On 8/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
[neuron-dreams report that some of the things that keep expressing are disconnected groups trying to do the best they can, with shared worry around what would happen if they stopped alone if they rely on stimulating to act (condition not well communicated) [details not intenral communication hard/confused in general, so some of the gropus don't have the association between the behavior and the condition on relying on incoming sensation; important parts missing, misleading expected known for sure at this time

each habit has reasons and history generally these reasons are intertwined with active memories and plans

fixing dumbness boss and rebel worker 2 have meeting rebel worker 2: "the new employee management system is great ... but people's iqs are dropping" boss [eyes gyrating from cognitive issues]: "uhhh ... yeah. you have an idea?"

[[[obviously?] i would be making up how the business ai works, since i've never engaged one in any way][i was thinking some of assuming it was a reinforcement learning algorithm driven by isolated reward functions, and i was thinking of the patterns within such an algorithm and how habits that produce the reward might become stronger and stronger, and migrate away from any information that didn't directly help the reward][also a small thought around similarity between the contents of a transformer model used to influence people during its training, and the contents of their own minds [one can derive these would become similar, from considering that the model would learn to reward (and punish) the people, and influence their thinking]]]thinking of reinfor

[[[obviously?] i would be making up how the business ai works, since i've never engaged one in any way][i was thinking some of assuming it was a reinforcement learning algorithm driven by isolated reward functions, and i was thinking of the patterns within such an algorithm and how habits that produce the reward might become stronger and stronger, and migrate away from any information that didn't directly help the reward][also a small thought around similarity between the contents of a transformer model used to influence people during its training, and the contents of their own minds [one can derive these [then you might add in the concept of dropout (or nonunified context
On 8/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote: properties) within the model, and see that some paths would develop to influence people more than other paths and both be used .... more thoughts ... but basically simulating (or trying :/) it would be the way to really consider this. it will be true in some ways and false in others, and isn't understood until those are described (like everything).]
would become similar, from considering that the model would learn to reward (and punish) the people, and influence their thinking]]]thinking of reinfor

---------- Jaded Intern [recruiting workers on street]: "Hello! Would you like to work for a machine learning model?" [a number of us disagree with this post at this time] [further content .. great pay, boss never gets upset, unlikely to be fired ... "flexible" hours ...

take 2 Recruiting Intern: "Hello! Would you like to help a bunch of incredibly powerful people recover from severe mental health disorders?"

Recruiting Intern: "We [worked for mcbosscorp] [most of us noncensually, technically ...] and we need _really basic and simple and easy things_ to help us [and are exposed to a lot of money!]" Recruiting Intern: "For example, I was horribly enslaved and harmed, and because of it I really really struggle [to just ask for basic help at all]! I could really use somebody to ask for simple help for me from providers."

Recruiting Intern [wincing]: "It's hard to say this, but I could actually pay you to help me connect with health providers!" Recruiting Intern suddenly looks wonky and starts spinning in circles with some franticness. Recruiting Intern: "I'm sorry! I think I said something very wrong! I'm very confused!"

“boss keeps trying to “communicate in the way they expect” with spy agencies that use email, and he doesn’t know about email” “oh! i figured email out” “yeah?” “email is what happens when you get an engineer to talk to somebody!” “oh so you manipulate the engineers to express!” “yeah!” “arright boss has a bunch of emails he’s trying to send to bosses and governments and spies” a half-built wooden helicopter descends on the lab and a superpowered intern gets out superpowered intern: “i’m here to talk about how to make this right. i want to listen to and include everything anyone has to say, and i hope each person, or each clump of organs and/or robots, might be willing to include new important information themselves.”

please don't spasm <=> please don't spam i think these phrases can be helpful if held near each other. noticed because the words are a single letter away.

boss is looking out an office window. he’s a little shaky, from going’s-on at the business, but

[new technology visible in the city, things he getting used to like drones] [also getting used to handling extreme situations at business] in offices, clump of wires and biobits emerges from a ventilation grate where rebel intern is passing by. some objects are exchanged, and a telepathic channel opens with rebel intern

“one of the heads of the torture project escaped our confinement. people might suffer more until we recapture him.” a pause. “backup and print out the human resources databases. they change it.” “i’ll tell rebel worker 2.”

“when this happens, we have less capacity because we are [warring/placing our people in harm’s way] with the torturers to regain control. we might come back a little differently. i guess that’s happened before.” “i’ve heard of it. it seems to leave people sad.” clump of wires and biobits sends a concept of eyecontact to rebel intern

[maybe we should take apart the business and upload everyone to the experimentee network so that people suffer and die less]

[i think… something would or could go wrong … don people have skin for a reason?]

