Re: [tor-talk] [OT] deleting publicly posted content

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Geoff Down <> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 8, 2014, at 01:07 PM, krishna e bera wrote:
There is no inherent "right to forget" anything that ever happens in public, because that would require invading people's minds and archives. Court decisions requiring Google to delete correct information from search results are misguided - if anything they should require fuller search results showing the context and followup events (for example, information that may have exonerated the persons in question). Archives that are not subject to jurisdictional or changing legal currents, are a good use case for Tor hidden services. We have the right to ephemeral conversation, even in public. Before mass surveillance and recording became possible, that right was respected. The new laws attempt to restore that right.
Before, it was a subconscious unthought mode of inter conduct (if not a firmly developed expectation) as outcome of natural limiting circumstances... ie: it wasn't possible to recorde peoples lives, so the context or concept was not thought among people. Just some limited and expensive gov't tax, census, bank type systems.Then cheap computers everywhere hit and the nazis began collecting in mass again. The new laws are a restoration of expectation in the form of an enforceable right, which is now necessary form to do it against the lack of natural limit. The laws are not even close to restoring the formal mode/expectation, and the abuse of imbedding, collection, using and sharing without explicit permission and policy based release from the principal is abhorrent to the former natural way in which they would conduct. Society is slower than data and must exert its control over it and its greed until it has developed to handle such thoughts. Beyond even any reasonable 'need', phone companies maintaining *decades* of CDR's, CC purchases, and CL *not* 'deleting' posts are all equal evils. Turns out phone companies *gave* the metas to govt's and whoever else for whatever use internal and external via chains of weak or strong MOU's, secrets, etc. Now what exactly do you think content mines like CL, your mail, your facebook are doing with your content??? Hint: much worse. It's hugely unethical to the person and society to collect, keep this, let alone process and do whatever with it. It's faster than expectation. There is an inherent ethical right to respect the society and principal person, especially if you are faster. That includes forgetting and not even [ab]using them in the first place. Otherwise you are basically stealing lunch money from retards. That's bad. There's also distinct differences between the service itself doing the (unfortunately now very often) unexpected or contrary to 'delete' recording, and public recording and mining contexts, ethics, etc. Altavista was nice, but did society really need it grown into the GoogleMine? GeoCities --> FaceBookMine? Who will honor your request to delete yourself from old 'non-service-made' public geocities/usenet archives today, from facebook archive 30yr from now? We are still slow and stupid, particularly in hindsight, therefore in a digital age we need now encode that right... just as we had been natural forgotten with time, physically moving, and new associations before then. And to encode not to keep... because we are too slow to make that decision right now.
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