Assistance and Access Bill 2018 FAQ (Australia)

Hi everyone, I've been asked to compile a list of questions that will hopefully be answered by lawyers, in order to assist IT workers within Australia due to the recent Assistance and Access Bill 2018 (aka encryption-busting bill): While compiling this list, I thought to turn it into an FAQ. Any questions (or even answers) would be most appreciated: There are many ways to contribute (outlined in the above link), but if the moderators allow, questions here would be great so they can create group discussion not thought of elsewhere (then I'll sweep them up into the FAQ). Thanks everyone. Alfie -- Alfie John

On Sat, Dec 08, 2018 at 06:18:54PM +1100, Alfie John wrote:
but if the moderators allow
heh... this was originally a x-post from Metzdowd. Alfie -- Alfie John
So you all utterly failed to bother standing up and tell them to fuck off with their stupid Police State bill, therein they saw your sheep ass and officially "voted" to ram it in there, and now you're writing FAQ's about how you all can best continue being on your knees this time happily taking their cock in your mouth? Appears there's more sissies out there than anyone thought. The answer to every single question on that FAQ, which they'll now be coming at you with, is still, right properly... "Fuck Off". When are you and the world going to start saying Fuck Off. Seriously.
And why are you drawing up and giving the enemy a detailed list of all the ways and things they need to go after so they can fuck you even further? Politicians are retards, they're not going to know all that stuff till you drop it on them, then they'll take it and "vote" some more and use it against you as always too. And don't you know "lawyers" are "licensed" by the Government, so they all ultimately work at pleasure for that bitch your "Queen", and their stupid Bar Association Cabals, not for you. Wake up.
participants (2)
Alfie John