[spam][crazy][wrong][ot] ramblings

whooo! it's 16:15 on 2021-11-24 and i know that well because i just typed a spamlogtiny where i found the broadcast rpc call for libretchingandvomiting and ... then my xorg began misbehaving such that only the menu bar would respond to keyboard and mouse input, no matter what window was focused, and then i wrote a script to dump the memory of my chrome processes, and the visible email content didn't seem to be in the memory i dumped, and then my system ran out of space, and my body froze up and started spasming ... basically when my computer gets a corruption i start thinking aliens are hacking my brain and everything goes wrong. but then i rebooted the system! the email was apparently lost, _but_ i have part of a script started for dumping process ram, so that's progress for future situations. in my imaginary world where i can do free makery stuff, i use a field probe to read the ram directly from its refresh emissions using an sdr. but we are not in this imaginary world so i use /proc/[pid]/mem and /proc/[pid]/maps . it would be good to set the kernel settings that let me use /dev/mem, be super helpful. anyway ! libtotallygrossdestroyedwaste is still seeming fun to pursue. there's also a thing in an hour i'd kinda like to try going to. my new scared habits know to hit 'save draft' over and over and over again to make life make more sense. it's 16:55 and i'm hitting 'save draft'. 16:57 i hit 'save draft' again. and here i go again. i like hitting it. in electrumx, transaction_broadcast() expects a hexadecimal string passed, and it's called in response to 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast' yay! it's 16:58 and i'm hitting 'save draft'. it's 17:00 and ................ the rpc call source reads like it would return the transaction hash after broadcast. i'm hitting save draft! it's 1701 ! 1703. omigod i wrote a broadcast wrapper! it's a 1-line function and it's so hard. i know it won't work yet (because my error density is so high) but here it is: async def broadcast(self, txbytes) -> str: return await self.request(str, 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast', txbytes.hex()) woohoo ! saving draft. and code. ok ummmm i'll use the op_return code to test it. i'll use my mobile phone to send money to a private address. the hardest part will be making the private key because th eop return code uses a local node. maybe i'll just focus on that. it's 1718. hitting 'save draft'. what a nice, friendly button. now it's 1719. anyway i've made a possible opreturn output, pending bugs. the biggest concern around craftin ga transaction is estimating a fee. maybe i'll make a quick fee estimation wrapper. 1719. i better wrap other useful things too like getting utxos. and that will mean identifying an address by its 'hashx', an electrum-specific thing. 1726 how to get a hashx is at https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/blob/8d7370d897314d8542906aecc6a45cc949... def address_to_scripthash(addr: str) -> str: script = address_to_script(addr) return script_to_scripthash(script) or in electrumx in coin.py class Coin def address_to_hashX(cls, address): '''Return a hashX given a coin address.''' return cls.hashX_from_script(cls.pay_to_address_script(address)) 1728 1732. i guess i'll be going to my event to stay more stable. maybe switchin' gears.

