Juan, you have a lot of women on your side! - [PEACE]

So chaos is wanted by some, and in the face of despotism, it is sometimes hard to argue against the karmic value of chaos. And our resident friendly BatSoup n.gger certainly has Seattle City Councilman (man) Lisa Herbold on his side in the "bring on chaos" department of bringing on chaos. Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department Jonathan Turley, https://jonathanturley.org/2020/07/17/seattle-city-council-member-suggests-f... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/seattle-city-council-member-suggests-fir... [incredibly smug image of Lisa Herbold in original article] The Seattle City Council is facing something of a dilemma in its popular pledge of the Seattle City Council to cut the police budget by 50 percent. To do so would require firing a significant number of police officers, which is also popular. The problem is that the firing would be done by seniority and many of the less senior officers are black. The solution according to City Council member Lisa Herbold is simple: fire officers based on their race. https://www.seattle.gov/council/herbold While that would be the definition of racial discrimination, Herbold clearly believes that it is discrimination for a good cause. The federal courts are likely to disagree. Most notably, Herbold’s call for racial discrimination against white officers would seek to undue the work of Justice Thurgood Marshall who insisted that racial discrimination unlawful and evil regardless of the race you want to disenfranchise or discriminate against. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best released a video calling the plan of Herbold and others “completely reckless.” She also sent a letter to Mayor Jenny Durkan warning that dramatic cuts would require the layoff of hundreds of officers. The Police Department also warned that the firings would include many minority officers. https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2020/07/10/chief-bests-message-to-officers-ma... ... The Demon.rat n.ggers march ever onward to black utopia...

i feel so furious reading this! it becomes so hard to do my work! zig why are you saying these things? On Sat, Jul 18, 2020, 2:23 AM Zig the N.g <ziggerjoe@yandex.com> wrote:
So chaos is wanted by some, and in the face of despotism, it is sometimes hard to argue against the karmic value of chaos.
And our resident friendly BatSoup n.gger certainly has Seattle City Councilman (man) Lisa Herbold on his side in the "bring on chaos" department of bringing on chaos.
Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department Jonathan Turley,
[incredibly smug image of Lisa Herbold in original article]
The Seattle City Council is facing something of a dilemma in its popular pledge of the Seattle City Council to cut the police budget by 50 percent. To do so would require firing a significant number of police officers, which is also popular. The problem is that the firing would be done by seniority and many of the less senior officers are black.
The solution according to City Council member Lisa Herbold is simple: fire officers based on their race. https://www.seattle.gov/council/herbold
While that would be the definition of racial discrimination, Herbold clearly believes that it is discrimination for a good cause. The federal courts are likely to disagree. Most notably, Herbold’s call for racial discrimination against white officers would seek to undue the work of Justice Thurgood Marshall who insisted that racial discrimination unlawful and evil regardless of the race you want to disenfranchise or discriminate against.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best released a video calling the plan of Herbold and others “completely reckless.” She also sent a letter to Mayor Jenny Durkan warning that dramatic cuts would require the layoff of hundreds of officers. The Police Department also warned that the firings would include many minority officers.
The Demon.rat n.ggers march ever onward to black utopia...

On 07/18/2020 07:48 AM, Karl wrote:
i feel so furious reading this! it becomes so hard to do my work! zig why are you saying these things?
He's saying those things to piss you off. Not you, personally, but people generally who care what randoms on the webs say. More than that, it's hard to say. Z used to be more of a normal geek on this list. But then he started trying to satirize and out-troll Juan aka punks@tfwno.gf, who's been here like forever. So Z has more or less inverted Juan's tropes, in prototypically Australian style.
On Sat, Jul 18, 2020, 2:23 AM Zig the N.g <ziggerjoe@yandex.com> wrote:
So chaos is wanted by some, and in the face of despotism, it is sometimes hard to argue against the karmic value of chaos.
And our resident friendly BatSoup n.gger certainly has Seattle City Councilman (man) Lisa Herbold on his side in the "bring on chaos" department of bringing on chaos.
Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department Jonathan Turley,
[incredibly smug image of Lisa Herbold in original article]
The Seattle City Council is facing something of a dilemma in its popular pledge of the Seattle City Council to cut the police budget by 50 percent. To do so would require firing a significant number of police officers, which is also popular. The problem is that the firing would be done by seniority and many of the less senior officers are black.
The solution according to City Council member Lisa Herbold is simple: fire officers based on their race. https://www.seattle.gov/council/herbold
While that would be the definition of racial discrimination, Herbold clearly believes that it is discrimination for a good cause. The federal courts are likely to disagree. Most notably, Herbold’s call for racial discrimination against white officers would seek to undue the work of Justice Thurgood Marshall who insisted that racial discrimination unlawful and evil regardless of the race you want to disenfranchise or discriminate against.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best released a video calling the plan of Herbold and others “completely reckless.” She also sent a letter to Mayor Jenny Durkan warning that dramatic cuts would require the layoff of hundreds of officers. The Police Department also warned that the firings would include many minority officers.
The Demon.rat n.ggers march ever onward to black utopia...

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020, 20:54 Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
On 07/18/2020 07:48 AM, Karl wrote:
i feel so furious reading this! it becomes so hard to do my work! zig why
are you saying these things?
He's saying those things to piss you off. Not you, personally, but people generally who care what randoms on the webs say.
Yep, that is the point. The guy is not creative or intelligent, Karl. Just relax, please. He does NOT deserve your anger, your wrath, your fury, your rage, etc, etc... More than that, it's hard to say. Z used to be more of a normal geek on
this list.
Normal geek? For Darwin' sake, you are always a gentleman, very kind, Mirimir. I do love you. <3 But then he started trying to satirize and out-troll Juan aka punks@tfwno.gf,
who's been here like forever. So Z has more or less inverted Juan's tropes, in prototypically Australian style.
He was always licking Juan publicly for years, but his love was rejected and now... Well, the world thinks the hate of a rejected woman is bitter, but it needs to know better the hate of a rejected man still hidden in a very closed closet, full of ugly skeletons... It's a sad thing. He tries to hurt everybody for trying to forget his own pain. Not our area, Karl. Sorry, you can't save him of himself. In this case, let it for professional help, please.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 04:53:28PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
On 07/18/2020 07:48 AM, Karl wrote:
i feel so furious reading this! it becomes so hard to do my work! zig why are you saying these things?
He's saying those things to piss you off. Not you, personally, but people generally who care what randoms on the webs say.
More than that, it's hard to say. Z used to be more of a normal geek on this list. But then he started trying to satirize and out-troll Juan aka punks@tfwno.gf, who's been here like forever. So Z has more or less inverted Juan's tropes, in prototypically Australian style.
