Razer gets a call from the fedz about a ZuckerBook 'post you made in April'

I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan (sp? And why are they almost always Irish?) in DC about a 'post you made in April', and he wanted a callback. On calling I got a voicemail box that sounded legit but I still suspected a FB phishing expedition. So I dialed the same number but instead of the last 2 digits I dialed 00... Fast busy. So I dial 01, and get a senator's office. Not a Phishing trip... I left a rather rude voicemail at the phone number and got a callback about 10 minutes later. The post in question, from April was in regard to the Congressional Baseball game, which had a shooter drop in if you'll recall. My post was just before they tried have their ballgame again and RollCall was commenting on the security. In the post I basically suggested that there's no foolproof way to protect a congressman on an open air ballfield from a sniper at 300 yard with a bolt action rifle. Apparently the Capitol Police ARE worried about such a possibility and were 'assessing' all possible threat scenarios made on social media. After a five minute chat he assumed I wasn't intending to be a 'shooter' nor instructing anyone how to be one, or even suggesting anyone should be one, and here is the post:
"Tight security. Use a good high power Bolt Action legal-in-all-50-states hunting rifle... Bedded in and checked at the range any ol' bolt action ought to be good for 300 yards anyway.
"Republicans’ First Congressional Baseball Practice After Shooting Set for April 25"
https://www.rollcall.com/news/hoh/republicans-congressional-baseball/ "
Rr. Ps. "I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad!"

Unfortunate that open public analysis of security models receives frowns from some business sectors that may have certain interests at odds. This has all been seen before... it's the age old 0day vs responsible disclosure debate... moved into covering the physical vs the digital realm. Get mad... don't... murder... Related... the fact that murder remains relatively both hard to defend against and easy to get away with... is one of the reasons that Assassination Politics... freaky crazy as it sounds to most, and if / when ever implemented... and though it might go further than aforenoted agnostic model analysis into perhaps 'price discovery' of the value to society of various specific change objectives listed... will never really result in actions of physical force, hardly beyond the underlying statistical norms of both chance and action... all but the most stubborn would change their ways beforehand... a change for the better via peaceful / logical reasoning. Is that not the point... to avoid murder. With CPU's and SW, when their source code is open, their manufacturing processes transparent, products inspectable, patches accepted, bugs squashed, producible by anyone, and are choosably force free among them... even to include none... as in beer, 0 days are said to be fewer and less frequently exploited, perhaps as fewer might see / have such need.

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:51:46AM -0700, Razer wrote:
I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan (sp? And why are they almost always Irish?) in DC about a 'post you made in April', and he wanted a callback. On calling I got a voicemail box that sounded legit but I still suspected a FB phishing expedition. So I dialed the same number but instead of the last 2 digits I dialed 00... Fast busy. So I dial 01, and get a senator's office. Not a Phishing trip... I left a rather rude voicemail at the phone number and got a callback about 10 minutes later.
The post in question, from April was in regard to the Congressional Baseball game, which had a shooter drop in if you'll recall. My post was just before they tried have their ballgame again and RollCall was commenting on the security. In the post I basically suggested that there's no foolproof way to protect a congressman on an open air ballfield from a sniper at 300 yard with a bolt action rifle. Apparently the Capitol Police ARE worried about such a possibility and were 'assessing' all possible threat scenarios made on social media. After a five minute chat he assumed I wasn't intending to be a 'shooter' nor instructing anyone how to be one, or even suggesting anyone should be one, and here is the post:
"Tight security. Use a good high power Bolt Action legal-in-all-50-states hunting rifle... Bedded in and checked at the range any ol' bolt action ought to be good for 300 yards anyway.
"Republicans’ First Congressional Baseball Practice After Shooting Set for April 25"
https://www.rollcall.com/news/hoh/republicans-congressional-baseball/ "
Funny, did your calls last year to murder Huwaite nationalists on the street get you a call from Da Man? I agree with this:
"I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.'
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.
All I know is that first you've got to get mad!"
Yes, folks need to get mad, a most are rainbow lorikeets in gilded, avocado on toast munchin, steel-belted radial clad sopor.

-------- Original message --------From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> Date: 6/1/18 1:41 AM (GMT-08:00) To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org Subject: Re: Razer gets a call from the fedz about a ZuckerBook 'post you made in April' On Thu, 31 May 2018 11:51:46 -0700 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan
and how did the turd get your phone number? Facebook DOES NOT have my phone number. Someone did a search on my name and info while doing the pre-call threat assessment. Note i was called at the end of May about an event at the end of April, so they probably ran my NCIC or whatever, sae no indication whatsoever that I'd be doing that, and called me last... or something like that. But I KNOW they backgrounded me before they called because that's how they work. They know the answers before they ask questions, and if you lie... gotcha! I'm extrapolating from something he said in convo that leads me to believe FB flagged it to them without notifying me or removing the post. My guess is SELECTOR words AI did that, and I suspect the armor use of the words Bedded in, range, congress, triggered it. Rr

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:51:46AM -0700, Razer wrote:
I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan (sp? And why are they almost always Irish?) in DC about a 'post you made in April', and he wanted
too long, didn't read it all. was the troublesome info news or something well known to those familiar with weapons?

Why you post on fb ? And yes senate and Congress = fedz The whole construct of the fbi and cia is a fuck all The executive branch pulled a rabbit out of its hat and poof fake justice is flying all over like that spring worms in a can trick Humor was made just 15 minutes after the space shuttle with the teacher blew up before leaving the atmosphere On 15:39, Fri, Jun 1, 2018 Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:51:46AM -0700, Razer wrote:
I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan (sp? And why are
almost always Irish?) in DC about a 'post you made in April', and he wanted
too long, didn't read it all.
was the troublesome info news or something well known to those familiar with weapons?
participants (6)
Cari Machet
Georgi Guninski
Zenaan Harkness