Philosohpical - Reading between the lines: the Great War of Continents, information wars, and multipolarity

Speaking of agendas, of course we each tend to see the world, the struggles of the day, through particular lenses, preferences, agendas etc. This philosophical piece has an image which could make a great desktop background - but more importantly may help remind some (such as I) to take note of the breadth of viewpoints/ agendas from which we may couch any events of the day. Perhaps you might enjoy it too. Regards, Zenaan

In the context of nations and governments, Putin/ Russia's approach to global order (multipolarity) is healthier than a single global hegemon (be it USA, Russia, China or any other single power). It seems evident to me that Russians, courtesy the collapse of the USSR and surely other historical events, have a far keener awareness of that which constitutes actual national security and a "conservative" global order. Here's one quote from the article linked below: "The confrontation in Syria cannot be solved by ‘international coalitions’ formed other than by the UN Security Council. Russia and the US are the co-chairs of the International Syrian Support Group. And unlike the various coalitions, this group does not aim at overthrowing Assad: its documents specify that the future of the country will be decided by the Syrian people. As it should be. This means that the world has already been redesigned, becoming a much safer place to live in " --- Where Has Putin Lead his Country? I'll Tell You Where On this, the second anniversary of the Crimean referendum to rejoin Russia, the author answers a Ukrainian questioner

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 11/29/2015 08:53 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Perhaps you might enjoy it too. r-of.html
did provide a few minutes of amusement. Of a sort. :o) A brief review of: Reading between the lines: the Great War of Continents, information wars, and multipolarity This article's title foreshadows its content: Many complex words that say nearly nothing. Orwell's 'duckspeak' condenses language into short bursts of stereotyped, reflexive utterances, meaningless outside the context of simplistic, indoctrinated verities supplied by the State. The bizarre cant the present document was written in looks like an equal and opposite version of Duckspeak: In overblown hyperbolic prose, the author piles high level abstractions one atop the other until any possible meaning disappears, in an apparent attempt to impress and confuse the reader. I had to re-read several paragraphs in the article to unravel their structure and assign possible meanings to them. On the whole it looks to me like a verbal Rorschach inkblot; devoid of content, but the reader might see his or her own latent beliefs peeking out here and there to create an illusion of deeper meaning. The whole semantic content of the article does appear in two sentences buried near the middle of the text: "Fort Russ provides cutting-edge reports and analyses which lay bare realities which mainstream Western media actively distorts, obscures, or flat out conceals. This is absolutely crucial." Here the author lays bare his own apparent intentions and method, attributing them to The Enemy like a good little propagandist should. And that's all I have to say about that. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJW6up8AAoJEDZ0Gg87KR0LYUQP/iE0bkRJ06dk+8YBlVal/VVo zpWJLeRt+5TIynvzJxbqa8q0mvVzq/qCoEYoHU+/KxgpHW4DP5eGMh2SzHulob3X Vs2Cuj18rZMgNmw0IzxEx09Rxqzy9TRQ/MwikHKBApAYpqA+E0mN/3xLKPzlQHD5 jp9NfQ9VbomjHJAg4GlqJ9ZIOGPsi++DrTEXzXaxLM8wh5fvgumpI+LPDlmAp1ZA gGjY3zE75NN/UvxtmIM/HK52JrDLmPiv8kl8sTieXgYsdKiM6beAYHbtULmPRMXa TJQ3FPWnAaprszuHHWzvNMq/Xnk63juTF7PsAXrnTTeMPWxiPKZ3oK89do5c/E72 E1IVQdvX3QhEPrd3O+AGeltmvmq6nBcvXiWW67sgeHmKQlSt6X669FMU19UeC1fS WMOrfNfHVp4sMLxB6lFzIFeKREh19BX3acrsjrFgP3Chj6zgQ9JjpZF1q0+foPqS 0NCNAYKc2+RsLiTP6j8e72nJgzQBxlufEY1tOPXr4B241fWMA6poKxe/XSI6mi6M 4YBODqb30orM/2GNyFmfrLhckdANRdYBaBfB/KSun964dFkbW10+ZMDxkud87Xit EW0Ngm5SR2ke8UrcvkS3l2MhUaj1UJzacYUx4HB7hkuxwSBzvXtBNGPeyjuvS6Vc etFUPz22Sll5GiChp5Rr =yqwU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (2)
Steve Kinney
Zenaan Harkness