You're a kind Soul, Mirimir, and for this I am grateful. We not only have a right to own our thoughts, but some consider it a sacred duty. PC (politically correct) censorship, and worse, self censorship, is the usually tacit, often explicit, consent to censorship. This is consent to the "social Marxists" being in control of what words we may use, and therefore as explained a few times now, what thoughts are permissible. Such is dictatorship, plain and simple. In other words this is obviously the death of independent thought. And _that_ is the ultimate death of the individual, in that we all become now compelled to comply with the new orthodoxy, under threat of personal attack, the threat of society wide disintegration, and on the micro scale, the threat of being accused of "hurting" some "poor, damaged, uniquely fragile" individual. This all is a sort of penultimate rapture of narcissism, where the individual reigns so supreme, that he dictates acceptable speech (and therefore thought) for all, thus erasing all individuality and ensuring the homogeneity of all. This last is of course impossible in practice, but that never stopped the unthinking from being led in their lust for power and control from belligerently attempting to destroy all if they don't get their way. Quite literally "temper tantrums" of (psychologically) 4 year olds, in adult "university educated" bodies. Such is of course an utter disgrace and blight on the Western "education" system. And this existential battle of ideology (and truly too, a battle of wills) is heightened to its apex as the "liberal" world empire implodes on itself for want of an enemy (really, go back and read Dugin if you skipped over him - as Dr. Jordan Peterson states, knowledge is power). Dugin highlights the fundamental paucity of substance in what we think of as the "liberal world order" or "liberal" ideology: "liberalism" as we know it in the West is sadly lived as the negative 'freedom from'. For example: - freedom _from_ communism - freedom _from_ fascism - freedom _from_ "the suffocating social construct of gender" - etc As Dugin highlights, this "freedom from" is inherently negative, a "liberation" from this or that "evil", and so when the USSR fell, the End of History began, and with it, the inherent end of this negative "liberal"ism, since it had vanquished all enemies, we had been freed "from" the worst evils (the anti-liberalism (supposedly) of Russia's communism). Which is entirely ironic, as The End of History being caused by the demise of all liberalismi's "enemies", is simultaneously the end of that which opposes those "enemies", i.e. the very "liberalism" which succeeded (as it is a negative ("freedom from") in nature). Negative (freedom from) liberalism, cannot exist without an enemy to fight to the death and liberate us from. This normally would all be rather funny, except the present society wide consequences (for whatever superficial and other causes), are very significant, there is quite possibly great danger immediately ahead - so, we must tread very carefully. In this present penultimate insanity, all who fail to uphold the "freedom from" dogma of the day, are heathens, infidels who must be sacrificed on the alter of the Social Justice Cathedral. Historically, the literal death of infidels follows in short order, by the guns, torture and murder done by a dictator and his regime. We must tread carefully. The "4th political theory" which Dugin begins to put forth is ironically at once both an opposite of "liberalism and the glory of the individual", and yet it is also very similar and the term used "dasein" speaks directly to the _beingness_ of the individual! This is quite existential (!), yet admits of all aspects (and all needs) of the experience of the individual, rather than the eternally pithy "freedom _from_ some bad dogma 'out there'". Note however that dasein is wrt a positive and not a negative "individuality" or rather "experience of" - where the reality of the individual, his beingness, becomes central to some new "way" or "ideology": dasein (/ 4th political theory) is finally a truly existential construct, not the oh so superficial narcissism of the "negative freedoms _from_" which "liberalism" (as we unfortunately call it) supposedly "frees" us from. This is why today, with the phoenix of modern Russia just starting to rise again from her Western "king hits" coma she was in, we can say with no irony at all: Russia is simultaneously both more conservative, AND more liberal, than the West today (~2020). This is a stunning observation which Dugin's clarity (as small a seedling as it is) assists us in observing and comprehending. No small feat, that. The "liberal" West does in fact, in a very existential way, need Russia, not only as a counterpoint to our own (collective) evil and looming insanity, but as that star on the horizon guiding us from the pit we dug ourselves into; Russia is a construct of not only history, culture and family ("conservative" values which truth be told, most humans deeply crave) but is a philosophical construct to liberate us from liberalism, into a wholistic environment without which the individual is truly enslaved to his independence and individuality: - "independence" is truly an illusion, as we are intimately co-dependant on one another for technology, food, love and connection - "individual" means "I-divide-u-all" or "in separation, I am divided from you all" We crave, no we need love and connection, not separation - or we go quite literally insane and then we attempt to fill this gaping void (which maximal "individuality" rips inside of us) by going shopping, purchasing something to make us happy, fill the void, which of course no "thing" can ever do...

On 07/20/2020 04:28 AM, Zig the N.g wrote:
On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 04:53:28PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
On 07/18/2020 07:48 AM, Karl wrote:
i feel so furious reading this! it becomes so hard to do my work! zig why are you saying these things?
He's saying those things to piss you off. Not you, personally, but people generally who care what randoms on the webs say.
