Cryptographers fight to keep ‘crypto’ prefix: ‘We all have hills we are willing to die on’ | Cryptocurrencies | The Guardian
The vulture capitalists can have ' Crypto ' as far as I'm concerned since the term has already become a chossy meaningless signifier in the crypto-currency arena. Of course there are still moron Coderpunks that drop their effective ' noise ' here - but they're the humps that have to die. None of us have to die. As for those complete fucking degenerate morons that think they can monetize ' Cypherpunks ' and " Cryptoanarchy " Some of these humps are already being APstered. Every damn fool at ' Cypherpunks Ltd " in Canadia and " Anarchopulco " in Mexico will die soon, I promise you. Then that so-called ' Crypto-anarchy Institute " in Prague is also on notice that anarchy means anarchism NOT some Randite, Paultard, Austro-Libertarian garbage indistinguishable from fascism. They've been warned. WE MEAN IT MA-AAAN!
participants (1)
professor rat