pie in sky suites - long lived public key pairs for persistent identity

use case is long term (decade+) identity rather than privacy or session authorization. eternity key signs working keys tuned for speed with limited secret life span (month+). working keys are used for secret exchange and any other temporal purpose. you may use any algorithms desired; what do you pick? Curve3617+NTRU eternity key Curve25519 working keys ChaCha20+Poly1305-AES for sym./mac ? this assumes key agility by signing working keys with all eternity keys, and promoting un-broken suites to working suites as needed. you cannot retro-actively add new suites to eternity keys; these must be selected and generated extremely conservatively. other questions: - would you include another public key crypto system with the above? (if so, why?) - does GGH signature scheme avoid patent mine fields? (like NTRU patents) - is it true that NSA does not use any public key scheme, nor AES, for long term secrets? - are you relieved NSA has only a modest effort aimed at keeping an eye on quantum cryptanalysis efforts in academia and other nations? best regards,

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 11:42 AM, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
use case is long term (decade+) identity ... key signs working keys tuned for speed with limited secret life span (month+).
i should have better clarified intent: - long term keys are offline, otherwise better protected (for arbitrary degrees of "beyond the everyday level"). thwarting active attacks or chosen input attacks is explicitly intended. - long term keys can be large, or slow, or demand elevated protections and blinding, or other mechanisms which aggravate to point of disabling or calling to costly with respect to the working / short term keys. applying all reasonable protections is specifically intended. - long term keys may be M of N threshold schemes for group or ceremony based attestations for other long term keys, working keys, or secure identifiers in general. said another way, long term keys are specifically intended as trust anchors in public key systems of various types. thanks all for the input that followed; i appreciate it! best regards,
participants (1)