CNN, for that offer you just can't refuse :D

CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan) , has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth. At least the ratings are high: and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life. Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams: Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable. Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!

CNN reaching new highs as they continues to take the high ground, body slams 15yo kid: CNN’s Chris Cuomo broke the law with this tweet, bullying a 15 year old kid

On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 10:12:27PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN reaching new highs as they continues to take the high ground, body slams 15yo kid:
CNN’s Chris Cuomo broke the law with this tweet, bullying a 15 year old kid
And of course, no one would ever think of creating similar memes against CNN in response to their thuggery - because we all know the Streissand effect just does not apply to the lame stream media - like, why would it? No one, absolutely no one, could ever, have predicted, the response:

From: Zenaan Harkness <>
CNN reaching new highs as they continues to take the high ground, body slams 15yo kid:
CNN’s Chris Cuomo broke the law with this tweet, bullying a 15 year old kid
This article contains the seemingly-limiting claim, "Cuomo produces his show in New York so Georgia laws do not apply to him." Actually, that's not necessarily true. The famous libel case, New York Times v. Sullivan, involved a libel lawsuit within Alabama, against the New York Times newspaper, a few copies of which were distributed within the local area. That was sufficient nexus to allow that suit. (see "Personal Jurisdiction, The problem, of course, that at trial, the New York Times would likely have been facing a jury of not-particularly-sympathetic locals, who could award huge damages against them. The Supreme Court 'split the baby' by creating a new standard for libel against 'public figures', requiring that there be 'malice' ("absense of malice") if the defendant was a 'public figure'. Curiously, their apparent definition of 'malice' did not comport with any then-current legal definition. The SC was simply pulling a legal rabbit out of a hat. In the current CNN and Cuomo case, their show is obviously broadcast (by cable) within Georgia, so there is no reason to believe that could not be haled into court on a charge of extortion in Georgia. Jim Bell

He's not a 15 year old: On Jul 6, 2017 7:12 AM, "Zenaan Harkness" <> wrote:
CNN reaching new highs as they continues to take the high ground, body slams 15yo kid:
CNN’s Chris Cuomo broke the law with this tweet, bullying a 15 year old kid with-this-tweet-threatening-15-year-old-kid/

On 07/06/2017 10:58 AM, John Schultz wrote:
He's not a 15 year old:
It's not his meme. It was modified by someone and he took credit before realizing it was modified. Further, that "Takedown" gif is ooooold, and has many variations. Here's a version I posted in 2012. Tumblr takes down Facebook. Also has a screenshot of a Facebook block, of their own 'safeimage' content hosted by akamaihd. Rr
On Jul 6, 2017 7:12 AM, "Zenaan Harkness" < <>> wrote:
CNN reaching new highs as they continues to take the high ground, body slams 15yo kid:
CNN’s Chris Cuomo broke the law with this tweet, bullying a 15 year old kid <>

Welp, conservatives must losing, and losing hard - all those sky high ratings at CNN prove it yo :D <innocent eyelash flutter> And of course the SJW Attack Survival Guide is so bland, absolutely no one would ever read it. <caugh> Next thing you know, Steve Bannon's Meme Troopers will be storm kreiging Sweden (nah just kidding, memes would simply --never-- work in Sweden). Oh me oh my, that bitter, bitter taste of loosing ... Mr. Peabody will certainly be giving up the Zumba. So sad.