1747 omigoodness! the thing i thought was 'in an hour' is not actually happening this week. instead i have a trip to prepare for. for now, i'll work a little more. i generated a private key for testing! i'll send it funs! i use mainnet for testing [so that i burn funds in doing so. helps my psychological issues to waste money. the ones where i think i'm being beaten up by a group that hates me. they do less imaginary beating up if i waste my money.] 1747 i sent $0.99 in BSV to my test address ! 1749. here's the private key line for gits and shiggles: # note: this private key is not private privkey = bitcoinx.PrivateKey.from_hex('088412ca112561ff5db3db83e2756fe447d36ba3c556e158c8f016a2934f7279') 1750 now for testingish ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'll want to enumerate that utxo from the address. so i can prep for buliding transactions. 1751 1756 the rpc server doesn't like my scripthash =/ i have its source code! i'll see what's wrong with it! RPCError: (1, '423410ca994a0641076449 is not a valid script hash') 1757 ooookay hashX and scripthash are actually different formats. 1803 hashx's are truncated to 11 bytes. scripthashes are 32 hexadecimal bytes. 1808 woohoo! i got a utxo! a scripthash is the hexadecimal byte-reversed sha256 hash of a script output's raw bytes. there's one per address, kinda. y'know ... that means a lot of other things. anything that's a repeated script output, you could ask an electrum server to list them. .... maybe? dunno, maybe not. it's 1810. here's my utxo: [{'tx_hash': '86ca468461094f502eb21b3161366e626056f0d299d99080539cfcb4e02a8dc3', 'tx_pos': 0, 'height': 714954, 'value': 647200}] i guess i'll want my api function to convert that to a structure from a library. luckily it includes value, which is super useful for transaction building. bitcoinx doesn't have a good structure =/ i guess i'll just return the dict. 1815 i don't remember about hte 'script_sig' field in transaction inputs. i think that's where we complete he script of the preceding output, with a cryptographic signature? i wonder how ot generate it. 1816. maybe the bitcoinx tests will show how to do this. 1845 i've signed a dummy input in a repl using the electrum (not electrumx) libraries. pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(self.serialize_preimage(txin_index, bip143_shared_txdigest_fields=bip143_shared_txdigest_fields))) privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey_bytes) sig = privkey.sign_transaction(pre_hash) sig = bh2u(sig) + sighash_type looks like it serializes something, then double-sha256's the bytes, then performs an EC signature on that hash ... then passes that to bh2u and appends sighash_type (a basic byte) self.add_signature_to_txin(txin_idx=i, signing_pubkey=pubkey, sig=sig) so 3 funcs to sort out elif txin.script_type in ['p2pkh', 'p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']: pubkey = pubkeys[0] pkh = bh2u(hash_160(bfh(pubkey))) return bitcoin.pubkeyhash_to_p2pkh_script(pkh) gets p2pkh script def pubkeyhash_to_p2pkh_script(pubkey_hash160: str) -> str: return construct_script([ opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160, pubkey_hash160, opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ]) in electrumx, there's electrumx.lib.script.ScriptPubKey.P2PKH_script: @classmethod def P2PKH_script(cls, hash160): return (bytes((OpCodes.OP_DUP, OpCodes.OP_HASH160)) + Script.push_data(hash160) + bytes((OpCodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, OpCodes.OP_CHECKSIG))) this appears to be the electrum-non-x scriptsig for p2pkh: elif _type == 'p2pkh': return construct_script([sig_list[0], pubkeys[0]]) i'll try to do it by hand. 1901. hmm. 1907 this makes a p2pkh script in bitcoinx: privkey.public_key.P2PKH_script().to_bytes() 1920 in bitcoinx, privkey.sign(data, bitcoinx.double_sha256) 1926 i've drafted code to sign an op_return transaction using only the bitcoinx library 1940 1926 might have been a typo for 1936 or such. i'm noticing that bitcoinx is bsv-specific. might be a better library out there. dunno. 1951 transaction was rejected by network rules ! which is much farther. 1953 i believe i had set the transaction version to 0 instead of 1. uncertain. 1954 version fixed. now: 'missing inputs'. i vaguely recall that 'missing inputs' might mean that the node i'm sending the transaction to, hasn't received the utxo i'm spending. 1958 didn't byte-reverse the txid in the input ! 1958 next network rule: mempool min fee not met. i wonder what my fee was calculated to be. is there a way to query for this min fee? i have accomplished much. sending this spamlog.

2027 resolved some fee issues related to assuming the rpc servers send satoshis, but they send coin fractions. next network rule: 16: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Non-canonical DER signature). guess i need to normalise my signature in some way. 2028. 2040 Signature must use SIGHASH_FORKID 2046 it seems the simplest way to get the forkid from an electrum server is to look at a real transaction. i wonder if coinbase transactions work. 2104 i've broadcast transaction 55fa583849417d6520acd74bc1ce166bb20671627f8c309269b06532598542f7 on bsv. whoo. i ended up not detecting the forkid for now, seems a bch-specific thing. the next step is to monitor the transaction in the mempool, so code can wait for confirmations or detect a need to retransmit or hike fees if things are dropped. important to do, or people can assume data is flushed or incinerated when actually the process fails.

