Pentagon Jew Oinker, BatShit-Stasi 2.0, wants to AML/KYC cypherpunks!

"...Why do you want Jew-lovers to be stomped to death? This has nothing to do with what I want - its what happens when Nazi-Fag-Moron-Eunuchs - like you - find out one of your own - like Batshit Crazy - is kissing up pentagon, technofascist, Western Capitalist, GovCorp, Deep State Jacob Appelbaum arse. Of course I would like the Jew-Lover to stop trying to steal my Btc, but this is Nazi-Fag-Moron business. Nothing personal. "...Does Soros want to get rid of Israel? That doesnt sound very believable, given Soros is a Jew... Tactical support for Soros doesn't depend on anything he wants or doesn't want. Its just a way of separating cypherpunks from a bunch of Nazi-Fag-Moron-Eunuch conspiracy theorists. Like you. While we're TACTICALLY supporting him we might even persuade him to eliminate Israel last. That only makes sense for anyone given the Samson Doctrine held by Israel. "...I don't understand that, was Hitler a Jew? If you follow Batshit Crazies logic then effeminate Nazi Faggots are attacking his JEWBOY lover, Jacob Appelbaum, so perhaps he should be tortured to see if he thinks Hitler was a Jew. Now are you auditioning to be the Bull-Goose-Loony Nazi-Fag-Moron-Eunuch here? Cos thats what it sounds like. "...Why do you say I'm a "Nazi-Fag-Moron terrorists"? Asked and answered.
participants (1)
professor rat