../correction_regarding; = "last {urls} list", a needed clarification about applied concrete, its also massive and important role in reconceptualization. bridges, hi-ways, skyscrapers along with steel, office parks via CMUs. innovative material- and form-based aesthetics (its own language or dialect, syntax, grammar, etc). medium for ideas, shapes ideas, opens up new areas for development & interpretation. (note: basis for approach of Le Corbusier (aka 'the crow'), structure/order- 'organizational logic' as parti; and FLlW use of concrete masonry units and precast concrete as vital to new ideas). yet architecture is still much more than these things, it remains a detail, sometimes of major significance other times not in the 'ideas' involved. sometimes innovative, etc. yet in a larger context or situation, larger goals and functioning than just concrete itself, alone, as the variable. in other words 'the ideas of architecture' are not containable just within concrete, though it can and does have major influence at certain stages and within specific approaches. its conceptual innovation feeds into architecture and vice-versa, symbiotic, including conceptual stagnation due to loss of larger vision (ideas) and greater purpose at scales involved due to narrowed_focus(), etc(etc). Crypto Museum http://www.cryptomuseum.com/ http://www.cryptomuseum.com/mission.htm The Future "Modern cryptographic equipment consists of nothing more than a 'black box' with powerful digital processors and advanced mathematical algorithms. There is not much to see, and there are definitely no moving parts. We realize that this is probably where our collection of historical cipher equipment will end. However, there are numerous earlier cipher machines and much of this is still undiscovered. 'New' old machines will, no doubt, pup-up and many side-tracks will be walked. Furthermore, the history of some famous cipher machines is still very clouded, leaving much to be researched and much to be discovered in the years to come. "On the Crypto Museum website, we have done our best to raise an interest in historical cipher machines and cryptology in general. Where possible, we will give as much background information as we can. Perhaps you too will eventually get contaminated with the Crypto Virus. If it happens, be careful as it might get under your skin. August 2010, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons /unquote [video] Fully functional loudspeaker is 3-D printed http://phys.org/news/2013-12-fully-functional-loudspeaker-d.html "Lipson said he hopes this simple demonstration is just the "tip of the iceberg." 3-D printing technology could be moving from printing passive parts toward printing active, integrated systems, he said." Airline Runways renumbered when Earth's Magnetic field shifts... http://gizmodo.com/why-we-renumber-runways-when-the-earths-magnetic-field-14... // see video. only 6 weeks to claim universal empirical effects... The Mozart Effect myth: research finds music doesn't make you smarter http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/12/5204124/the-mozart-effect-myth-research-f... (note: headline made me wonder what the difference actually is in terms of intelligence or ability to think and process information in a different conceptual framework/model, from those who actually _play music, to those who are _trained to remotely reproduce "music", say musical compositions repeated for 240 years from the institutionalized cultural canon, versus making your own music, exploring musical principles versus rote behaviorism that may remove those learning principles from the interaction, so people as tape recorders in a context of music playback, repeating someone elses musical learning, versus developing their own via unique exploration and grounding. the latter approach would seem to indicate 'new information' models could develop whereas repetition of preexisting structures and approaches may limit this to a realm of memorization, for instance. likewise, any effects from playing music may require longer-term integration to be expressed as intelligence, years even, as motor skills and new neuronal connections and pathways take hold, rewiring the brain, and six weeks is not going to allow this known and basic benefit to be evaluated. it may be a time of peak confusion, instead, because it is new knowledge not yet integrated so to test on that is to force its benefits into a realm of observable tangibility it may not be able to provide, though may still exist as this inside people, expressing itself over a longer time.) Alligators and Crocodiles Use Tools to Hunt, in a First // via digg http://www.livescience.com/41898-alligators-crocodiles-use-tools.html Stealth maneuver allows nectar bats to target insect prey http://phys.org/news/2013-12-stealth-maneuver-nectar-insect-prey.html "The results, published in the journal Functional Ecology, show that the bat's echolocation calls were high in frequency but low in intensity making it difficult for {'bat-detecting ears' of} the insect to detect the imminent danger. Man Walks All Day to Create Massive Snow Patterns // via hh http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/simon-beck-snow-art-update-2 https://www.facebook.com/snowart8848/photos_stream :-:-:-: Ten books - Vitruvius, recontextualization :-:-:-: i wanted to substantiate an approach to crypto in a larger context from its parallel within architecture as a discipline that involves real-time development based on principles that are shared as a framework and value system, in other words common consciousness about a given domain or areas of importance or relevance as this effects what can or cannot develop. in the existing late 20th c. worldview my research interests into electrification as critical to understanding the existing built environment had no place within the history books. such views are literally erased, censored from books, both as content though also imagery, there are few 'electrical poles' in those fashion photographs of buildings, removing the ubiquitous context of infrastructure, as if they function in a more pure condition than are reliant upon an external source of power, light, heat, than 'the elements' of nature and sunlight. because those are the beliefs, shade shadow mass spatial experience, pre-electric, communication about experience shared in a context of 'the senses' removed of their electromagnetic truth, such that ungrounded subjectivism and indoctrination into a world view is established and _must be followed to succeed in the systematized view and training to become an architect, within such narrowed parameters. to continue to extend the existing ideology in this way. so it was necessary to find justification for such thinking and consideration, and Plato offers this in terms of conceptualizing the state as a body, essentially a nervous system. and