Real Estate Beginner: Sell Like a Wizkid
juan juan.g71 at Sun Jun 10 15:09:19 PDT 2018
you were talking about "niggers" No, you were talking about "white" people. Pay attention.
Anglos from Germany Lol. All these people you are on about were/are genetically "Irish"/"Scottish". Look at any dna study. You will find that only England has any significant amount of "Anglo" dna, only ~25% for those who do, with that 25% being defined as "same as modern Germans"; which means not "Anglo"; which means only those who the muzlims fugged are truly "Anglo", since the muzlims were the only niggers sailing around and raping in ~500ad Europe.
That's what makes Franklin's rants about "swarthy Germanics" so stupid, he was one. A fucking J1 Haplogroup Arab mixed European, as are all genetic "Angli" and Norse Saxon mixed "Anglo" people. Probably even a jew given his love for irl zion on the corn fields of our Eurasian brothers and sisters (America).
bretons fled To Wales.
don't confuse culture with nationalism There are only cultural zones or economic zones; jews are converting the former into the latter. Nationalism's purpose is to preserve culture.
Don't confuse Nationalism with the retardedness that is Fascism. There is a difference between management and enforcement systems.
racict Is someone who knows there is a difference between Africoid, Asioid, and Europoid people. The word you are looking for is 'Bigot', which is someone who dislikes another because of this difference. I am not a bigot.
backwards peasant source Shortened form of "Ignatius", a common name like "Bubba". It equates to "redneck" or "hick" in meaning.
nationalist = jew No.
The jew System: All jews are "chosen" by "god" and everyone else (non-jews and lesser jews) are cattle to be used as a resource for generating wealth for jews (Capitalism). The Nationalist System: All nations are "chosen" by "themselves" and everyone else (Africans, Asians, Europeans, and mixed races alike) is equal but different and use each other as a resource for maintaining community wealth (Socialism). In both systems, those who work more get more. However, only one system rewards those who do so by lying, cheating, stealing, and killing.
anglo white supremacists all europeans same as jews Pic related.
On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 02:43:00 +0000 "A.I. Tools" <> wrote:
The jew System: All jews are "chosen" by "god" and everyone else (non-jews and lesser jews) are cattle to be used as a resource for generating wealth for jews (Capitalism).
that's the judeo-christian, white-anglo fascist system.
The Nationalist System: All nations are "chosen" by "themselves" and everyone else (Africans, Asians, Europeans, and mixed races alike) is equal but different and use each other as a resource for maintaining community wealth (Socialism).
lawl - so that's your definition of national socialism? of course, in the real world all nationalist systems work like your "Jew System" (which you mislabel)
In both systems, those who work more get more.
it's the same system and yes, those who 'work' more at exploiting their fellows get more.
However, only one system rewards those who do so by lying, cheating, stealing, and killing.
all socialism/nationalism/statism is based on lying cheating stealing and killing.
anglo white supremacists all europeans same as jews Pic related.
you took the trouble to draw that one? I'm flattered =P
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A.I. Tools