Dating Sites Continue Creepy Privacy Invasions / Mining Tactics A single creepy media company named IAC InterActiveCorp owns many tens of topsites, spunoff yet controlled entities, etc. In the dating arena, they've been trending towards socially engineering (NLP) and forcing users to upload face photos, enforcing only face photos through twisted user reporting / rating / cajoling schemes, to submit and use real names / dob, report normal awkward / misunderstood / casual / debative / alternative messages and content as harassment, have swiss cheese TOS/AUP/Privacy policies that are utterly repulsive to genuine privacy, engage in nanny / sjw activities including staff inappropriately reading user messages instead of empowering users to manage other users, etc. And like Craigslist, these dating sites store, datamine, and sell every single message, picture, profile content / changes, and all metadata... forever. Just like Facebook... companies forcing / tricking users into dropping guard / sharing, opening themselves to abuse by corp and others from public / online, and raping them for profit when they're most vulnerable... in the social nets. Huge potential for new paid / donation / cryptocurrency endowment based (not "free" dataselling) online services that actually stand for privacy. Related conglomerations...
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