then considering this in terms of its governance. how the individual and group are established via various principles of relation, what is prioritized, etc. there were also many fragmentary views from Modernist masters relating to electrical aesthetics, i think it was Walter Gropius who related the eyeball to the television set, and Le Corbusier had great interest in the aesthetics of electrification, generators, motors, turbines. and so an archaeological aspect, yet not integrated into a larger framework. so as it happens, this continues to a threshold where scholar-architects Venturi, Scott-Brown, and Izenour share very insightful observations about the developing electromagnetic landscape, to include such aesthetics of infrastructure relied upon (in the desert no less, for life sustaining a/c and casinos and signage: essentially OASIS and MIRAGE), in their Learning from Las Vegas and yet the strong and silent type still does not mention or investigate the electrical order while certainly referencing it and including it within the chaos of the built environment in the photographs taken. and yet, in architectural history, there is supposedly no precedent, no way to make the case that this infrastructure is an extension of architecture, of fundamental and foundational relation as an ordering device within the city grid, its planned development (ala plug-in city, though originating millennia ago). and yet there is direct lineage with these billboards along the highway that cars drive by and signage along busy routes near ancient cities, the present day is an extension of similar structure and order over a long span of time. it is part of a language, although it may become subconscious, mediated in other terms or only indirectly, else could be edited out as 'not architecture' which is the default loophole. (http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/learning-las-vegas) what interested me about this, and i am not sure exactly the sequence my readings occurred, though in deciding to delve into reading a classic work of literature, the earliest account of architectural authority (in the West) in terms of its classical culture and development, if not mistaken, is that it was unlike the existing conception of what architecture is, and had a far wider boundary for knowledge and interpretation that today has been narrowed by special and private interests in a 'training approach' to office workers than an educational approach that questioned the parameters of architecture, beyond a confined technical enterprise that overlaps aesthetics onto a deterministic approach to answered problems of culture, society, economic development, and political agendas driving the development, its destructiveness. Ten Books on Architecture - Vitruvius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_architectura so what took me by surprise is that the architect is speaking of not only geometry and the proportion of temples and buildings at that time, based on the classical ordering systems... (Classical Orders: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan, Composite) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_order ...though also about armaments and fortifications, about the quality of water in wells (wells that produce black bile or something along these lines), and various other important areas of knowledge in terms of buildings and development in their larger realm of functioning, which today would include areas like environment and defense as part of this architectural inquiry and area of knowledge- for how architecture exists and functions. In this way, to understand nature and surrounding culture, infrastructure would fit into this same approach, and without it the existing dwellings, buildings, the entire built environment, cities themselves- do not make any sense because they cease to function without electricity. A skyscraper no longer functions in this era without electrical elevators and ventilation systems, lighting, etc. A home would lose its washing machine, food storage, communications ability, etc. And yet this vital and basic information is left out of the equation, removed from architecture as a viewpoint, which is ridiculous, and not allowed in 'reasoning' within the schools likewise. In this way the ideas of architecture are shallow, hollowed out of their meaning for a surface-based interpretation, which serves a particular oil-based development agenda perfectly. the reason this was introduced here is because of ancient principles now absent within the realm of architecture: approximated as Commidity, Firmness, and Delight... these principles are often presumed or claimed to exist for the given approach to image-based development yet have become signage-only, language game seeking to misrepresent what is going on, as if more is occurring, higher minded activity than a base activity under the guise of architecture Commodity, Firmness, and Delight, or Toward a New Architectural Attitude http://classicistne.wordpress.com/2010/12/13/commodity-firmness-and-delight-... (for instance, commodity replaced by anti-economy as 'economics'; firmness by using false foundation and understanding for development, thus developing ungrounded civilization, and 'bliss of ignorance' delight while this process is being subverted for ulterior motives). There is misalignment and misrepresentation and short-circuiting and a sabotaged detour going on within the ancient_tradition of architecture, whereby today is functions directly against and in opposition to these principles, most especially in the area they could be evaluated and-or acknowledged, within the education system which instead is ruled by an anti-architecture ideology. against thought, against action, functioning against truth, grounded reasoning itself. and then one day recently in trying to remember the above tripartite concept, the mingling of its present incarnation as Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt appeared in the fog of my mind, though was rendered as: Fear, Uncertainty, and Delight, instead. and to me this illuminated this very closely correlated development, removed of its camouflage, suc that FUD is the equivalent set of principles by which development occurs in a context of developing of this insecurity, uncertainty, and incapacitation of people, most notably through ideology of relativism and binary views based on biased authority structures and control over reasoning and feedback. another sample of wreckage from this same broken brain is that of the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, the book and also the excellent movie (c.1949) with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountainhead http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountainhead_%28film%29 there is controversy over interpretation of the ideas involved, though i think an accurate