[MINISTRY] - when facts don't succeed, HuffPost it? real life humour

So those libery-lefty night-terror seeds, aka facts, are such pesky, pesky things, so when facts get in the way, throw some ad-homs and "slight"ing facts (HAH! that pun'll make sense in the context - "short man" accusations, a true fact I guess :) So, HuffPo takes down Andrew Anglin - you know you love it :D Yes kiddo, you know this is not going to end well for HuffPo - not quite up there with CNN making the JQ public swank again, but dang funny nonetheless. Now for the newbies - "punks" of mind and heart - there are some things that "true punks" are not allowed to talk about, and are absolutely not allowed to laugh at, such as Nazis, Hitler and Andrew Anglin, 'cause, like, "procreate with huwaite nationalists" already! Trigger Warning: to all snowflakes: do NOT go there, that's a nartsee ---------------- web soit and them thar trolls'll flog yer brain silly dey will! Seriously, we should just let the ADL and the SPLC ⟨aka, dem Zio like folkes⟩ decide which websites to allow on the internet, and which websites are Nazi havens to be wiped from the face of the earth now. Huffington Post on Andrew Anglin: “Did We Mention He’s Short???” https://dailystormer.red/huffington-post-on-andrew-anglin-did-we-mention-hes...
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness