On 08/13/2018 07:41 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
Google tracks my movements? Not yet, anyway. The cell tower networks do track my movements except when I leave my $25.00 mobile phone behind or pull its battery. But Google? Not so much. Every so often they know when I was "at home" because I voluntarily accessed one of their server farms. Otherwise not. Google Analytics and the ubiquitous "G+" links on a vast array of websites, do not track my web browsing - one has uBlock Legacy and NoScript to attend to that, respectively blocking all outbound requests to blacklisted domains, and all outbound requests for Javascript except where and as whitelisted. The few occasions when Google does 'see' me on the networks, result from voluntarily revealing my existence when accessing YouTube videos, and occasional contact with a GMail account (via Thunderbird, not a web browser) which I use as a spam trap and offsite backup server for encrypted credentials logs and the like. :o)

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 8:35 PM, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 08/13/2018 07:41 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
Google tracks my movements? Not yet, anyway.
The cell tower networks do track my movements
And dump them straight into your government's databases.
except when I leave my $25.00 mobile phone behind or pull its battery. But Google? Not so much. Every so often they know when I was "at home" because I voluntarily accessed one of their server farms. Otherwise not. Google Analytics and the ubiquitous "G+" links on a vast array of websites, do not track my web browsing - one has uBlock Legacy and NoScript to attend to that, respectively blocking all outbound requests to blacklisted domains, and all outbound requests for Javascript except where and as whitelisted.
The few occasions when Google does 'see' me on the networks, result from voluntarily revealing my existence when accessing YouTube videos, and occasional contact with a GMail account (via Thunderbird, not a web browser) which I use as a spam trap and offsite backup server for encrypted credentials logs and the like.
Generally beware web bugs, supercookies, TLS session metadata.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 10:47:30PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 8:35 PM, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 08/13/2018 07:41 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
Google tracks my movements? Not yet, anyway.
The cell tower networks do track my movements
And dump them straight into your government's databases.
except when I leave my $25.00 mobile phone behind or pull its battery. But Google? Not so much. Every so often they know when I was "at home" because I voluntarily accessed one of their server farms. Otherwise not. Google Analytics and the ubiquitous "G+" links on a vast array of websites, do not track my web browsing - one has uBlock Legacy and NoScript to attend to that, respectively blocking all outbound requests to blacklisted domains, and all outbound requests for Javascript except where and as whitelisted.
The few occasions when Google does 'see' me on the networks, result from voluntarily revealing my existence when accessing YouTube videos, and occasional contact with a GMail account (via Thunderbird, not a web browser) which I use as a spam trap and offsite backup server for encrypted credentials logs and the like.
Generally beware web bugs, supercookies, TLS session metadata.
I only browse the web using links, started via torsocks, after first chaining through a few VPNs, all done via disposable 1-use SOC computer which I buy in bundles of ... OK, just kidding. My opsec is poor compared to Steve's :) If I really need something secure I'll boot up tails, after telling the router in front of tails to connect to a VPN (since VPN config within tails itself does not seem to be supported - unless things have changed). -- GPG fingerprint: 17FD 615A D20D AFE8 B3E4 C9D2 E324 20BE D47A 78C7

DF reader Brian Ashe sent this, correctly pointing out that it pretty much nails Google’s approach to turning off location tracking <https://daringfireball.net/linked/2018/08/13/ap-google-location-history>. https://daringfireball.net/linked/2018/08/13/douglas-adams-plans On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 5:35 PM, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 08/13/2018 07:41 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
https://apnews.com/828aefab64d4411bac257a07c1af0e cb/AP-Exclusive:-Google-tracks-your-movements,-like-it-or-not
Google tracks my movements? Not yet, anyway.
The cell tower networks do track my movements except when I leave my $25.00 mobile phone behind or pull its battery. But Google? Not so much. Every so often they know when I was "at home" because I voluntarily accessed one of their server farms. Otherwise not.
Google Analytics and the ubiquitous "G+" links on a vast array of websites, do not track my web browsing - one has uBlock Legacy and NoScript to attend to that, respectively blocking all outbound requests to blacklisted domains, and all outbound requests for Javascript except where and as whitelisted.
The few occasions when Google does 'see' me on the networks, result from voluntarily revealing my existence when accessing YouTube videos, and occasional contact with a GMail account (via Thunderbird, not a web browser) which I use as a spam trap and offsite backup server for encrypted credentials logs and the like.
participants (4)
John Newman
Steve Kinney
Steven Schear