Posting a meme on the intertubes? Free. A Kekistan t-shirt? $20 + postage. Successfully targetting a fake news network to get half the country behind you? mix 1 POTUS with 2 parts of social media and an ego to match; pop goes the weasel network. Making The Jewish Question politically correct and literally main stream, globally, for the first time in a hundred years? THAT would require an exclusively Jewish owned, controlled and run cable very fake news network mega corporation with no self awareness of the consequences, threatening a nobody who posted a meme about all the Jews running your company - nobody would have cared, and LITERALLY NOBODY could have predicted that said network would actually actually do this. Yet this just literally happened. For everything else, there's Mir Card: Here's the CNN provenance meme, the one that orly pissed off CNN and ultimately caused the Jewish question to (once again after ~70yrs dormant) hit the main stream: (From the earlier link: ) (CNN's "Are Jews people?" ticker is also one for CNN's "democratization of the JQ" hall of fame: ) Well played, CNN! You've truly done the proud! Now go see a nice psychiatrist and talk about your mommy issues, and while you're at it, fire up an oven - might make you feel better :D Now here's a truly amazing thing: this Jewish "lack of self awareness" proscription is not limited to the very fake Cable News Network, no sir-ee! The Jewish banking fraternity (that's most of the world's banks) running the Jewish banking system (debt based money expansion as opposed to a sane credit based money expansion system), i.e. The Cabal (TM)(C)(R) (Rockefeller, Citi and the rest, with Lord Rothschild presiding over them all), have yet to properly assess the results of The Way Things Now Are, Putin-style, and instead of trying to make deals with Russia to maximise long term benefit of the cabal, they continue to raise the stakes with threats of more sanctions and various other toddler foot stompings. The only rational explanation is a deep and abiding hope for World War 3, and a corresponding deep and abiding disdain for all other tribes (and I guess for their own tribe too, since the next real war with Russia would be catastophic for all life on Earth - but the men stomping their feet with unresolved mommy issues apparently just don't give rats arse and would rather have a world war; go figure!) And what's truly ironic is that the cabal thought they were playing China for 100 years, assuming either money (joining IMF), more war or a Chinese dummy-spit on USA bonds (did not happen) would win the final day, when in fact China has sat back for 100 years watching the various "Whities" shoot the firetruck out of each other, and now that the writing's on the wall, the Western car conglomerates are literally begging the Chinese government for a couple extra years!: Automakers Are Asking China To Slow Down Electric Car Quotas You know with all their money, banks, media control and numerous Western countries under their control, they -still- are out competed by the Chinese - i.e. they missed the strategic for the tactical. Evidently self-awareness does not utomatically follow from intelligence. (Yeah, yeah, substitute Zionists for Jews if you wanna howl about it - but just remember, not all Jewish bankers are Zionists.) Sir Shitlord, Graduate, Ministry of Triggering (SnowFlake School flunky) * Certified Deplorable Neo-Nazi Fake News Hunter (TM)(C)(R) * Executive Director of Triggers, Ministry of Winning * Weapons against traditional \/\/European\/\/ values: * How Liberal Lefties view the world: On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 10:43:54PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan)
, has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge
This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth.
At least the ratings are high:
and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life.
Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams:
Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable.
Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!

You want conspiracy? How deep the rabbit hole goes :) That which we don't own, we don't control. That which we don't control, WILL be used against us. CNN ain't the only Zio glomerate 100% owned, controlled and run by the Jewish zio cabal - the Jew York Times is, likewise, 100% owned and controlled by the cabal: Dr. Duke & Eric Striker: Zio CNN Exposed & Body Slammed – the Goyim Know!

fake news - -------- Original Message -------- On Jul 18, 2017, 3:04 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
You want conspiracy? How deep the rabbit hole goes :)
That which we don't own, we don't control.
That which we don't control, WILL be used against us.
CNN ain't the only Zio glomerate 100% owned, controlled and run by the Jewish zio cabal - the Jew York Times is, likewise, 100% owned and controlled by the cabal:
Dr. Duke & Eric Striker: Zio CNN Exposed & Body Slammed – the Goyim Know!

Take a bow Anglin, you're welcome :D OK folks, for those who missed the memo, you've got some serious trollin' to do to catch up - seriously, the self-referential butterfly lame stream media chicken and egg on face effects are something to behold, yes, right up there with CNN's very public, very bold, and very successful campaign to make the JQ (that's the Jewish Question for you newbies) a politically correct public discussion topic again - for the first time in 70 years (note, not 100 yrs as stated below)‼ (Note, until it changes again, the .red domain is the latest one still up…) Trolling the Media with My Own Style Guide Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer December 18, 2017 “But yes. I got mass mainstream media attention for a document about how to manipulate the mainstream media into giving me mass mainstream media attention.” On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 09:47:07PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Posting a meme on the intertubes? Free.
A Kekistan t-shirt? $20 + postage.
Successfully targetting a fake news network to get half the country behind you? mix 1 POTUS with 2 parts of social media and an ego to match; pop goes the weasel network.
Making The Jewish Question politically correct and literally main stream, globally, for the first time in a hundred years?
THAT would require an exclusively Jewish owned, controlled and run cable very fake news network mega corporation with no self awareness of the consequences, threatening a nobody who posted a meme about all the Jews running your company - nobody would have cared, and LITERALLY NOBODY could have predicted that said network would actually actually do this.
Yet this just literally happened.
For everything else, there's Mir Card:
Here's the CNN provenance meme, the one that orly pissed off CNN and ultimately caused the Jewish question to (once again after ~70yrs dormant) hit the main stream: (From the earlier link: )
(CNN's "Are Jews people?" ticker is also one for CNN's "democratization of the JQ" hall of fame: )
Well played, CNN! You've truly done the proud! Now go see a nice psychiatrist and talk about your mommy issues, and while you're at it, fire up an oven - might make you feel better :D
Now here's a truly amazing thing: this Jewish "lack of self awareness" proscription is not limited to the very fake Cable News Network, no sir-ee! The Jewish banking fraternity (that's most of the world's banks) running the Jewish banking system (debt based money expansion as opposed to a sane credit based money expansion system), i.e. The Cabal (TM)(C)(R) (Rockefeller, Citi and the rest, with Lord Rothschild presiding over them all), have yet to properly assess the results of The Way Things Now Are, Putin-style, and instead of trying to make deals with Russia to maximise long term benefit of the cabal, they continue to raise the stakes with threats of more sanctions and various other toddler foot stompings.
The only rational explanation is a deep and abiding hope for World War 3, and a corresponding deep and abiding disdain for all other tribes (and I guess for their own tribe too, since the next real war with Russia would be catastophic for all life on Earth - but the men stomping their feet with unresolved mommy issues apparently just don't give rats arse and would rather have a world war; go figure!)
And what's truly ironic is that the cabal thought they were playing China for 100 years, assuming either money (joining IMF), more war or a Chinese dummy-spit on USA bonds (did not happen) would win the final day, when in fact China has sat back for 100 years watching the various "Whities" shoot the firetruck out of each other, and now that the writing's on the wall, the Western car conglomerates are literally begging the Chinese government for a couple extra years!:
Automakers Are Asking China To Slow Down Electric Car Quotas
You know with all their money, banks, media control and numerous Western countries under their control, they -still- are out competed by the Chinese - i.e. they missed the strategic for the tactical. Evidently self-awareness does not utomatically follow from intelligence.
(Yeah, yeah, substitute Zionists for Jews if you wanna howl about it - but just remember, not all Jewish bankers are Zionists.)
Sir Shitlord, Graduate, Ministry of Triggering (SnowFlake School flunky) * Certified Deplorable Neo-Nazi Fake News Hunter (TM)(C)(R) * Executive Director of Triggers, Ministry of Winning * Weapons against traditional \/\/European\/\/ values: * How Liberal Lefties view the world:
On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 10:43:54PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan)
, has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge
This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth.
At least the ratings are high:
and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life.
Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams:
Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable.
Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!

Here, 'ave a Red Pill :) direct: :)

Welp, welp, welp. What to say, how to couch bullying? “CNN, doxing again, but this to an elderly women.” No, that's too factual, we need more media grab! : “CNN, stalking and harassing elderly woman!” That'll do grasshopper, that'll do. CNN seems to have really learned the lesson of the POTUS body slam meme, where doxing a basement-dwelling deplorable goes down like a lead balloon with the public, and so should not be done - I mean, the optics are so ... Main Stream Media like! I guess this is the "CNN stock price improvement program for dummies" ... or something :D As one ZeroHedge commenter poignantly points out: “So now the Communist Nuuuz Network is tracking down little old ladies and hectoring them in front of their own homes?! Oh well done, very well Whats next, have Mueller indict her as a co-conspirator? ;-) ” What's next? CNN digging through Russian garbage dumpsters or something? CNN Doxxes Elderly Woman, Badgers At House Over Russian Trolls Don't forget this little "get out and vote" evil Russian propaganda video from the comments :) Social video about the 2018 Presidential elections On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 10:43:54PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan)
, has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge
This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth.
At least the ratings are high:
and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life.
Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams:
Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable.
Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!

