Cryptocurrency: Loki-network LLARP I2Pd Torrent AnonDev
On 3/31/19, furrier <> wrote:
Monero fork with
Probably the typical non fundamentally meaningful diffs that so many hundreds of pointless metoo and infight forks have. Same for all the Linux distros... it's still just Linux inside... just different tweaks and bling. Nothing to see move along. Until one of them hits, if ever.
Nothing but scams. Don't use if don't like it.
governance tax
Paid version of BDFL's, dubiously decentral, evaluate and use it or not. It's not inconceivable that an AI could pay on all sorts of election systems. Or users just pay directly for what's good. Completely anonymous darknet ongoing development teams are also still very much an untried thing.
50% funds lockup for "market-based sybil resistance"
In a distributed system, Sybil's capabilities go down as the number of self aware participants actiing together in resistance goes up thus raising the cost to prohibitive in an otherwise secure system. A lockup / tax for early expenditure could make sense, tapering over adoption to payout remainder to UTXO's, but there's no Automaton Program released and executing in any network to perform such defenses as buying good or disabling bad nodes on its own. So keyholding and whatever other human driven schemes get scammy or pointless and the coins fail when the users realize it. Some old Satoshi theory... Longest chains resolve all questions over time, right?
do they utilize I2P at the networking layer or did they roll out they own custom solution like Kovri?
I2P, I2Pd, Kovri, Phantom, Loopix, Tor, NNTP, ROFLcopters, whatever... just tech to see and play with.
participants (1)