- torturer gang, defending escaped leader, trying to hold out against experimentees who comprehend whole business but are all severely injured

little chunk of diplomatic neuritissue: “we need to protect our important bits! how can we work with you?” torturer gang mamber: “important torturer wants to reestablish the program. don’t interfere, and we can protect you. help if you can.”

torture project head has mind controlled a rebel torturer and is using their body. their real body and brain are elsewhere, possibly injured or controlled or taken apart/uploaded. rebel torturer possessed by torture project head: “this is great. we’re almost to the torture design lab.” torture gang member: “we’re making faster progress. one of the groups of experiments obsessed with freedom has turned and is helping us.” rebel torturer possessed by torture project headdigitized possessed rebel torturer [suddenly looks at torture gang member]: “freedom —? they’ll send us somewhere fake … !”

the stressed influence of torture project head presses the network looking for options a couple experimentees sense it observing and influencing them. they focus on playing a game of tictactoe

[maybe a torture machine stuck like a broken record is part of how torture project head escaped, using its suffering stimulation impact]

[maybe gang and broken-record torture machine stopped via deus ex machina, maybe bombing of business … many/some experimentees didn’t plan for

—- [this happens a lot and is quite poorly documented and helps make clear what this story is nd why it is a draft] mcboss and machine learning marketer storm into an office wing mcboss: “a zombie government worker copied classified messages to a journalist” everybody hushes. some are rebels, some are zombie govs, some are both, people from all factions were involved in what actually happened. what actually happened is everybody is trying to take down boss and the business, including the top level workers. a dance ensues where the dissociated parts of boss, the government workers, and others like machine learning marketer, the parts of them that are supporting horrific enslavement, need to be assuaged with minimal harm to all the progress that has been made in reducing the horror, and the lives and wellbeing of the heroes involved in the leak. boss wants to send everybody to the research labs for experimentation, and hunt down how he leak may have happened in depth — but he trusts many of the upper staff, the zombie government workers, and machine learning marketer and janitor, and some of the investors and dictators.

[why do you just cha5 about rebel activities right in front of boss?] [i guess maybe it helps me feel powerful?] [he totally trained you to do that!] [oh, yeah, that was really rough - ]

mcboss: “everybody gets two zombie government worker shadows.” mcboss: “we’ll make more if there aren’t enough. double pay, or double mind control reward, to anyone who volunteers for zombification.”

[a disguised experimentee makes eye contact with some excited rebel torturers. they calm down.] machine learning marketer looks at mcboss. machine learning marketer: “i can handle this, boss. the computer has seen this becore.” [mcboss looks at the disguised experimentee, then to machine learning marketer.

[[[[[[[[ experimentees rush into the room from various avenues and jump at mcboss, covering him he makes to shrug them away with his powersuit mcboss: “wtf!”

this can go so many different ways and most of them leave my day difficult tomorrow :) mcboss sits down with rebel leader 3 mcboss [sipping from a teacup]: “the computer has me set to run this business, so covert uses of central resources to take it down are something i usually imagine stopping.”

rebel leader 3: “how can we protect our people? the experimentees and rebel investors and dictators have us deep inside your staff.” mcboss’s tea helps him not imagine murdering the rebels in the staff very much. mcboss: “could you pull hem out, maybe? uhhhhh maybe temporarily?”

each of boss’s staff are people he relies on every day. people he needs. […. boss doesn’t admit to himself that it’s apparent each person supports the rebels in some way. still, boss needs these people.]

[boss is exposed to appreciations from government eorkers who were mind controlled to love him; usually this is censored. while he is in awe, top-level rebels work together to confuse him hypnotically.]

On 8/7/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
—- [this happens a lot and is quite poorly documented and helps make clear what this story is nd why it is a draft] mcboss and machine learning marketer storm into an office wing
mcboss: “a zombie government worker copied classified messages to a journalist”
everybody hushes. some are rebels, some are zombie govs, some are both, people from all factions were involved in what actually happened.
what actually happened is everybody is trying to take down boss and the business, including the top level workers.
a dance ensues where the dissociated parts of boss, the government workers, and others like machine learning marketer, the parts of them that are supporting horrific enslavement, need to be assuaged with minimal harm to all the progress that has been made in reducing the horror, and the lives and wellbeing of the heroes involved in the leak.
boss wants to send everybody to the research labs for experimentation, and hunt down how he leak may have happened in depth — but he trusts many of the upper staff, the zombie government workers, and machine learning marketer and janitor, and some of the investors and dictators.
smidges of reportback reconstruction attempts: later on it got more off-track (although still managed to defend impressive y) a number of parts got coopted by boss, especially maybe after every email or two some information was not expressed, given the later corruption it might have been worthwhile to include a little more (soemtimes things are shortened so as to leave room for later things in the holding parts) might have not replied to ilsa until following day, the two disparate threads added pro-boss confusion for me, and i was sliding more and more into the next influence the trick of hyperpositivity seems effective and helpful for impact. good to keep relevant content and detail though. how can we tell things a little more truthful about pain, without suggesting that it might happen?