More than that, it's hard to say. Z used to be more of a normal geek on this list. But then he started trying to satirize and out-troll Juan aka punks@tfwno.gf, who's been here like forever. So Z has more or less inverted Juan's tropes, in prototypically Australian style.
You're a kind Soul, Mirimir, and for this I am grateful.
Hey :) I do get that you say stuff to trigger PC censorship routines, and that you don't just do it for lulz. And I do share your rejection of PC orthodoxy. Anyway, I'm not at all familiar with Dugin, so thanks for the intro. It's interesting, but sounds more collectivist than I'd want. I do live in a cohousing community, but it's more or less equivalent to a village, and not at all a collective. So does Dugin advocate sobornost style collectivism? And have you read Hannu Rajaniemi's treatment of that in his "Flower Prince" trilogy? As he tells it, all but the few strongest founders become slaves. <snip>

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 09:36:55PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
On 07/20/2020 04:28 AM, Zig the N.g wrote:
On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 04:53:28PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
On 07/18/2020 07:48 AM, Karl wrote:
i feel so furious reading this! it becomes so hard to do my work! zig why are you saying these things?
He's saying those things to piss you off. Not you, personally, but people generally who care what randoms on the webs say.
More than that, it's hard to say. Z used to be more of a normal geek on this list. But then he started trying to satirize and out-troll Juan aka punks@tfwno.gf, who's been here like forever. So Z has more or less inverted Juan's tropes, in prototypically Australian style.
You're a kind Soul, Mirimir, and for this I am grateful.
Hey :)
I do get that you say stuff to trigger PC censorship routines, and that you don't just do it for lulz. And I do share your rejection of PC orthodoxy.
Anyway, I'm not at all familiar with Dugin, so thanks for the intro. It's interesting, but sounds more collectivist than I'd want. I do live in a cohousing community, but it's more or less equivalent to a village, and not at all a collective.
You might be mixing up my Russophile comments that I mixed in there ... but dasein is actually very close to the "individualistic" modern liberalism, just a much deeper and more personal "individualism" founded in beingness, awareness, personal experience - that very personal existentialism that is inherent in awareness; my apologies, it sounds like I completely obscured this concept in all my waffle :D
So does Dugin advocate sobornost style collectivism? And have you read
`dict sobornost` comes up blank, and I do not recall ever seeing this word before. Let's try Yandex: Ok: Sobornost Sobornost is a term coined by the early Slavophiles, Ivan Kireyevsky and Aleksey Khomyakov, to underline the need for co-operation between people, at the expense of individualism, on the basis that the opposing groups focus on what is common between them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobornost Ah, OK, I have not read Dugin deeply, just listened to the rare English piece on youtube, and the links I posted just recently. Sounds like a "slavic" concept of the comparative thinking around groups vs individuals. We can be reasonably sure that Dugin would be up on that term then... I do not know if he advocates sobornost per se. I think the West, even in this short definition above, consistently betrays its false dichotomies, in this example "the need for co-operation ... at the expense of individualism" - that has to be the stupidest thing I've read this month. How can co-operating with one another and uplifting each other's unique expression of awareness and individuality that they are, be _at the expense_ of individualism? Western thinking is seriously messed up. Cari, please save us from these false dichotomies ... no wonder we're going collectively loopy, the contradictions at the foundations of our very thoughts can only be sustained for so long. таракан, can you please enlighten us about whether this wikipedia definition is accurate, or if it is a typically "Western" bastardization?
Hannu Rajaniemi's treatment of that in his "Flower Prince" trilogy? As he tells it, all but the few strongest founders become slaves.
Sounds like a worthy read. This principle of "rule by the fittest" sounds to be right up there with "modern liberalism's" power pyramid of nihilist pricks :) A rule of thumb antidote might be "pick a principled _benevolent_ 'leader' to follow, if you're going to follow anyone". Followers are gonna follow, the weak are gonna bow, so perhaps our job could include teaching them about whom to follow, whom there might be a self interest to not bow to.
participants (5)
Cecilia Tanaka
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Zig the N.g