Skin in the game and Apster pricing for DUMBELLS
Should it ever become a list condition that contributors have some crypto-currency of some kind, I assume Zero-knowledge would have advanced to the point where this was just a trivial plug-in or browser extension. At that point I might comply - maybe. At present its simply too dangerous since there have been over a hundred assaults on crypto holders recently. That's over a hundred recorded. I'll assume a small risk by stating for the record I have some skin-in-the-game since I could later be shown to be a liar. Other than that I won't be more specific till circumstances change. The onus should certainly be on anyone wanting to know another c-punks coin status what theirs is first. Put up or shut up. Money talk leads to price signals in networked agorist assassination marts. I can send a signal with a lowball bid - say 200 sats - implying that target could be a popular one - Bill Gates for example. If I bid more then the target may not be as well known - Juan Garafolo for example - and my personal animus toward that target might also be swaying the bounty. As it is the equivalent of 2K in USD ought to be enough in a shithole like Argentina - amirite? But enough about the bleeding obvious spelled out for morons and dolts down the back. Did you see where SBF met the POTUS and didn't assassinate!? Jesus Fucking Christ - I can't work with Grampus-type- MORONS.
participants (2)
professor rat