The Great Firewall of Belgium

Hello, The major ISPs of Belgium were forced to block certain sites starting in 2009. The list of blocked websites is secret (except for the gambling sites blocked due to regulatory issues with the Belgian gaming commission). The blocked sites can be categorized as: - websits containing child porn - child porn whistleblowing sites (long story) - Regulatory issues with the gaming commission (this list is public) - Piracy related (The Pirate Bay amongst others) - Webshops selling illegal medicine and other forbidden products I've been trying to uncover this list here: Basically, DNS requests for those websites are redirected to a government controlled webserver. What other techniques are there (besides checking every site on the internet) to try and uncover whether sites are blocked in Belgium? -Laurens

2013/10/11 Laurens Vets <>
I've been trying to uncover this list here:** your-government-is-lying-to-**you-and-something-about-**censorship/<>
Basically, DNS requests for those websites are redirected to a government controlled webserver.
What other techniques are there (besides checking every site on the internet) to try and uncover whether sites are blocked in Belgium?
1. Legal (most ineffective) 2. Pursuade an employee of a Belgian ISP (they must have the list) 3. Brute forcing the "government controlled" webserver and seeing what it responds to (might respond to everything equally though) 4. Crack into Belgian ISP or government anywhere where the list is compiled or actually applied. (Not recommended) Up to about 8 characters a full brute-force is kinda feasible. I suspect that some blocked websites might very well have more than 8 characters, so it truly doesn't work. Using this <> index (highly questionable) it claims 40billion pages, which is actually kind of doable. Problem is obtaining that list, which is not quite doable. (And maybe your ISP claiming you're operating outside normal parameters)
participants (2)
Laurens Vets
Lodewijk andré de la porte