it's 1042 and i'm trying to work on libshatteredlives libobeyyourboss libbosssaidto libtheboss_saidto is a great idea i have of spreading a call-out to all the toilets of the world to make sure that the very worst feces are properly flushed. libfeces is wip. i'm going to finish a copy. i know that everyone else is making their own copy, because compacting and incinerating things that are gross is just so, very, very important. it's 1044 new york time on 2021-11-26 and i'm trying to use a python asyncio queue to pass information on transaction updates. it's 1046 and i'm having trouble holding oxygen in my lungs. i'm also feeling a little nauseous. i'm excited to be able to participate in the building of this work with so much appropriateness. libiusedtobeabletobreathe has made a small bit of progress: it's 1047 and i've opened up the python repl help on asyncio.Queue . it's hard to look at, the letters seem strange. libdeathbytoomucharbitrarylaughter is still sitting there on my horizon. ok! here we go. it's 1049 and i added a little queue code to libchokingandgagging! its 1100. libdisgustingwaste. libwhywouldanybodyworkonthisshit is my favorite project. libiburneddownmyhomeiburneddownmyfriendshomeiburneddownthebossesofficeandiburneddownthelibraryandstillidontknowwhattoburndown no that can't be right uhh let's go back to libonchain. it's like libonchain2 or 3 or 4 or something. libuselessidiotkarl that must be its name. it's 1102 and in order to finish karlisanidiot ummmmmm i'll want to query the node for some state history. libthoroughlyshotupinformation libblackhole! 1104 1108 iu've made some progress, but don't yet have a way for the 'client' code to get notified on new blocks, which is valuable for waiting for n confirmations, could be done internall too, still not implemented. libcorpses has small progress! we've figured that if we sneak into the graveyard, and dig up corpses, we can _rebury_ them which _rocks_. 1115 wait ... um ... toilet. not blockchain. toilet. right. libgreatflushes. 1116 1117 libbeingtoldtogetmurdered is currently pending the name of the rpc call to subscribe to block headers. just a little up the code. libforgottendumpster will prevail! 1124 i drafted code to confirm transactions and the code is a disgusting mess. maybe it will improve. 1138 it now is actually waiting, and a transaction is in the mempool. hopefully it will notice it get confirmed. the code is quite messy. i'm thinking it would be nice to have some way to just block until all transactions have a given confirmation. 1142 still waiting in mempool. latest block was 18 minutes ago on block explorer. 1143 the block explorer doesn't show recent blocks. just empty. 1144 different block explorer works. recent block times seem erratic. Height Hash Timestamp Transactions Size (kB) 715217 0000000000000000064f1d483c1a3937e2b60db84cadd0f7d886063a5131cfd9 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:22:41 UTC 52 557346 715216 00000000000000001039d10ce87a27170db084ae5194acbf89a23b39d5840d5d Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:22:00 UTC 136 269642 715215 00000000000000000e8ac89e007fcaa220fd96374b8bd869333745016f916204 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:21:41 UTC 437 1081797 715214 00000000000000000c73480f78a3ff2b659939eb133744ef5944d8a33275afe0 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:20:41 UTC 6257 15222413 715213 000000000000000001cbbe52597f76d7181cd28a455769d40620818fbb012903 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:06:46 UTC 20 8639 715212 00000000000000000bd7b22fd31cbb3a980a5e878ef0aefea532ec1cd9304e45 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:06:41 UTC 4392 9613980 715211 00000000000000000a84fe3e3acb9ab6e2f8c8eac033c239a2a1872a117d2ca8 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 15:56:41 UTC 14846 36329203 The last block was mined in only 41 seconds. It's presently 16:45:28 UTC (1145 my time). So there have been some frequent blocks, and now there's a >20 minute delay. Happens sometimes.

