After a one-two combination like APster 1996-2006 and Wikileaks 2006 - 2010, I guess Btc looks a little weak and weedy. Especially with such a chickenshit pussy eunuch like " Satoshi' as lead c-punk. Meh! However, Btc has bootstrapped incredible value and created the sure and certain market for a ubiquitous electronic P2P cash system that is not only more cypherpunk but even approaches the cyberspatial realization of anarchism. That is its power and that will be its everlasting glory. Just remember cryptoanarchy is a system larger than any crypto-currency and its still not really been trialled in its entirety. Some of you may remember this from 2001. Cypherpunks Subject: Everyone a remailer: Everyone a Mint: Everyone an assassin https://marc.info/?l=cypherpunks&m=100872510706876&w=2 Two out of three ain't bad - I suspect the coming cryptocoins will be based on something more like Avalanch and be uncapped but doled out in line with global GDP as some sort of UBI. Financial information wants to be free! Quantum computers and stronger AI will help us design next-gen e-cash with far better UX and security and scale and sustainability. I have some Btc but I'm never selling and I can't wait for it to go extinct. Viva la revolution.
participants (1)
professor rat