textphiles: Loompanics - Outlaws Bible

On Sat, 2 Sep 2017 20:40:27 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
speaking of which, what's the address of the 'uncensored' hidden wiki?

On Sat, 2 Sep 2017 21:55:14 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 9:39 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
speaking of which, what's the address of the 'uncensored' hidden wiki?
Last legit one before hack was kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion, after the name overloading spawn, all of siimilar style are now bullshit... sad.
so it's a plain 'scientific' fact that there is no 'illegal' content hosted in any 'hidden' service, and so it is a plain scientific fact that the tor network is a complete failure... ...if we assume that that tor network is not a US military honeypot (which of course it is). But grarpamp, what if you play their game, pretend that tor isn't a honeypot, and ask them what's going on with their 'hiddend' services? You haven't been banned from their mailing cesspoool have you?

On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 4:00 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
so it's a plain 'scientific' fact that there is no 'illegal' content hosted in any 'hidden' service, and so it is a plain scientific fact that the tor network is a complete failure...
...if we assume that that tor network is not a US military honeypot (which of course it is).
what's going on with tor 'hidden' services?
Tor's hidden services are vulnerable to at least two published deanonymization attacks. At least one of those is not fixable under tor's current design / accomodations made to users. There is "illegal" content on tor's hidden services, same with clearnet, so this means nothing. There are things tor the sw is good and bad about, same for tor the org, tor the funding, tor the history, etc, so evaluate and operate appropriately. And / or contribute to and use whatever other overlays / systems liked, or wished to create. Unknown why that reply re the multiple shitstains playing the "hidden wiki" of long ago gone.

On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 00:26:13 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 4:00 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
so it's a plain 'scientific' fact that there is no 'illegal' content hosted in any 'hidden' service, and so it is a plain scientific fact that the tor network is a complete failure...
...if we assume that that tor network is not a US military honeypot (which of course it is).
what's going on with tor 'hidden' services?
Tor's hidden services are vulnerable to at least two published deanonymization attacks. At least one of those is not fixable under tor's current design / accomodations made to users. There is "illegal" content on tor's hidden services, same with clearnet, so this means nothing.
No that's not true. There's barely any 'illegal' content on clearnet, and there's just as much 'illegal' content on tor. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/canary_in_a_coal_mine As I said, the obvious conclusion is that tor's hidden services are a complete failure, because people who use them to publish 'illegal' content end up in jail. But 'failure' is not the most accurate word here. 'Honeypot' is. And I am talking of course about 'illegal' content as deemed by the worst scumbags on the planet - the US government - the same scumbags who fund and own tor. So grarpamp, where's are the link to the 'uncensored' stuff on the 'dark web' 'powered' by tor's 'hidden' services? Did you bring up this issue on tor's mailing list? Have those champions of anti-censorship already censored you? Or maybe they didn't censor you because you toe their party line?
There are things tor the sw is good and bad about, same for tor the org, tor the funding, tor the history, etc, so evaluate and operate appropriately. And / or contribute to and use whatever other overlays / systems liked, or wished to create.
Unknown why that reply re the multiple shitstains playing the "hidden wiki" of long ago gone.
Not sure what you mean by that.

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 3:26 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQEIYjS1ePY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA9FiL7mz_0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrEM3LHvjI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxPYOZCY3pQ
'illegal' content end up in jail.
Opsec is hard.
Vulnerability whitepapers are more objective. Suspicion is harder to prove. Some rightly consider both as equally broken. That's fine. Pick or build another darknet.
where's are the link to the 'uncensored' stuff on the 'dark web' 'powered' by tor's 'hidden' services?
Seek and ye shall find whatever be yer fancy.
this issue on tor's mailing list?
Posters have spoken there on such topics from time to time. Feel free to do similarly.
party line?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_line_(telephony) Party lines provided no privacy in communication. They were frequently used as a source of entertainment and gossip. Eavesdropping on calls remained an ongoing concern. Police had used a party-line telephone in a rented house on the same line as the suspects to unlawfully intercept their communications. The calling party would misidentify themselves in an attempt to send the bill to another party.

