Netherlands compromat'ed for the flight of their lives
Where global conspiracies reign supreme and no blackmail is too much for the perpetuation of false enemies and inglorious idols, the Netherlands and Sweden are your go to bitches. This round its the Dutch (Netherlands for those who must le wiki it like it's 1999) slamming, or rather dribbling their way with a 3mm pin tack to pun the tail of the MH370 flight on big, bad, seriously big and seriously bad enemy extraordinaire spymasters and election meddlers ... <drumroll> ... R U S S I A MWAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAA! The Malasians on the other hand don't care for such bullshit and their PM his-elf has called out the nonsense in what the <drumroll please> MAIN ... STREAM ..... MEDIA <applause please> is branding a "Jaw Dropping" speech. Lock up your daughters Mahathir Mohamad, the CIA will probably come for you and your family for such a brazen, brazen display of disdain for the West's inglorious crapology... Zerowedgie with the headline: In "Jaw-Dropping" Speech Malaysian PM Says "No Evidence" Russia Shot Down MH17 In unexpected statements Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has questioned the methodology behind Dutch investigators who produced what the West considers the authoritative report on the tragic shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in 2014 while flying over war-torn eastern Ukraine. He criticized that the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) seems "to be concentrated on trying to pin it on the Russians". ["Unexpected" statements are always possible from those not entirely blackmailed by the CIA/NSA/USAGOVCORP - quit such blathering already! You KNOW Russia is all things evil <COUGH> and that there is NO other story than that peddled by the regime; --please--, it's $CURRENT_YEAR already - West don't need its ritual sacrifices impugned, got it?]
s/370/17/g "But what's a few more hundred deaths between brown skins which we can pin on the Russians anyway, huh?!?!" On Sun, Jun 02, 2019 at 02:45:20PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Where global conspiracies reign supreme and no blackmail is too much for the perpetuation of false enemies and inglorious idols, the Netherlands and Sweden are your go to bitches.
This round its the Dutch (Netherlands for those who must le wiki it like it's 1999) slamming, or rather dribbling their way with a 3mm pin tack to pun the tail of the MH370 flight on big, bad, seriously big and seriously bad enemy extraordinaire spymasters and election meddlers ... <drumroll> ... R U S S I A MWAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAA!
The Malasians on the other hand don't care for such bullshit and their PM his-elf has called out the nonsense in what the <drumroll please> MAIN ... STREAM ..... MEDIA <applause please> is branding a "Jaw Dropping" speech.
Lock up your daughters Mahathir Mohamad, the CIA will probably come for you and your family for such a brazen, brazen display of disdain for the West's inglorious crapology...
Zerowedgie with the headline:
In "Jaw-Dropping" Speech Malaysian PM Says "No Evidence" Russia Shot Down MH17
In unexpected statements Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has questioned the methodology behind Dutch investigators who produced what the West considers the authoritative report on the tragic shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in 2014 while flying over war-torn eastern Ukraine. He criticized that the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) seems "to be concentrated on trying to pin it on the Russians".
["Unexpected" statements are always possible from those not entirely blackmailed by the CIA/NSA/USAGOVCORP - quit such blathering already! You KNOW Russia is all things evil <COUGH> and that there is NO other story than that peddled by the regime; --please--, it's $CURRENT_YEAR already - West don't need its ritual sacrifices impugned, got it?]
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness