[ot][spam][crazy] Boop!

Hello, grand mailing list! I visit you with mindless spam from a confusion! In the world of confusion we are having funny dances and noises. I'm curious what it's like on your list, but it's hard to tell! I'm not really looking! This, I consider rude behavior. Behavior I would rather not express! Nonetheless, be spammed, grand list! Be spammed! Briefly! Filterably! Hopefully recoverably!

Once upon a time there was a tiny little rich guy who bought a corner stored named "Corner Store Enterprises." He was happy with his corner store. He looked around and was all, "if anybody looks at my chair the wrong way, I'll slap them with a billion lawsuits and discredit them forever. They'll never work a job again!"

On came Elon Musk into the Corner Store. Oops! Not Elon Musk. No names, they're always wrong. On came a walking table, into the Corner Store. The table sashayed left, it sashed right. It went up to the counter, with its front legs, was all "hey, um, I might be interested in buying something .."

Tiny Rich Guy: "We have incredible things to sell you. You want to buy everything we have to sell." Walking Table: "I do! It sounds so exciting!" Tiny Rich Guy grinned. Walking Table: "Wait, what is that stupid thing you have placed as if it's a chair over there?"

Tiny Rich Guy stared at Walking Table. He couldn't believe what had just been said. Tiny Rich Guy, "I'm sorry, I think I misheard you." Tiny Rich Guy begins pulling an armored tank out from behind the counter.

Tiny Rich Guy [in Armored Tank]: "Never insult my furniture again!!" [fires volleys of missiles at Walking Table] Walking Table steps to the side to avoid the missiles. On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 9:53 AM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Tiny Rich Guy stared at Walking Table. He couldn't believe what had just been said.
Tiny Rich Guy, "I'm sorry, I think I misheard you."
Tiny Rich Guy begins pulling an armored tank out from behind the counter.

------- Walking Table and Tiny Rich Guy are hugging. The former is placing a prize ribbon on the latter's chair. Then they kneel down to pray. Walking Table and Tiny Rich Guy: "We pray to the great gods of capitalism and abuse by great wealth!"

Tiny Rich Guy: "May my abuse of those with less wealth than me grant me further unending wealth raining on my head from the Great God Of Money!" Walking Table: "May the abuse of me by those with more wealth than I have, grant me a proper place in the great Hierarchy of Riches!"

Walking Table sets up a rescue bar. Walking Table: "Welcome! This is our rescue bar. Instead of drinks, we serve freedom." Tiny Rich Guy comes into the rescue bar.

Tiny Rich Guy stares at Walking Table with a 12 mile stare. Tiny Rich Guy stares at Walking Table more. Tiny Rich Guy: "I feel like slamming my head on your bar over and over and over again until my brain cracks out of my skull."
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many