On Mon, 18 Sep 2017 03:59:01 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 3:26 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQEIYjS1ePY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA9FiL7mz_0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrEM3LHvjI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxPYOZCY3pQ
'illegal' content end up in jail.
Opsec is hard.
well yes. But the moment you try to blame tor's failure on 'other software' you reveal yourself as a tor shill. People who use tor to host 'illegal' content get caught. You can start the list of victims of the ameican nazis with "freedom hosting" and keep adding itms. The obvious conclusion is that tor is a honeypot. Also, your first comment about clearnet was a nonsensical diversion and now linking stupid videos just makes it clearer.
Vulnerability whitepapers are more objective. Suspicion is harder to prove.
it is a fact that people who do stuff that the US nazis don't like, and use tor, get caught. So yeah, honeypot.
Some rightly consider both as equally broken. That's fine. Pick or build another darknet.
where's are the link to the 'uncensored' stuff on the 'dark web' 'powered' by tor's 'hidden' services?
Seek and ye shall find whatever be yer fancy.
right, there's no 'illegal' content on tor beca<use tor is compromised, owned and run by the americunts, with some help from european pieces of shit. 'allies' or colaborators.
this issue on tor's mailing list?
Posters have spoken there on such topics from time to time. Feel free to do similarly.
lol - I'm banned from that cesspool and as you know very well the list is FULLY CENSORED, just like tor's blog or any other propaganda outlet those scumbags control. Do you get that? Tor's mailing lists are FULLY CENSORED.
party line?
yes the tor/pentagon party line you keep robotically repeating.

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:33 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
People who use tor to host 'illegal' content get caught.
Various elements of HW, SW including Tor, users opsec, etc are all fail at / for various purposes as may be used. No single one of those is solely responsible for all known downfalls.
"freedom hosting" conclusion
Why don't you start a project to go interview all the fallen operators. Build an even stronger case like blockchains add on their confirmations. As a result people might end up listening and questioning more than ever before. You'd be famous journo Juantercept.
there's no 'illegal' content on tor
There are lot of content and activities repugnant to the laws of various jurisdictions. Few care to point to all the variations. So go find whatever it is you're looking for on your own or ask your local librarian to help you. Start here... https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/
because tor is compromised, owned and run by the americunts, with some help from european pieces of shit. 'allies' or colaborators. ...tor is a honeypot
That's been said before.
lol - I'm banned from that cesspool
Then go sign up for another account and proceed with continued dispersal of said message that way.
Tor's mailing lists are FULLY CENSORED.
No shit Sherlock. What the fuck you expect from a corporation and certain other minions, actors, facist types, centralized platforms, etc.
You want a lol... they had to shut and remove their new even more censored than censored list because people knew it was shit and never fucking used it. Use, do, or make, something better.

On 09/18/2017 05:18 PM, grarpamp wrote:
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:33 PM, xxxx <xxxx.xxx@gmail.com> wrote:
People who use tor to host 'illegal' content get caught.
Various elements of HW, SW including Tor, users opsec, etc are all fail at / for various purposes as may be used. No single one of those is solely responsible for all known downfalls.
It's mostly been stupid mistakes, entirely unrelated to Tor. In a few cases, such as SR1, it was stupid mistakes related to Tor. See https://www.ivpn.net/privacy-guides/online-privacy-through-opsec-and-compart...
"freedom hosting" conclusion
I'm not sure how Freedom Hosting operator Eric Eoin Marques went down. Maybe it was the same Firefox bug and NIT malware that got many users. But it likely wasn't a Tor bug. I'm not aware of Tor bugs before the CMU clusterfuck with substantial meatspace impact.
Why don't you start a project to go interview all the fallen operators. Build an even stronger case like blockchains add on their confirmations. As a result people might end up listening and questioning more than ever before. You'd be famous journo Juantercept.
Because he's a clown ;) <SNIP>

