[ot][personal][wrong][wrong] making my way outdoors on saturday
it's building in me to go outdoors :) i'm wearing cotton pajamas and having trouble directing my body. i'd like to wear many layers of wool. cotton is no good when damp. wool is good when damp. synthetics good too. I generally put all my warm clothes on at once on very cold days, and then take layers off that are unneeded. "comfortably cool." the extra warmth from all the layers helps trick part of me to still think it's indoors. when i'm outdoors, i've had a lot of trouble doing things that develop my body's ability to stay warm. ideally, i'm exercising all day, constantly (not to exhaustion: to sustain). ... anyway first step is garments
my warm clothes are a little spread around, and the energy to go back outdoors has significantly reduced. my biggest worry is my email name. I like to sneakily change it back before emailing people, but my email client has started disrespecting the change: maybe it takes some time to kick in. so it takes more attention.
I want to change my email name to email ardrive and see how available space extension is. The mental inhibition on preserving my files is the same group as the one my name is resisting.
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