"Off the charts" folks. "how to coach" "how to bully" "should grandmothers be doxxed and student school-shooting survivors be slandered as 'lyers'?" If you're (((CNN))), yes you do kiddo, you just double the firetruck down ... for the share price? <snigger> Who knew psychopaths were irredeemable? CNN’s Drew Griffin: School Shooting Survivor Colton Haab Is Lying Party time people - the end of CNN is nigh - and this means that big changes are right around the corner. Be prepared for a year of almost unbelievable winning - few could ever have predicted we'd be this far, this fast. Golden golemns are on the march. Listen to those Soul cookies, rock on some freedom, celebrate your truth, spread those memes - our reality is shifting, bigly! #ItsOKToBeWhite On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 07:22:05PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Welp, welp, welp. What to say, how to couch bullying?
“CNN, doxing again, but this to an elderly women.”
No, that's too factual, we need more media grab! :
“CNN, stalking and harassing elderly woman!”
That'll do grasshopper, that'll do.
CNN seems to have really learned the lesson of the POTUS body slam meme, where doxing a basement-dwelling deplorable goes down like a lead balloon with the public, and so should not be done - I mean, the optics are so ... Main Stream Media like!
I guess this is the "CNN stock price improvement program for dummies" ... or something :D
As one ZeroHedge commenter poignantly points out:
“So now the Communist Nuuuz Network is tracking down little old ladies and hectoring them in front of their own homes?!
Oh well done, very well
Whats next, have Mueller indict her as a co-conspirator? ;-) ”
What's next? CNN digging through Russian garbage dumpsters or something? CNN Doxxes Elderly Woman, Badgers At House Over Russian Trolls
Don't forget this little "get out and vote" evil Russian propaganda video from the comments :)
Social video about the 2018 Presidential elections
On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 10:43:54PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan)
, has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge
This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth.
At least the ratings are high:
and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life.
Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams:
Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable.
Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!

On 24/02/2018 20:09, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
"Off the charts" folks.
"how to coach" "how to bully" "should grandmothers be doxxed and student school-shooting survivors be slandered as 'lyers'?"
It is entirely obvious that someone in authority knew or strongly suspected that this school shooting was coming, and responded, not by having the shooter psychiatrically detained for listening to the voices of demons while in possession of a weapon, nor imprisoned for the numerous crimes he had already committed, but by preparing this media blitz and coaching these "survivors" in advance of the actual shooting.

On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 06:22:15 +0800 wrote:
It is entirely obvious that someone in authority knew or strongly suspected that this school shooting was coming, and responded, not by having the shooter psychiatrically detained for listening to the voices of demons
the shooter was black and possessed by the anti christ. This is exactly what your white racial science and your white religious science from the bible predict. It's all in the white bible so it's clear what you're complaining about? while in possession of a weapon, nor imprisoned for
the numerous crimes he had already committed, but by preparing this media blitz and coaching these "survivors" in advance of the actual shooting. wrote:
It is entirely obvious that someone in authority knew or strongly suspected that this school shooting was coming, and responded, not by having the shooter psychiatrically detained for listening to the voices of demons
On 25/02/2018 08:46, juan wrote:
the shooter was black and possessed by the anti christ.
The shooter was white Hispanic. He was confused about his identity, but all the identities he claimed (Hispanic, Jewish, and Sunni Islamic) are anti European, anti white, and the more extreme and vocal elements of each are plotting anti white genocide. Further, the Catholic religion was imposed on South America by fire an sword, so Hispanics that are serious about an anti white Hispanic identity tend to worship the Old Gods, which is to say, worship Demons. If he was possessed, or believed himself possessed, he was possessed by the Old Gods, not by the anti christ.

On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 16:00:21 +0800 wrote:
The shooter was white Hispanic. He was confused about his identity,
no, the shooter was black but he was camouflaged by satanic forces created by the anti christ, that's why he looked white.
but all the identities he claimed (Hispanic, Jewish, and Sunni Islamic) are anti European, anti white, and the more extreme and vocal elements of each are plotting anti white genocide.
yes, satan is using black shooters to exterminate the human race
Further, the Catholic religion was imposed on South America by fire an sword,
yes the subhumans were treated according to GD'S law. And the white super humans like you did GD'S work.
so Hispanics that are serious about an anti white Hispanic identity tend to worship the Old Gods, which is to say, worship Demons.
no, polytheism is wrong and there's only one demon, THE ANTI CHRIST.
If he was possessed, or believed himself possessed, he was possessed by the Old Gods, not by the anti christ.
that's were your scientific knowledge is a bit lacking. You need to study more scientific facts, like this one here, black shooter looks white thanks to demonic forces :

Ill bet if you gave this guy an AR and told him he was a "crisis actor" he'd blow your fucking head off, then you could be one too. He's also smarter than you. He doesn't let the media divert attention to stupid shit. -------- Original message --------From: grarpamp <> Date: 2/24/18 11:19 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: CNN, for that offer you just can't refuse :D
It is entirely obvious that someone in authority knew or strongly suspected that this school shooting was coming, and responded, not by... but by...
9/11, the model is well honed and remains highly effective.

