Would be great for the other dual-hats to follow Schneier's example, with fuller accounts of what has been going on behind NDAs and clearances. A dripped released is hardly sufficient, maybe justifiably suspicious. Remains to be seen if all spy ties are severed or just go darker and deeper, as usual, into the repurposed Black Chamber to hide with celebrity and outrage what is blatantly devious -- in the crypto legacy manner. Isn't that what this unfettered open forum dumpster is urging duplicitously from DoB of cryptoanarchy? Whither cryptoanarchy's billionaire, if not TLAs, Soros, Sim, Murdoch, Gates, Ellison, Bezos, Omidyar, Kochs, Saudis, Russians, Windsors, China, Kuwait, Oman, Ford, Rockefeller, so many, so sneaky. As Assange said to early charges of CIA/Soros funding, "we should be so lucky, all donations welcomed." Word. At 11:29 AM 12/16/2013, you wrote:
retaliation for helping expose intelligence community excesses and illegalities?

What do you consider to be a dual-hat? On Dec 16, 2013, at 12:32 PM, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
Would be great for the other dual-hats to follow Schneier's example, with fuller accounts of what has been going on behind NDAs and clearances. A dripped released is hardly sufficient, maybe justifiably suspicious.
Remains to be seen if all spy ties are severed or just go darker and deeper, as usual, into the repurposed Black Chamber to hide with celebrity and outrage what is blatantly devious -- in the crypto legacy manner.
Isn't that what this unfettered open forum dumpster is urging duplicitously from DoB of cryptoanarchy?
Whither cryptoanarchy's billionaire, if not TLAs, Soros, Sim, Murdoch, Gates, Ellison, Bezos, Omidyar, Kochs, Saudis, Russians, Windsors, China, Kuwait, Oman, Ford, Rockefeller, so many, so sneaky.
As Assange said to early charges of CIA/Soros funding, "we should be so lucky, all donations welcomed." Word.
At 11:29 AM 12/16/2013, you wrote:
retaliation for helping expose intelligence community excesses and illegalities?

At 03:30 PM 12/16/2013, you wrote:
What do you consider to be a dual-hat?
Working on classified and unclassified projects on the same or related topics, subject to NDAs and secrecy clearance agreements. While also working the public celebrity arena leaking hints and yarps about what's behind the cloak that cannot be disclosed. Corresponds roughly to dual-use technology, such as, notably, crypto, nuclear, biological, chemical, radiological. These and much other dual-use technology are fulsomely described in global export control regimes, like the Wassenaar Arrangement. But quite a few dual-use controls are themselves secret. Finance gets a lot of open and classified attention. Crypto is a pretty good pathfinder to trace the other technologies and their profiteers, so it gets a special place in the pantheon of lucrative treachery, right up there next to law and politics, all dual-hatted, so duplictious that mere duality of forked-tongues should be understood as over-simplification.
participants (2)
David Maynor
John Young