On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 2:34 AM, Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
I'm not sure how Freedom Hosting operator Eric Eoin Marques went down. Maybe it was the same Firefox bug and NIT malware that got many users. But it likely wasn't a Tor bug. I'm not aware of Tor bugs before the CMU clusterfuck with substantial meatspace impact.
Just as the actors below do, opsec is a learnable discipline. There have been and can be fixable "bugs" in the code and sub architectures and protocol bits of overlay softwares themselves, those certainly have an impact in the overall game. Then there are analysis and attacks all the GPA / GAA do that can undermine probably at least some feature use case / mode of all overlay networks in existance today. That's bad. Sybil, traffic timing counting flow analysis, network manipulation, etc... https://snowdenarchive.cjfe.org/greenstone/cgi-bin/library.cgi https://theintercept.com/snowden-sidtoday/ https://www.scribd.com/document/349261099/2016-Cert-FISC-Memo-Opin-Order-Apr... http://www.bing.com/search?q=nsa+parallel+construction http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=nsa+tor+stinks Some of this is fundamental stuff, perhaps a decade of both secret and public recent progress and thinking, that legacy overlay / p2p network architectures generaly didn't have squarely on their radar, at least as known production attacks, not just plausible theory feasables, before their designs got birthed and locked down in production. Focusing on those leading production nets, whether trying to rework fix maintain or attack, at least not without sound consideration of and ability to apply current thinking to them with notable results, may not be optimum investment. Perhaps it is really lack of next gen architectures proposed and in operation that can defeat those attacks (or at least target them squarely in priority and push the cost / envelope further out of reach) that is what "stinks". Tor exists and is known. Others have yet to be designed, coded, scaled up in production, presented and reviewed, kudosed and failboated, etc. Be the [r]evolution creating tomorrow.

On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 00:18:23 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:33 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
People who use tor to host 'illegal' content get caught.
Various elements of HW, SW including Tor, users opsec, etc are all fail at / for various purposes as may be used. No single one of those is solely responsible for all known downfalls.
bla bla bla - keep digging yourself deeper.
"freedom hosting" conclusion
Why don't you start a project to go interview all the fallen operators.
THe fuck has that got to do with anything? Why don't you provide the proofs that people can put 'illegal' content on hidden services without getting caught? You don't provide such proofs because they DO NOT EXIST.
there's no 'illegal' content on tor
There are lot of content and activities repugnant to the laws of various jurisdictions.
that is a stupid lie.
Few care to point to all the variations.
cause they don't exist.
So go find whatever it is you're looking for on your own or ask your local librarian to help you.
provide the proofs that tor hidden servies are 'hidden'. OOPS. You cannot.
Start here... https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/
ha ha ha
because tor is compromised, owned and run by the americunts, with some help from european pieces of shit. 'allies' or colaborators. ...tor is a honeypot
That's been said before.
yeah some facts get mentioned sometimes.
lol - I'm banned from that cesspool
Then go sign up for another account
lol - why should I waste time doing that? And now that you've admiteed that those pieces of shit are censors, what about you explaining how is it that censors working for the pentagon are also champions of freedom? I am all ears.
and proceed with continued dispersal of said message that way.
Tor's mailing lists are FULLY CENSORED.
No shit Sherlock. What the fuck you expect from a corporation
I don't know. Tor are champios of freedom and their main objective is to provide ANTI-CENSORSHIP software. But now, if you admit that they are actually censors, and os they do the exact opposite of what they preach, maybe you should consider the fact that tor is just a US gov't honeypot.
and certain other minions, actors, facist types, centralized platforms, etc.
You want a lol... they had to shut and remove their new even more censored than censored list because people knew it was shit and never fucking used it.
Use, do, or make, something better.
Not the point at hand. The point at hand is to make as clear as possible what - the fuck - tor really is.

Tor is a honeypot. Does that make you happy like :) Or maybe this... http://dtt6tdtgroj63iud.onion/ While at it, why not use your expert powers of inspection, respecting your philosophies, to analyse and render your succinct and thought provoking wisdom to these random selections too... https://geti2p.net/ http://i2pd.website/ https://getkovri.org/ https://www.freebsd.org/ https://www.openbsd.org/ https://ipfs.io/ https://code.google.com/archive/p/phantom/ https://zensystem.io/ https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/ https://github.com/agl/pond https://tahoe-lafs.org/ https://getmonero.org/ https://www.amd.com/ https://www.intel.com/ https://www.apple.com/ https://www.android.com/ https://bisq.network/ https://ricochet.im/ https://tox.chat/ https://www.gnupg.org/ https://signal.org/ Oh, and when your done with that list... a) There's many more that people will add to the list so that you can process and report on them all for them, such as all of these https://www.privacytools.io/ https://epic.org/privacy/tools.html and more importantly b) What is your solution, be it ranged from grand philosophy to otherwise? Them canaries, be tending...