I have a superpower! I can pause blockchains. I bet there is some place in the world where this would benefit me somehow. It's presently 1659 UTC and the latest block at https://bsvbook.guarda.co/blocks is dated 1622 . Maybe the difficulty rose too much because such frequent blocks were made, dunno. my code is still sitting there waiting, and a small part of my body feels crazy, itchy, uncomfortable, etc. ouch. e7e2b0b8b9ae57518ff69d93286f4814a42e4e252b14bb6714cd37c14cd29aaa in mempool let's visit more block explorers and see if they say the same thing. bitinfocharts.com hasn't registered a new bsv block since august whatsonchain.com looks the same as guarda.co tokenview.com has bsv stalled since august blockchair.com also has a 40 minute current blocktime. i'll check out a bsv discussion channel and see if anyone's gossiped about it. oops! my phone is not here, which means i have to figure out how to get my body to stand up and get it, to use it. luckily, that gives more time for the transaction to be confirmed. i could also do other work while waiting, but i might try to get the phone. i can pretend i am in charge of the blockchain and try to cajole it into pausing for like 4 hours. it's 1204 EST, 1704 UTC. my tx is still in the mempool according to my untested code. whoops! a block was mined. code doesn't work. tx was confirmed and the code didn't notice. whoopsie. 1205. 1215 i fixed a buncha typos and such. waiting again on the mempool. last bsv block was at 715219 and its headerhex was 00e0ff2fdd1c159f7936d6e72f2d9b84de4ffd8ca6439221a00987000000000000000000710f7dcb1d967edaba2b38581deab8e50b79c5fdd4faa1da89ef21234491828e4d15a1614ae2101836800464 . it was 4 minutes ago so it's a bit of a wait to the next block. i'd like to find a way to ... um ... do an organizational bit i'm excited about. [wrap the headerhex in a header object]. but vim file is oipened running test. i'll look at it. 1217 1219 . i've opened the file and looked at it a bit. i want to pull the header code out of the function using it, to reuse it elsewhere. 1221 making progress on that 1227 . i drafted it and am running a simultaneous test. i should commit my code because i have the same file opened readwrite in two vim sessions and it could be lost i udnno. still have typos to fix. awww man there was a new block and my code didn't notice. 1230 i'm confounded on why i don't see notifications, and handling cognitive/dissociative issues trying to engage it. 1230 i'm just running my test script again to look at it. i'd like to add debugging output so it shows messages sent to peers. 1240 well my second test emitted an error: "airopcx.jsonrpc.RPCError: (-101, 'excessive resource usage')". maybe i'll look at what causes that in electrumx's source. 1241 it happens from ExcessiveSessionCostError 1243 which seems to be raised associated with a 'target' member variable 1244 which is wrapped in concurrency variables which perform somem math based on cost membver variables. cost is incremented each rpc call, so i infer i hit a dynamic threshhold due to excessive rpc calls. i noticed in the source that one rpc call didn't have cost calculated, looked like a bug. could game the code and use it, probably just missed where it was calculated, better to find a general solution. 1246 looking at my output it roughly looks like my code got itself into an infinite loop 1253 not infinite, just too big. need to cache blockheaders at some point. 1257 kinda looks like my event subscriptions are failing. better assume they work less and reengage them. 1304 ok, so scripthash events appear to be at least getting received by the network ... i'm guessing i just need to wait for this block to be mined and see if i get an event for it ... 10 minutes so far. 1309 still waitin' on this block, the time of which is at 15 minutes now. it seems simpler to me to wait i guess. 1311 here are the blocks since the last paste. it's currently 1811 UTC Height Hash Timestamp Transactions Size (kB) 715226 000000000000000002a7b33fb0ae8f5b062d7cfcc5a31f800cdc84ee3b7ead7c Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:54:36 UTC 1282 5194671 715225 00000000000000000b1a746236184f7821fbd329a54d430cd23dd1881d4b9d72 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:45:41 UTC 5093 8605199 715224 00000000000000000a45091d100509ddfc2edbbdc00adbd0971f5a4dd9ee3796 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:39:36 UTC 206 1351528 715223 00000000000000000e468af0b0fe2a53f341c49a5e608846ac304e5022693453 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:36:36 UTC 1408 3337843 715222 00000000000000000a77a4b30ec923d433b7f46c10025d6092c53184afea5b30 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:30:42 UTC 65 33492 715221 00000000000000000904f88ab5677d6164bbbbd805f4b81f5368424750f6e83c Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:29:41 UTC 5944 9065381 715220 00000000000000000004692be05e06df0d9ffa6777a0021d76edf8d24f21b3e9 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:24:36 UTC 951 6526040 715219 00000000000000000d2f29a32789f562619e945117f13537f70ae8822e9d10b1 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:11:41 UTC 16119 408120930 715218 0000000000000000008709a0219243a68cfd4fde849b2d2fe7d636799f151cdd Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:03:36 UTC 3609 12026131 715217 0000000000000000064f1d483c1a3937e2b60db84cadd0f7d886063a5131cfd9 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:22:41 UTC 52 557346 my first test block was 41 minutes mining. there have been a number of faster blocks since. block times are erratic, but when you're paranoid you think randomness is out to get you. 1312 1314 if block times _were_ out to get me, then randomness would be in trouble, wouldn't it, because the algorithm would respond by reducing the difficulty and speeding the mining. like yanking on a timeline to make there be a different president and having it spring back like a rubber band and smack something. hopefully our timelines are not musical instruments, which get plucked a lot in a lot of different ways. 1316 if the block time is 41 minutes again, then i can expect the block at ....18:35 UTC. that's only 20 minutes away! 1317 1318 starting to develop some energy around working two tasks here. 1350 i made a half crazy post to twitter while building pytorch from source. gnome-terminal segfaulted. gnome-shell segfaulted. my system started thrashing and grinding to a halt. i have added more swap and booted things back up, etc etc. haven't rebooted. 1355 other things have just come up in my life, so i'll commit the current state of the code and switch gears. thanks to those influences and experiences that make life workable, spamlogs postable, etc etc.

