Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

Michael Nelson nelson_mikel at Fri Dec 8 18:22:28 PST 2017
Whereas an automobile still uses the same amount of fuel to get you from A to B, when you raise the price of fuel, Bitcoin instantly drops the amount of fuel it uses, but continues to function just as well.
Wut? The coin "fuel" drops with price increase because less people "use" it; mining and transactions. A road/automobile does the same. Less people "use" it due to cost. The model functions just as well. This is the future of the blockchain. Payments for road access + transaction fees (way better than those horrible withdrawal fees), and added taxes for "carbon pollution" and for human-piloted vehicle "licensing" and "insurance".
blame governments for allowing the tolerance of [automobiles]
What is wrong with you eco-commie fucks. Automobiles can be anything-powered. The combustion engine was designed to run on compost alcohol with emissions that feed the trees. You can't get more environmentally friendly than that. "muh carbon" "muh car" "muh c"
participants (1)
Green Peas