Tim May is dead. John Galton is dead - and I don't feel very well myself. Govt power may have declined dramatically since the rise of our power - but they still have inertia to spare till the crypto-economic Big Bang. They can tax goods and services more than incomes while playing delaying games via spurious " friendly " regulation. So we're still years away from generalised collapse-of-govts ( CoG? ) I guesstimate four more years at full warp. This brings us up to Cypherpunk 2027. The start of ubiquitous quantum networking, default ( True Names! ) anonymity for all and everyone-an-assassin. Nothing helps pass long overdue reform measures like a good, strong, generalised ( now GLOBALISED) social revolution. Praise Gall. Praise Metcalfe. But, above all, praise Proudhon. Good ideological money drives out bad everytime. And nothing is stronger or better than an idea whose time has come. Roll on the world revolution
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