On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 07:07:00 -0800 g2s <> wrote:
Ill bet if you gave this guy an AR and told him he was a "crisis actor" he'd blow your fucking head off,
lawl - US military propagada agent razer gets mad every time the US military, 9/11 false flag gets mentioned. then you could be one too.
He's also smarter than you. He doesn't let the media divert attention to stupid shit. -------- Original message --------From: grarpamp <> Date: 2/24/18 11:19 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: CNN, for that offer you just can't refuse :D
It is entirely obvious that someone in authority knew or strongly suspected that this school shooting was coming, and responded, not by... but by...
9/11, the model is well honed and remains highly effective.

He's ABSOLUTELY smarter than you Juan. He sees the diversion ... the ones you believe in like gods gospel Rr -------- Original message --------From: juan <> Date: 2/25/18 11:20 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: CNN, for that offer you just can't refuse :D On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 07:07:00 -0800 g2s <> wrote:
Ill bet if you gave this guy an AR and told him he was a "crisis actor" he'd blow your fucking head off,
lawl - US military propagada agent razer gets mad every time the US military, 9/11 false flag gets mentioned. then you could be one too.
He's also smarter than you. He doesn't let the media divert attention to stupid shit. -------- Original message --------From: grarpamp <> Date: 2/24/18 11:19 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: CNN, for that offer you just can't refuse :D
It is entirely obvious that someone in authority knew or strongly suspected that this school shooting was coming, and responded, not by... but by...
9/11, the model is well honed and remains highly effective.

Dumpster diving is taken to new highs ... I mean lows - CNN is now (literal) hooker stalking: Human Blob Michael Moore Attempting to Rescue Mainstream Narrative from Russia Hoax CNN is following around some whore (she is an actual whore) to her performances at strip clubs to ask her about that time she allegedly had sex with Trump. CNN - for all your top quality hooker reportage. Folks, this one time, CNN chased a hooker round the country. And this one time, CNN REALLY got their stock price moving ... or something :D On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 11:09:31PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
"Off the charts" folks.
"how to coach" "how to bully" "should grandmothers be doxxed and student school-shooting survivors be slandered as 'lyers'?"
If you're (((CNN))), yes you do kiddo, you just double the firetruck down ... for the share price? <snigger>
Who knew psychopaths were irredeemable? CNN’s Drew Griffin: School Shooting Survivor Colton Haab Is Lying
Party time people - the end of CNN is nigh - and this means that big changes are right around the corner. Be prepared for a year of almost unbelievable winning - few could ever have predicted we'd be this far, this fast. Golden golemns are on the march.
Listen to those Soul cookies, rock on some freedom, celebrate your truth, spread those memes - our reality is shifting, bigly!
On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 07:22:05PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Welp, welp, welp. What to say, how to couch bullying?
“CNN, doxing again, but this to an elderly women.”
No, that's too factual, we need more media grab! :
“CNN, stalking and harassing elderly woman!”
That'll do grasshopper, that'll do.
CNN seems to have really learned the lesson of the POTUS body slam meme, where doxing a basement-dwelling deplorable goes down like a lead balloon with the public, and so should not be done - I mean, the optics are so ... Main Stream Media like!
I guess this is the "CNN stock price improvement program for dummies" ... or something :D
As one ZeroHedge commenter poignantly points out:
“So now the Communist Nuuuz Network is tracking down little old ladies and hectoring them in front of their own homes?!
Oh well done, very well
Whats next, have Mueller indict her as a co-conspirator? ;-) ”
What's next? CNN digging through Russian garbage dumpsters or something? CNN Doxxes Elderly Woman, Badgers At House Over Russian Trolls
Don't forget this little "get out and vote" evil Russian propaganda video from the comments :)
Social video about the 2018 Presidential elections
On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 10:43:54PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan)
, has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge
This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth.
At least the ratings are high:
and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life.
Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams:
Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable.
Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!
participants (9)
jim bell
John Schultz
Zenaan Harkness