On 8/11/23, Karl Semich <baffo32@gmail.com> wrote:
[sequence idea
torturous mind controller has been torturing and manipulating a tortured and framed activist in a corrupt prison so horrifically that they don’t retain information from moment to moment anymore and interpret every experience as joyful to cope.
an international investigation is coming and the victim is going to ne psychologically analyzed to determine if anything horrible was going on.
torturous mind controller’s task is to get tortured and framed activist to kill themselves before their mind is used as testimony, but all they know how to so is be manipulative and torturesome, so they don’t heal the individual’s consciousness at all.
each sequence begins with the torturous mind control for example secretly hypnotically priming the victim for the suicide, preparing them for how they will behave in each step of their own murder. they use drugs, symbolism, the appearance of disembodied voices, dream influence, fake letters from friends, etc. the victim is incredibly hypnotizable and jumps right in, joyfully trusting the mind controller, but doesn’t remember things from moment to moment. each time it is time to perform the final act of ending their life they hilariously get distracted by something shiny or recall a past hypnotic influence they haven’t been able to shake or a deus ex machina interrupts etc.
halfway through the sequence the torturous mind controller gets frustrated and pressured enough, and adjusts enough to what is actually going on after how they treated this person, that they just confront them directly and bald-faced explain what is going on and walk them through practicing the behavior directly ….
… at the end they are so frustrated that they want to see the victim’s mind healed as much as everybody else.]
participants (1)
Karl Semich