The secret eating away Wikileaks from within
Satoshi suspect, David Molnar, worked with Jake Appelbaum in 2008-9 - warned that WL was sending hornets towards ' us ' in 2010-11 and Jake then signed up as a WL cypherpunk in 2012. Correlation not causation without hard data but its possible WL knows who Satoshi is and the effort involved in stopping this huge secret leaking has further paralyzed operations. Also contributed to crypto donations sell-off. Certainly there is now enough OSINT to justify rendering Jake and Julian to a Black Site for sustained interrogation about this. Btc alone already justifies something like Carter Doctrine in case hostile powers try to utilize q-cracking to steal from early blocks. The ' missile gap ' leveraged by Kennedy to beat Nixon was not real. But China's present Q-computing lead is real. The West can mobilize resources effectively as the Ozone crisis and Ukraine invasion proved. Third times a charm.
participants (1)
professor rat