -SCMP "The Starlink constellation constitutes a decentralised system. The confrontation is not about individual satellites, but the whole system. This requires some low-cost, high-efficiency measures," wrote the researchers. SCMP notes that Chinese scientists have already developed lasers for blinding or damaging satellites, as well as cyber weapons that can attempt to hack into the satellite communication network.

On Thu, 26 May 2022 22:48:22 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
SpaceX has signed a contract with the US Department of Defense to develop technology based on the starshit platform
duh - how long have the pentagon turds grancrap and jim bell been 'advertising' the latest pentagon toy?
participants (3)
jim bell