grounding of observation neutralizes the beliefs, when truth is the arbiter of actions and not just ego, as if belief in superior vision is justification for higher awareness development that others just cannot understand and thus lone geniuses stand alone in obscurity, which then is how the corruption of the star system occurs with celebrity architecture and development of 'aesthetic buildings' are removed from larger issues of economics, societal, and their political reliance and extension of given systems of corrupt power, instead of questioning these, and thus in some sense 'the cathedrals' built represent these values, as if glossy advertisements for a culture devoid of culture, just about shiny objects and immediate sensory experience that no longer connects with larger surrounding issues or has a larger impact on lives than in an ecological negative, like playing music on the titanic as it is sinking, yet not accounting for this part of the situation, as if heightened experience when instead blindness. the entire system supporting this development, all students, interning as peasants to upkeep offices that churn out cultural pablum as if 'high conceptualization' when devoid of this, in truth. then the conceit of the architect in this domain, as if knowledgeable of what is going on as if in continuance of vitrivuian awareness, or mastery within the built environment, when basic reasoning and observation long ago failed in order to support the ruling oppressive ideology. so here is the contrast, the other way of considering this: that the architect who removes themselves from the process of development as an individual (i.e. human), then revolves around the issue of identity, awareness, self-conception. issues of governance, models of the state from individual to group, such that a 'shared identity' (humans) could be this same individual and may have removed themselves from the existing treachery, allowed this process of devolution to occur, and thus the absence of architecture, its truth, then can be made evident, the lack of culture in those 'representing culture' as stand-ins, mimics, of a false order and false reality and false perspective sustained and relied upon for the shallow relations based on another foundation or set of parameters: say, base materialism, money. further, 'the architect' may be assumed to thus be one person, one individual, yet in this way a shared identity can compose this person, such that the person is human, and as others are also human, they too are involved in this condition, via shared awareness and values. thus, a networking of realization or shared state as it were, via whatever conceptual scaffolding or consciousness is sustained as entablature, such that wave-collapse does not occur, and the post-and-lintel connections between here and there are sustained between human beings. likewise and vitally important, that 'architecture' is a meta-condition as exampled by ancient conception that ranges beyond the existing modeling, yet is fragmented and not integrated as a total discipline in this way. naval architecture is one aspect, traditionally, though also computer architecture and other areas. the principles or even code, common structures, and programming (such that, for instance, music and architecture are closely empirically related, and essentially everything is, in terms of aesthetics in terms of its truth and intelligence), then a wider range of activity may be occuring as 'architecture' than is accounted for, and yet it may be the truth of its condition, as certain principles are or are not observed and served. for instance, serving public interest by having safe water and waste disposal infrastructure versus relying on toxic systems that despoil the environment, or stewardary of wildlife and landscape and environments as this relates to weather and ecosystems or denying these or exploiting them, say with engineering weather for political manevering and strategy, and to enact certain development patterns via forced desertification and manipulating demographic and other flow patterns, as this can become an illegal basis for creating and sustaining power, off the books, because it is not included in the observations or analysis, unaccounted for. further, that any 'architecture' is not at the hand and mind just of the architect, though in its *implementation*, involving all who are involved in its development, relying upon a shared awareness and value system (truth) else subverted in its conception, communication, and construction, by sabotage or other mistakes, errors, or misalignments that weaken it. and thus the coherence in the group action to build something upon a foundation, and how this is achieved, from idea to its actualization (just like circuitry in technological devices that then can break in or out of warranty via poor manufacturing or deceitful practices baked-in). it is this myth of completely independent action, that the individual achieves something in its entirely -alone- that is a clean-room conceptualization of a process that involves many who are part of the larger process of design, construction, and development, and that this 'functioning together as one' is in some sense 'the architect' in its larger coherent state, of shared awareness, continuum throughout the various circuitry that establishes and sustains relations in their truth, in the shared direction, moving together towards the same goals. each person having an important role, each part having its own importance in achieving functioning of the larger integerated whole. not just as a machine, as a culture, as an idea though further- a living idea, a living truth that is shared, that governs, principles that are not merely referred to and referenced as if authority, and instead, awareness and understanding that is based within and upon knowing, a way of being or competency that develops in each as a unique vantage of the common situation, another perspective yet contributing toward a total perspective, allowing error correction and greater accuracy than any single viewpoint. in this way the people who create the materials are part of the building process, part of the vital development of civilization and culture, those who construct buildings and systems and develop this order are vital for its implementation and have feedback and insight to offer as part of this process, for how given approaches could be improved or made more economical or with greater strength or durability. in this way, this coordinated empirical shared effort of many functioning as one, to include engineers, designers, craftspeople, tradespeople, workers, manufacturers, technologists, scientists, and others, including programmers and security developers --- all of these people are involved in the 'ideas' of architecture, as it is integrated beyond narrowed boundaries and considered as a larger