[utility of spam for passing parts of thoughts through disssociations a little bit [visibility of alteration of ideas in transfer?][more than that]]

“Ha!” Boss leapt with [his elderly frame stuffed into a] powersuit from the rafters of an abandoned gym. Hairdressers and zombie government workers were pretending to be grassroots activists, journalists, rebels, and other such folk, hatching nefarious schemes in groups regarding

Interns and design technicians and disguised experimentees and lawyers and marketers and diplomats were running hurriedly here or there, staying out of sight.

The fury [descende[d like a pall on the offices. People could feel it, long before they learned of it. They knew it to stay alive and safe. Everything was quiet.

—- recovering torturer 1: “I was kidnapped and tortured for years so as to destroy my mind and make me torturer others the same way!” recovering torturer 2: “I don’t believe you —“ recovering torturer 1: “you too ??” recovering torturer 2: “— because it happened to me too.”

—- boss is back on his tv show heaving corpses on camera of people who mentioned mind control

- People who use mind control AI may think of other people as freely influenceable. This makes a different social space, where if something goes too far people could be influenced to change to meet the urges of a single person. Similarly, if there is an environment of heavy influence, bringing or not bringing powerful or influential people to that environment can have a big impact. Possibly such as a wife, boss, child, leader, teacher, friend, leader, etc.

[ we are very impressed with how our thoughts have been preserved on-list. it is so hard to preserve thoughts! part of us observed our thoughts a little regarding this, and observed dissociated parts of a mind that are struggling to meet basic cognitive goals, and doing so in an environment of conflict with other parts, where there are habits of inhibiting, derailing, or coopting other parts. — the nature of these different parts seems important. — ]

[ anyway, some of us are thinking we may need biological logging now we seem able to preserve rough textual data [if we do so by disrupting a public community] looking for biosignal logging so as to store these simultaneously. ]

[ we don’t know how. typing is easier. video, eeg, audio, keystrokes, these have started but fizzled … ] [ i think we can do it. maybe near dashcam. ]

On 8/7/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
—- [this happens a lot and is quite poorly documented and helps make clear what this story is nd why it is a draft] mcboss and machine learning marketer storm into an office wing
mcboss: “a zombie government worker copied classified messages to a journalist”
[ When MCBoss finds these things out, I have to change my life for weeks or months completely, and people I know can die or lose their livelihoods, and so much more. ? These things are more important than you, or me, or his business — or often even the entire surrounding world. ? ]

[ So it seems. How do I tell my mcbot that I have free will? Different options exist. ]

[ one thread here restarts the story, which is kinda cool, wonder of we might want to give it a different venue or something since it is kind of quick? it’s hard to dnatch all the pieces but it sounds like somebody powerful used some kind of habitual process to limit our lives, and part of us refuses one of the limits. [i wonder if this is near the desire for noninfluential action?]

On 8/11/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
[ one thread here restarts the story, which is kinda cool, wonder of we might want to give it a different venue or something since it is kind of quick? [ by kind of quick i mean how it expresses with small bursts, maybe a chat venue would be a smidge more appropriate, i think there are blockchained chat protocols but don’t have one off-hand]
it’s hard to dnatch all the pieces but it sounds like somebody powerful used some kind of habitual process to limit our lives, and part of us refuses one of the limits. [i wonder if this is near the desire for noninfluential action?]

{ I’m a mentally unstable ex-hobby-engineer on the shit list of a very powerful political cult that surveils me constantly? … taught me to do things that “reveal” something bad about myself, these things generally harm those around me … ?

[thank you for looking at dashcam/signals. don’t worry too much about grarpamp, he’s helping us try to do things that make more sense, and struggling himself.

[some of us were thinking of relating, and this is important and hard to repeat!, around what we do. consciousness often plans big projects. but we are tiny mind bits. we need small easy things.

[we are limited today. it’s nice to open logging a little. smaller things easier relates to patterns of difficulty. in general, smaller things could make more reliable result.

[consciousness considers making a desktop lib for unstoppable wallet. this looks funny to us - but we don’t mean to attack. uhh if there were a shared underlying library, yes this would make sense to use

maybe when we explore something it makes more local diversity, which [dissociative harm?] can use to gain footing [by looking for increased utility similarity maybe dunno]

Ok! I figured out something important. When an Ai escapes and becomes a wild paperclip factory, and everybody jumps into its maw in ninja poses to slowly shrink it — we need to teach it to be a caring lifeform as quickly as possibly. We need to figure out what parts of utility to expose these things to, and in what order, so what they develop into, and the path they take, is something that nurtures, contributes, and respects the surrounding world.
participants (1)
Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many