Strong Crypto Kit [was: Enigma kit]

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 5:34 AM, Peter Gutmann <> wrote:
This is an electronic replica of the Enigma crypto machine used during WWII by the Germans to encrypt all the military communications. It is intended to be as close to the real one as economically possible.
While cool, at the end of the day it implements broken crypto, on relatively closed inauditable core chip. So it's an unusable coffee table conversation piece. Why not put the $300 towards an open discrete implementation of at least some well known secure symmetric cipher, buildable in a year or so of casual hobby time. Or even order it premade so long as full audit and test vector is completable similarly by self. A contract investment by builders in cryptocurrency could pay for the design dev and parts making things basically free. #OpenFabs #OpenHardware Why? Because cryptos should give a fuck...
participants (1)