conceptual model of how it actually functions, when accounting for its various and many details and manifestations and dimensions that must be developed, designed, built, and implemented correctly and successfully, for the project to have integrity. to be able to endure over time and function correctly, versus being designed and developed to fall apart as today via any number of compromises or unshared goals, lowered principle. in other words, the potential exists that 'the architect' is in this larger scale and framework of shared activity amongst many functioning as one, and that no single person could feasibly be functioning in all these domains, (unless extraordinary circumstances of all-knowing, then all truth would be addressed not ignored in the building process, tending towards utopia). this is to suggest that 'architecture' could be occurring within a wide range of realms that are not yet integrated in a larger conception, conceptualization, or modeling accurately maps to its true nature and functioning, its inherent interdisciplinary awareness that integrates into a cohesive understanding spanning these various domains. and lacking this, the conceit would be that a person could know more than a tiny fragment of this immensity and alone be able to shape all of these forces and meld them into a direction as an individual, because of their truth, instead of having this be an issue of 'shared identity' of those like who also relate to the situation in similar dimensions and together can move towards a given direction as one entity, diverse and multiplicitous yet organized, gaining not losing coherence- order. and in this way, perhaps a context of entropy and ideas, likewise, and security issues involved. (in other words: it is not ungrounded group ego detached from or ignoring 'truth' that is this shared momentum as development, nor of an individual that is part of this. such that each pseudo-work is considered 'the great work' that amounts to mediocrity, if analyzed further beyond narrowed boundary. instead, of integrity, foundation common to action, verified and sustained and modeled in its truth, in service to it, then each point relating to others, lineage from one structuring to the next, nodes interconnecting within dimensions, this awareness, then interactions that build upon this stability, this accurate understanding and modeling, such that it is a common or shared development, it benefits the whole and the part and each is in service to the truth of others who are operating within shared principles, dimensions, and then learning from others, integrating views, understanding, awareness, evolving a higher capacity and improving, optimizing functioning, relation, communication, ability to operate with cohesion yet still error-correct. what are the rules, logic, truth, reasoning, falsifiability, the ability of debate to lead to win-win interactions even while in contest because truth benefits all through its discovery and development, new social dynamics and understanding and awareness based on this, difficulties faced betwixt-and-between as the conflict or friction is extreme, working through the wrong models or moving through the false concepts or limitations, breaking things down, pain and agony of not knowing or having limited questioning and then requestioning, losing certainty, only to regain basic truth and model for any interaction, governance versus politics, basic versus applied, novice vs. expert, and role of learning and literacy and basic questions as the place this functioning occurs, as people move together towards a higher-order or dimensional integration, over time...) == sidenote A == note: i am not familiar with the indepth reasoning of Rem Koolhaas related to ~shopping as a cultural activity though to me it cracked a nut that opens a new universe of analysis about the actual behavior of people in terms of material culture, social relations, etc. in that it provides a context for evaluations on par with anthropology and archeology, of the present situation. review: The Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/16/style/a-harvard-shopping-guide-charge-it.h... so this is meant to provide context for the following ideas... that is, there is more to gain from a commercial advertisement in its cultural depth than just a monetary transaction. (this moves into the business page of daily newspapers as a tally of ongoing applied philosophy, where business philosophy is the presiding worldview, the shared communication that most effects the transformation and development of culture- as ideas. (moreso: ideology though, as many sacred beliefs are unquestionable and most things occur in such rigid frameworks, ungrounded from external variables and falsifications, so essentially protected views that can be and are weak structurally, though within a bubble civilization seem peak insight). beyond scaling of unchecked materialism and profit-based onesided exchange (of beliefs) there can be lots going on in the development of material artifacts, processes, as these effect social relations, activities, various detailing of or within culture, in given sets of parameters. of the basic situation then of commerce, exchange, things that are conceived of, invented or extended, -made-, developed into systems small and large, then of the corresponding ideas attached to them, that move alongside the movement of artifacts as they located in culture, and find their place. as if shards of pottery someday to be unearthed in various geographies that then matches a common culture across distances and differences, via such evidence. then to encounter such an advertisement: DIGITAL MIND, ANALOG SOUL http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2012/11/analogfourhtsynth92.jp... rel. [video] Elektron announces Analog Four synthesizer http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/13/elektron-announces-analog-four-synthesize... SOS review http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may13/articles/elektron-analog-four.htm what was remarkable to me, having memory issues, is how research into a drum machine (a related product on the company site) then led to a graphic about another music tool that went high concept, into a realm of big ideas and reminded me of the question i repeatedly wonder about and then forget, once having known the basic situation.... part of the human nervous system is actually digital and part of it is analog. and to me this is an important fact about the technological environment people are living within, especially in terms of sensing and how coupling with external signals and communications or exfiltration of biological or physiological information could occur, if not aspects of remote control over the nervous system via these same means. and yet as shared view or model of humanity to discuss ongoing oppressive dynamics in