oh my goodness i'm on my misbehaving android phone, in my tarp shelter, there's snow around outside, its 0815 EST, and I downloaded my code and ran my test - I got a fast block confirmation ! - the python interpreter displayed an error I wasn't seeing on my other system, showing I was getting block header updates yay 0817 ---- above content was apparently left as a draft, unsent, some days ago. it's now 2021-11-29, 1211 ET. goal: make BCAT sending easy to use. BCAT is simply a protocol i'm familiar with that supports files of roughly arbitrary size. don't need to support all features, just get it working. uh-oh! psychological issues! libridiculoushopelessshredofaperson will find a way to continue. tx sending in test.py is stable now, pleasantly. sometimes takes a few tries to start up, since one of the peers is down. 1219 libdestroythislibrary libflushesitself libincineratesandflushesitself sometimes when my node is 'flushing state' i imagine it swirling down a powerful toilet i want to write that code! 1236 . handled a phone call. libflushthatcodeaway! 1301 . i did other things instead, i think. don't remember well. libfindscodethathasntbeenflushedyettoreport 1303 my water container full of ice fell of the truck. i wonder if i move my body in some way that slowly jiggles and slides it or something. Switching gears to handle that. 1329 i also went for a walk. libfindsbitsthatcouldpossiblyberecoveredandsearchesforeverforwaystomorethoroughlydestroythem ! 1356 libdoitright .. or at least a little more right. 1426 i've been trying to code some bitcom data processing. i'm just familiar with bitcom having struggled with the formats in the somewhat-recent past. libshredsyourdatalikenothingelse libgrindserverlogsintoapulp ! libgroundupshreddedserverlogs . 1515 libgurglingasexcrementflowsdownthepipe,lostforever pipe.write(preciousdata) free(preciousdata) pipe.flush() pipe.flush() pipe.flush() sleep(random()) pipe.flush() 1518 i am coding this toilet system right now. i am not using it ... yet. 1521 1525 libflushesprivately 1530 1547 libdropspalacebombintoilet,privately 1553 libflushesandruns libamoreprivatetoilet 1553 1711 woot woot! i totally did lots of work on continuous desecration of data. check this out: $ ./test_flush_stream.py FEE: 200 FEE: 200 -> server.banner <- ________ __ _ __ / ____/ /__ _____/ /________ ______ ___ | |/ / / __/ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ ___/ / / / __ `__ \| / / /___/ / __/ /__/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / / / / | /_____/_/\___/\___/\__/_/ \__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/|_| Only download ElectrumSV Client from: https://electrumsv.io/ ElectrumX 1.20.2 SV.SATOSHI.IO Donate to sv.satoshi.io: 12YMrYuP9o7zrmhM3MCG2WCAqLkHYCkZSP -> blockchain.headers.subscribe <- {'hex': '00e0ff27b3a01c71e4aaf0ccddb2260318a6040d50d4fa16d496b8040000000000000000d98805f2013733f7d4d9165fa2134c122c6ce73efce0a9e1194d94d2d7a638a0a54fa5617ef81318b6799a58', 'height': 715674} WARN: bugs not fixed yet => Provide waste on stdin to flush it down the cryptographic toilet in a corrupt, broken manner <= -> blockchain.scripthash.listunspent 4ee317805c5d1f00e3c18d313da7be21456ea844fa49640741064a99ca103442 <- [{'tx_hash': '67cc6331f245a223748a72a54e6ed877a8360d5379b1745182e78649d5628085', 'tx_pos': 1, 'height': 0, 'value': 634050}] -> blockchain.relayfee <- 1e-06 -> blockchain.estimatefee 100000 <- 1e-05 flush me away FEE: 167 -> blockchain.transaction.broadcast 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 <- 0f986ee500bcc8c202fe46babfd3881e37050b0c6750a7736dfcd9d5f5dd6cbe FEE: 207 -> blockchain.transaction.broadcast 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 <- 45dfd60474b276fa59abe7e1c3c3646bac451cfbb16c385cbea99a7234851b3f WARN: bugs not fixed yet flush was: 45dfd60474b276fa59abe7e1c3c3646bac451cfbb16c385cbea99a7234851b3f

