On 9/5/19, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
the United States can't institute "marshall" law and suspend your Constitutional rights.
Your "governments" (aka: the people you slaves worship all day) can indeed institute that, in fact in most places it is often simply one "constitutional" constitution amending "vote" away, in a process they created for themselves expressly for the purpose of doing so. Nevermind that you didn't "vote" or sign for those "constitutions" over yourself, nor did being born subject you to them, nor does what you think for yourself tomorrow morning not cast you free from them. Nevermind that your "vote" or sign to force your will over some other else who has not first exerted force over you is immoral... a wanton offense expected penaltied by a right stronger defense. Nevermind that they constantly "vote" in all sort of unconstitutional things (evidence: subsequent smackdown by judicial), and generally ignore and do whatever the fuck they want anyway. Nevermind that the only branch of most "governments" that posess superior weaponry is executive, not legislative, not judicial, and certainly not the people. Which is also why military coup is common form happening all over the world. And why people lose so often. Look at USA 9/11 response... not only instant 100% "voted' handover to executive and rnilitary running essentially unchallenged worldwide for 20y even murders ignored, but all sorts of independantly top secret executive actions that executive will never inform about so as to put itself "vote" or test in "court", and dodges every attempt to do so when it comes.
Talk carries no stick they need be concerned about, thus, unless you get lucky with moral or guilt tripping them, or just plain bribing or joining them, it generally won't help you, you might as well be talking "please fuck me harder". What the fuck you think all the surveillance datamining databasing checkpointing (aka: spying and control on you) you retards let them do is doing to you lately, funny you fools do not think to spy and do those things on them. Funny they have you so confused and brainwashed and frustrated and taxed down the best you can do is shoot each other up in the news, "voting" to medicate with [taxed] marijuana, and checking out on heroin lately, instead of shooting them up with some of your own freedom revolution medication.
That's a bullshit idea no one has to believe in or voted for.
Constitutions are worthless facade and feelgood wallpaper over the fact that you fools gave up your rights to them long ago. You believed in doing that the moment you let them create themselves into position over you, and continue to personally believe that to this day and every day that you allow that situation to continue, in every "country" in the world. That 8 billion people are such willingly subjugated sheep that cannot break mind and freely support each other, anywhere... is pretty pathetic. The only true * is no *. Go figure one out. Since no place has ever tried no *, your odds of success at that are at least 50%, which is 100% better than every other failed * in history, with whatever is your present * not likely to be an exception.
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