worse-case scenarios- non-existent! not awareness or understanding except within a field of expertise that is often politicized, such that there are agendas within professions; political science -> political medicine -> political neurology and the next thing you know a drone is flyign overhead and the emg-test you last had forces a twitch in your arm via EM reflex and you drive off the cliff. do not need to wait for automated cars to steer you off the road, it can already happen today, if such systems are 'weaponized'. what is to prevent such dynamics from existing if they are not accounted for. and thus this is only one aspect, the danger of not knowing, yet what may be realized if such a model of the electromagnetic human was understood or part of the conceptualization of shared relations, part of the intellectual framework that mediates the world in a sea of toxic signalling, and what is the limit or boundary for this happening, (the entire education system for starters) so a non EM-worldview and non-EM humans existing in electromagnetic civilization as shared context yet believing the self 'outside' this perspective for analysis and evaluation, having rationalized and accounted for activity only in non-EM terms and conceptualization. sounds like the wrong mathematics of zero again. what is the structure of the human nervous system, how does this digital and-or analog circuitry relate to issues of infrastructure, wireless communication, potential frameworks for consciousness, embodiment, being. (note: in exploring basic electronics, the category of sensors fascinated me, especially in regard to common features they share, such as strain, and their often ~analog nature, as well as a principle of reversibility in functioning, as if of a deeper symbiotic connection involved) (what then does it mean for an all-digital computer in terms of 'processing' or reasoning, versus a hybrid system that matches functionality of nervous system in its dynamic range) How brains go from digital to analogue http://freshscience.org.au/2008/how-brains-go-from-digital-to-analogue [quote] “We not only saw that nerve impulses are able to send out signals in an analogue manner, but we also found this could be perceived by neighbouring nerve cells if located close enough.” The more closely cells are connected to each other, the more information can be received from the analogue signal. [unquote] // mixed analog-digital nature of communication (ref. 3/645) Brain Communicates in Analog and Digital Modes Simultaneously http://news.yale.edu/2006/04/12/brain-communicates-analog-and-digital-modes-... [quote] “It’s as if everyone thought communication in the brain was like a telegraph, but actually it turned out to be more similar to a telephone,” he said. [unquote] (note: digital as on/off switch and analog as grey-area switch or gauge) [video] IS LIFE ANALOG OR DIGITAL? -- FREEMAN DYSON http://edge.org/conversation/is-life-analog-or-digital note: ANALOG IS MORE POWERFUL THAN DIGITAL (is information that exists outside a computer analog/digital, is a non-virtual material_artifact and thus matter_itself analog/digital? is energy analog and-or digital. in what domain is culture occurring as consciousness, as communication. ideas. where is crypto, only digital???) [excerpt] II. Philosophers' Distinctions - II.1 Von Neumann http://www.ellieepp.com/theory/analog/analog5.html "The nervous system is based on two types of communications: those which do not involve arithmetical formalisms, and those which do, i.e. communications of orders (logical ones) and communications of numbers (arithmetical ones). The former may be described as language proper, the latter as mathematics. (von Neumann, 1958, 80)" Von Neumann's The Computer and the Brain, written in 1956 and published in 1958, made the analog/digital distinction relevant to philosophy by claiming that the logics and mathematics of the central nervous system, viewed as representational systems, must "structurally be essentially different from those languages to which our common experience refers" (1958, 82). He has in mind here both natural language and binary mathematics. [...] == sidenote B == as with crypto basics and possibilities, it is my belief that the basic breadboard circuit in its actual dynamics has not been fully accounted for, in that the relation of charge (+/-) including neutral or 'ground' is not adequately modeled in accurate terms of existence and instead a structural skew exists that sends everything into a particular direction. also with crypto that becomes about mathematic equations and 'beliefs' about signage, than of other dynamics that exist in the same realm yet whose dimensions may be unrecognized, ignored, or without value in a given methodology or approach, while inherently relevant to the core ideas and cryptologic processes. i do not think or believe the basic circuit has been figured out, that it remains a question. that the analog digital aspects of the circuit may be wrongly modeled or conceptualized in the actual terms they exist - because LOGIC. because of a binary (and yes, thus 'digital' ideology) approach that favors a certain rationalization as if universal reasoning when it breaks down at a given threshold or boundary yet continues on as a 'belief system' in certain assumptions and views that can be inaccurate or illusory, if not deceptive, false. when the dynamics between a basic circuit and model of the atom and thus molecules in which the identical charge relations exist and provide momentum -do not align or match up- in terms of how they are conceived and what is going on with grounding (mathematics of zero), such that "infinity" is made or modeled as if finite, removed from dynamics, then the potential that is in the realm of N-value is also removed, made 'digital' as it were even with analog modeling. and it would seem so too crypto, 'quantum' processing itself seemingly more analog in the range of parallelism as basis for computation, as a natural process of equilibrium even, perhaps. and how much of the multi- or non-linearity of circuitry, its ecological or ecosystem based ~complex dynamics similar exist in this as a foundational, fundamental context, firstly, before the digital even develops as a simple on/off switch, then to represent and model _everything in that reductionist framework, and claim its signage to represent all that is. (without accurate logical accounting can such modeling be accurate in its grounded truth, if this truth is unrecognized or unreferenced beyond binary biasing and distortion (digital worldview?). how much of observation is contained or trapped within its warping(etc);) maybe thinking is not up-to-speed with material interactions, a gap between models and reality, yet beliefs in accurate representations that are limiting, based on misconceptions. thus, remove logic (empirical and error-corrected