- farzadkeramati started following you 2 days ago - https://github.com/farzadkeramati farzadkeramati doesn't have any public repositories yet. 0 contributions in the last year 0 followers 11 following - https://github.com/farzadkeramati?tab=following [here i am having dissociative inhibitions migrating the data in. the follower list is interesting, and contains cypherpunk content. the content may show bugs in github. some people are from cutting edge AI, others are from anonymity tech from 2016 ... the user i suddenly clicked had their 2016 repos "removed for regulations" -- i didn't note git history google has an active project involving popular secure comms, using javascript backend, they say it's for geopolitical issues. here's my paste buffer: @didier-durand Didier Durand didier-durand I work for AWS. Interests: cloud+linux, mainframe, k8s & containers, DevOps+CI/CD, AI+ML, blockchain. Engineer by training, IT geek by passion. AWS Switzerland / France @xloem xloem (future - past).src @NinedayWang wangxu NinedayWang @urialon Uri Alon urialon @VHellendoorn Vincent Hellendoorn VHellendoorn AI4SE Researcher, Assistant Prof. at CMU Carnegie Mellon University @shadowsocks shadowsocks shadowsocks shadowsocks is a fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls @clowwindy clowwindy clowwindy @Jigsaw-Code Jigsaw Jigsaw-Code Jigsaw is an incubator within Google that uses technology to address geopolitical issues. New York @torproject Tor Project — Unofficial repositories torproject Anonymity Online | Circumvent Censorship @getlantern Lantern getlantern @Psiphon-Inc Psiphon Inc. Psiphon-Inc
I'm guessing this account hasn't been used since 2016, other than to suddenly and mysteriously follow me. I would guess the following of me is not from the original owner of the account, but don't know.
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many