Earth: Cosmic rays shooting OUT of Antarctica - particles detection: Askaryan effect

This is pretty cool factoid, and undoubtedly to spur "inner Earth sun" "theorists". Some would say "cook theorists", but this test result makes the cook theory look a bit less cooky, and a little more fact-y. Bizarre Cosmic Rays Are Shooting Out Of Antarctica And Physicists Can't Explain It …Thanks to the Standard Model, physicists have known that cosmic rays are capable of reaching and penetrating Earth. However, according to the model, those rays shouldn’t be able to pass all the way through our planet. So are the anomalous high energy particles measured by ANITA originating from Earth, or are they actually passing through it? Some existing physics models that exist beyond the Standard Model involve theories that the interactions between cosmic rays and ice actually produce micro black holes that open into small dimensions. ANITA’s first mission didn’t detect the black holes, but it did detect the Askaryan effect. Last week, a group of researchers posted a new theory about the rays measured by ANITA. The group, led by Pennsylvania State University physicist Derek Fox, suggests ANITA may have found evidence of a particle that lies completely outside of the Standard Model of physics. …
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Zenaan Harkness