grounded reasoning) and electromagnetism, and try conceptualizing computers and crypto in that context and see what happens. this. computers are based on _logic, yet a particular kind that is warped and ideological and is in error as a neutral observational viewpoint. developing this bias as technological worldview is then enshrining a false empiricism and vault of the 'digital sky' as consciousness when it acts and functions against actual consciousness in its ungrounded, unchecked state, as if 'being' itself. exploitation of this condition (a kind of magic, sorcercy) tending towards evil as it moves further and further away from truth and serves and extends the false approach, what is essentially a shared lie if facts and truth are ignored, censored, etc. total power, control over a developing system that at its core is based on error. here, morality, ethics, absence of law that upholds the false framework as it is institutionalized, "believed" via leap of faith, ignoring the gap, denying the gap, for all the material rewards it can yield to its developers. unchecked of course, forbid from error correction. the representation replacing reality. the sign becoming truth, that detachment, ungrounded condition. just like circuit & adam. (also: quantum computer of people, shared consciousness in parallel empirical evaluation) == random == 1. if prohibition of alcohol = control of speech, as a side-effect, via behavioral influence, that is, sobriety; what is prohibition of crypto? control of controversial thoughts and connections, an indirect form of secondary censorship. Fahrenheit 451 tactics- actual crypto the fire. 2. if everything is backdoored already, essentially key escrow exists as the basic situation, instead of having private keys the NSA has a master key per standard, implementation, other. if this was inside a known legal framework, that perhaps would be tolerable with oversight, yet without oversight where tyranny takes over, then everything is pawned/owned by NSA who could forcibly censor without consequence as part of a hidden political strategy, etc. (all tools broken so a crypto scheme can function, leading to all tools remotely breakable?) 3. question of literature as applied cryptography in linguistic/typographic model, and also cryptology in decryption approaches to embedded codes and ciphers, yet perhaps not a strategy for encryption within ordinary bounded means and measures. are there in this way two or more distinct approaches, only one that finds itself in the parameters of computer encryption/decryption as modeled, and the others reside in a realm of data mining and other statistical correlations that may function in a realm of cryptanalysis and-or code-breaking though using different tools and approaches than strong encryption that currently reigns. 4. is there a unified crypto scheme or is it fragmented and does not recognize itself in the mirror as its own 'whole' self due to a limit for this structural-conceptual integration. in this way could cryptography be schizoid in having two or more parallel systems, disconnected strategies that function outside boundaries of the other, and may remain unrecognized. that is, literature/language/linguistics as crypto versus mathematic encrypt/decrypt schemes, each having their own ecosystems and boundaries, paths that may never cross or meet within the given parameters or dimensions as evaluated by the other, or may exist as unbroken ciphers within other ciphers, encrypted code within decrypted communications that remains unrecognized due to this unrelated, ungrounded condition between them. 5. in this way could having 'answers' at the ready (GOTO 2) then provide confirmational bias that a correct decrypt has been achieved within a limited view that then becomes foundation for a false perspective, represented by mathematics. and may a particular rationalization (GOTO 1) that is enforced as if objectivity defined, then become the basis for an illusion of mastery or control over limited dimensionality and observational frameworks, themselves becoming the basis for an insecure crypto framework (see 1). in other words, without or banning abberations, then leading to a false condition of certainty by containing what is or may be uncontainable, making finite the infinite question and potential parameters into a 'small world'(model); ineffective at best in accounting for actual crypto, operating. 6. does a hybrid crypto approach exist that remains unrecognized, whereby both a linguistic even 'literature-based' crypto could exist alongside mathematical encryption techniques yet remain unrecognized in the "official" institutional model of cryptography, perhaps even with a missing cryptological foundation or background, that limits a realm of computer crypto to a narrow investigation of algorithms and security inside a bounded, finite domain? (see 3/645) [image] A 47-Year-Old Prediction Comes True // via hh http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20131213160729-4444200-a-47-year-... Keeping the lights on: Mechanical engineer finds a way to predict cascading power outages http://phys.org/news/2013-12-mechanical-cascading-power-outages.html "Each individual component does not know what the collective state of affairs is," said Mezic. Current methods rely on a steady, abundant supply, producing enough energy to flow through the grid at all times, regardless of demand, he explained. However, should part of a grid already operating at capacity fail—say in times of disaster, attack or malfunction—widespread blackouts all over the system can occur. "Everybody shuts down," Mezic said. The big surges of power left unregulated by the malfunctioning component can either overload and burn out other parts of the grid, or cause them to shut down to avoid damage, he explained. The result is a massive power outage and subsequent economic and physical damage. The Northeast Blackout of 2003 was one such event, affecting several U.S. states and part of Canada, crippling transportation, communication and industry. [unquote] {educational fair-use of copyright, 2013} 1/-12 -12/18 9/2

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 12:33 PM, brian carroll <electromagnetize@gmail.com> wrote:
... The Future
"Modern cryptographic equipment consists of nothing more than a 'black box' with powerful digital processors and advanced mathematical algorithms. There is not much to see, and there are definitely no moving parts. We realize that this is probably where our collection of historical cipher equipment will end. However, there are numerous earlier cipher machines and much of this is still undiscovered. 'New' old machines will, no doubt, pup-up and many side-tracks will be walked. Furthermore, the history of some famous cipher machines is still very clouded, leaving much to be researched and much to be discovered in the years to come.