so, i fixed the bugs, and i'm waiting on my test to be mined into a block to verify the last block was 50 minutes mining. the next one, it's been half an hour, no block yet. i sat around for a bit. then i looked at the last block. Height Hash Timestamp Transactions Size (kB) 715696 0000000000000000067128b9dae2b2379a793aa8a96dbfc01222fddb22ef6587 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 01:35:41 UTC 32300 562834580 715695 000000000000000006c58b746fd78d399afdd6ecd0dd8b4f705c1118d596d7d2 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:46:36 UTC 3429 12806305 it's 562 GB large. over half a terabyte. a single block. i guess people are using bsv more than they used to.

it's 562 GB large. over half a terabyte. a single block.
How much fee did someone pay to get that DoS turd confirmed, and what's in it besides /dev/random. Would take most users in the world days to download. Quite the contortion of "peer-to-peer electronic cash", more like "blockchain filesystem". But if it pays, mine that shit.

On 11/30/21, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
it's 562 GB large. over half a terabyte. a single block.
How much fee did someone pay to get that DoS turd confirmed, and what's in it besides /dev/random.
good questions :)
Would take most users in the world days to download.
luckily a block and a transaction can be validated with only the block header and some merkle nodes
Quite the contortion of "peer-to-peer electronic cash", more like "blockchain filesystem". But if it pays, mine that shit.
i'll write messages on u.s. dollar bills so that anybody who destroys them has to be punished for defacement of them longer than I do (internet says title 18, chapter 17 of the u.s. code). but it makes it hard for poorer people to reply.

arright! libdisgustingbullshit! libtotalwasteoftime! libtakingimportantthingsandrippingthemtoshredsforeverinthemostpreposterouslystupidmannerimagineable! it's 10:48 et. i'm getting ready to work on libbullshitsliesandpoops. libhatredofhatred libnevertalking libnevermoving libneverdoinganything libdisreputingyourselfforever 1056 1127 --- Board Meeting "I need funding for the ijusttookashit project." "totally!" "omigod you don't have enough?" 1128 1136 work on libviolentlycontestedpinhead is paused 1139 "i propose we fund a research team into appropriate use of funds" "okay that sounds great" "i have a better idea: let's give them _all_ our money" "uh should we make sure they use it for the research more thoroughly or anything?" 1156 work is still mostly paused for other things "what kind of a return is the ijusttookashit project making?" "still raising funds, but did you see the exciting pre-alpha demo?" "sorry, who are you? are you a shareholder?" 1201 1225 "i'm responsible for filling the new contract, uh, "murdering activists"?" "ohhh the ijusttookashit project! right! and you need more funding?" 1653 okay present plan is to attempt to work on libdoxingeverybody libeverybodyhatesyou, exactly. 1703 1719 indeed. libexactlyasthebossdesires . definitely. --- above was yesterday. today is 2021-12-01 et. had trouble working further yesterday. trouble with other goals too. thinking of library names like libhonorablework, libgoodthingtomake, libdoxeseverybody, libteachessurveillanceworkershowtodox, libneededbadlybyyourfriends

well this sure went wonky. i didn't manage to add exploring. yet. it's 2021-12-02 and i've added zstd-compressed live terminal recording. the zstd api can actually flush compressed streams (losslessly, I think?) at arbitrary byte offsets, which is cool. current tip commit is 3117f7aed6e4a0ab0b69cd01a557b19beb4615d6 you can view one of my tests with: pip3 install asciinema curl https://bico.media/d2e520c99c47188ae3e2f6ee284de4ea085e4350496182194938f438f... | zstdcat | asciinema play - there most pressing issue atm is that it quickly exhausts the mempool depth limit for the connected electrum node, which then causes a crash when its next data is rejected.
participants (2)