"On the Crypto Museum website, we have done our best to raise an interest in historical cipher machines and cryptology in general. Where possible, we will give as much background information as we can. Perhaps you too will eventually get contaminated with the Crypto Virus. If it happens, be careful as it might get under your skein.
there are variations... i am afflicted with the contagious and acute Entropus Major virus. and now, any crypto system of which i am not able to see the input randomness, by precision jitters or max rate sampled freewheelers, or even that crazy faraday'ed up leadzone with Geiger counter she told you about at BSides, but hide that sweet sweet river of unrelated bits behind a bytecode block?? that's just not cool! until then, i've "borrowed" Peter G's d20's for a bit - hope he doesn't need to roll them any time soon. ;P
== random == 1. if prohibition of alcohol = control of speech, as a side-effect, via behavioral influence, that is, sobriety;
i never considered prohibition as constraint on state of mind in public, mainly thinking along monetary and covert economic activity angles. but considering the public, and the multitudes of social scenes no longer "lubricated" or under shadow of persecution, this would have a direct and personal impact on many. certainly a world removed from the producers and distribution activity, which tends to monopolize the zeitgeist of the prohibition era.
what is prohibition of crypto? control of controversial thoughts and connections, an indirect form of secondary censorship. Fahrenheit 451 tactics- actual crypto the fire.
crypto-compromise as frantic inferno is not quite right., the impact is almost invisible, until it is dire and potentially life-ruining. global compromise for ever-present surveillance is crypto-HIV sure, you're fine now. probably a while, no concerning symptoms. then OMGWTFBBQ punctuated equilibrium, over-reaction, suddenly crypto-AIDS just ate your life and shat out terminal-solitary-confinement and/or financial ruin. plenty of company with all the other susceptible individuals, more than you imaged... equally destroyed by a silent corrupter too easy to ignore ETOOLATE
2. if everything is backdoored already, essentially key escrow exists as the basic situation, instead of having private keys the NSA has a master key per standard, implementation, other. if this was inside a known legal framework, that perhaps would be tolerable with oversight, yet without oversight where tyranny takes over, then everything is pawned/owned by NSA who could forcibly censor without consequence as part of a hidden political strategy, etc. (all tools broken so a crypto scheme can function, leading to all tools remotely breakable?)
they call it "Tailored Access" and "Computer Network Exploitation" for "enabling". ... when they aren't having the FBI violating domestic providers in their NSL hole. it's legit. on a more serious note, regarding the assumption: "if everything is backdoored already, essentially key escrow exists" NSA has stated that many of their BULLRUN techniques are incredibly fragile. a number of them now burned in leaks, many yet to get stuffed. if they "did it risky"[0], perhaps feeling emboldened by the seeming success of Dual_EC_DRBG and friends, a common key / reduction hidden behind AES-128 rounds could be discovered, independently confirmed, and properly attributed. so not only can the backdoors be broken up, replacements which are resistant to compromise will take their stead. "everything" becomes "much" becomes "very little" until ideally such invasive tactics are reserved for HUMINT tasked "good ol'e detective work" with legal bonafides judged according to public laws and applicable to all persons on earth, not just tribal deference pointed inward. the jury is out; there are encouraging signs... but first, back to those raw samples!! best regards, 0. "Some thoughts on suborning encryption chips" http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/p/some-thoughts-on-suborning-encrypt... """ A much easier approach is to simply eschew safety altogether and use a fixed AES key that's common to all chips. [ED: or fixed modification to the AES-CBC-MAC compressor then masked by the DRBG in front using "Stealthy Dopant-Level Hardware Trojans."] But the NSA would never do something that risky. Right? """

== random ==
1. if prohibition of alcohol = control of speech, as a side-effect, via behavioral influence, that is, sobriety;
coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
i never considered prohibition as constraint on state of mind in public, mainly thinking along monetary and covert economic activity angles.
but considering the public, and the multitudes of social scenes no longer "lubricated" or under shadow of persecution, this would have a direct and personal impact on many.
certainly a world removed from the producers and distribution activity, which tends to monopolize the zeitgeist of the prohibition era.
this observation arose from a recent conversation about influence of alcohol on behavior and mood. where someone who drinks can say things that they otherwise may not, and in this way a given viewpoint may have a deeper grounding in the emotions that are not being accounted for, and could be realized or accessed when decompressing or reaching equilibrium in another phase or state of awareness, via inebriation. the role of legal & illegal substances in relation to edge of insight and cultural development likewise. thus the aberrant statement or communication that may occur via this communication is not necessarily less truth, only that it may not be acknowledged or accounted for in the given view or modeling. thus, a kind of equilibrium or balancing of forces, or equalization across parameters known and unknown, those documented and hidden, via inebriation. for instance, anger if it arises when drinking and hidden rage. or following ideology and then when inebriated a person letting down their guard & speaking their mind, etc. in this way, truth and ideas that may not fit in the given model. and how this could be an influence upon culture and conformity if removed and this unwitting or known feedback does not occur, and a rigid view is upheld as the cultural standard, instead. where this balancing of forces may not take place due to its prohibition, even, as this could advantage those managing skewed modeling and using it to enforce a given approach, and limit any alternatives because it does not fit inside the mindset or belief system, and cannot be questioned beyond this. in this way, sobriety is equated with a higher knowing or state of being, potentially, seeing more clearly, when if in its position it is bounded or limited, these areas of previous feedback would essentially be outlawed and not addressed, or set up a schizoid state of relation by denying other dimensions or relations or dynamics, as if everything is contained with a rationalization even, versus breaking-through that boundary into chaos and- or the unknown, or challenging beliefs about what truth is and where control originates in the cosmic context. in that there is a limit to what can be determined via reductionism, though no limit to the belief of this, which can stand uncorrected, opposed to truth and greater evidence than what is allowed or sanctioned. leading to this...
what is prohibition of crypto? control of controversial thoughts and connections, an indirect form of secondary censorship. Fahrenheit 451 tactics- actual crypto the fire.
i understand the different interpretation, and did not adequately define the analogy, well enough to be make the correlation clear enough. in the book by Ray Bradbury it is the truth and ideas in the medium of the book that are at issue, not just books but their use as a transmission of beliefs, of alternative (non-sober) principles that challenge the ruling order that seeks to extinguish this otherness that is essentially culture itself, knowledge, reality. that is the basis for control over people and the civilization. what this extends into further in a cryptography context is that 'crypto' itself may be outlawed like books, not for technical means to communicate, but because what is communicated could be _secret and not controllable by those who seek total control over what occurs in society. thus truth, another viewpoint shared by people, especially if counter to corrupt government, could be this fire held in the container of crypto, and if it is broken by default and-or corrupted by design, this other viewpoint could never develop beyond a given set of parameters because those who think differently are seen as and believed to be 'the enemy' within a state that has become rogue and functions against its own people, in order to forever secure its power over them. in other words: ideas, truth, shared reasoning is the danger, and if it cannot be safely exchanged without consequence, losing your job or career or having ideas disallowed and thus trading in bad thoughts, as if drunken ramblings even, then through this prohibition of ideas and thinking, as it relates to grand inquisitor like auditing of any private domains and whatever "secrets" people may be sharing, then could be equivalent to peering into the war plans of the enemy and all of this could be mapped out into a strategy that seeks to eliminate this risk of unknowns, to uphold empowered and extending rationalization within a particular system of belief that aligns with private politics and corruption, state of hidden dictatorship, and engineering failure so to sustain the corrupt works as enterprise planning. in other words, no crypto, no protected boundary for freedom of expression or freedom of thought/speech, communication, or practice of religion even, without hidden judge, jury, potentially executioner via NSA and others who are like the monster under the bed, though inside computers, minds, communications. where did they get the right to enforce and defend mediocrity, to pursue and extinguish truth that does not fit into or is opposed to the ruling political ideology, and to not have any oversight and be given carte blanche to pursue a political agenda against citizens, a lawless agenda that is actively oppressing people in civilization, and seeks to uphold and enforce an unreal, antihuman viewpoint that is based on subjugation and exploitation. i mean if the NSA was going around abusing children and connected with pedophile networks and seeking to blacklist and exploit people based on porn habits or enforcing a no-masturbation rule by "government", that would be a pretty important insider story, no? those are the politics also involved in these questions, the kind of substitute culture that can at once uphold an unrealistic worldview only to use this for exploitation. that is what happens in situations of corruption, and in situations of total corruption, it is institutionalized and made mainstream yet cannot be communicated about. so if the crypto is non-existent, so too is such reality. anyone who starts to think can be persecuted by the criminals and taken down in isolation, and framed as if just another sinner via the inside-subversion. that is how books with another viewpoint can offer perspective otherwise outlawed, so too working cryptography that cannot be decrypted. without it, shooting fish in a barrel. i vote those who work at NSA should be made to wear helmets and uniforms, and wear big 'key' medallions around their necks, so we know we are totally owned. (not sure which way the rubber hose prop should go, if firehose or perhaps each wearing condom bandoleer) NSA is watching you masturbate! (the new WPA posters for the sterilized asexual set)
participants (2)
brian carroll