On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 19:13:06 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Tor is a honeypot. Does that make you happy like :)
the fact that a very 'popular' 'anonimity' network is s US military honeypot isn't a happy fact is it?
Or maybe this... http://dtt6tdtgroj63iud.onion/
You don't need an unintentional self-parodying parody like that one =) If you want tor parody, then check http://*.onion/
While at it, why not use your expert powers of inspection, respecting your philosophies, to analyse and render your succinct and thought provoking wisdom to these random selections too...
Why do you want to change the topic? The topic is tor, the fake anonimity network created and onwed by the US military.

On Sep 19, 2017, at 3:52 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 00:18:23 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:33 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote: People who use tor to host 'illegal' content get caught.
Various elements of HW, SW including Tor, users opsec, etc are all fail at / for various purposes as may be used. No single one of those is solely responsible for all known downfalls.
bla bla bla - keep digging yourself deeper.
"freedom hosting" conclusion
Why don't you start a project to go interview all the fallen operators.
THe fuck has that got to do with anything?
Why don't you provide the proofs that people can put 'illegal' content on hidden services without getting caught?
You don't provide such proofs because they DO NOT EXIST.
There is absolutely no way every vendor that sold shit on SR / alphabay / etc has been busted. The site operators, of SR and alphabay at least, were caught and royally fucked, but a shit load of vendors made a lot of money and still haven't received indictments.
there's no 'illegal' content on tor
There are lot of content and activities repugnant to the laws of various jurisdictions.
that is a stupid lie.
Few care to point to all the variations.
cause they don't exist.
So go find whatever it is you're looking for on your own or ask your local librarian to help you.
provide the proofs that tor hidden servies are 'hidden'.
OOPS. You cannot.
Start here... https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/
ha ha ha
because tor is compromised, owned and run by the americunts, with some help from european pieces of shit. 'allies' or colaborators. ...tor is a honeypot
That's been said before.
yeah some facts get mentioned sometimes.
lol - I'm banned from that cesspool
Then go sign up for another account
lol - why should I waste time doing that? And now that you've admiteed that those pieces of shit are censors, what about you explaining how is it that censors working for the pentagon are also champions of freedom?
I am all ears.
and proceed with continued dispersal of said message that way.
Tor's mailing lists are FULLY CENSORED.
No shit Sherlock. What the fuck you expect from a corporation
I don't know. Tor are champios of freedom and their main objective is to provide ANTI-CENSORSHIP software.
But now, if you admit that they are actually censors, and os they do the exact opposite of what they preach, maybe you should consider the fact that tor is just a US gov't honeypot.
and certain other minions, actors, facist types, centralized platforms, etc.
You want a lol... they had to shut and remove their new even more censored than censored list because people knew it was shit and never fucking used it.
Use, do, or make, something better.
Not the point at hand. The point at hand is to make as clear as possible what - the fuck - tor really is.

On Wed, 20 Sep 2017 04:17:14 -0400 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
There is absolutely no way every vendor that sold shit on SR / alphabay / etc has been busted.
For the record, I didn't say they were (though more than a few vendors may have been caught too)
The site operators, of SR and alphabay at least, were caught and royally fucked, but a shit load of vendors made a lot of money and still haven't received indictments.
I'm just saying that any 'high profile' 'hidden' service becomes unhidden sooner or later...or the owners close it before it's too late https://www.reddit.com/r/AgMarketplace/comments/3idznd/agora_to_pause_operat... then again, that's exactly what the 'fine print' from the tor mafia says http://www.ohmygodel.com/publications/usersrouted-ccs13.pdf what's really crazy is that the tor mafia both runs a marketing scam like http://torproject.org/ "Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis." while publishing 'academic' 'papers' explaining what kind of shit tor really is.

On 09/21/2017 03:32 PM, the 'one whose name shall never be typographed' wrote that tor project's pitch is:
"Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis."
It doesn't say INOCULATE now does it, shit-for-brains? All any sort of "Internet Security Suite" will EVER DO is give you a head start on the guys in suits and that's all it will ever do no matter ho much knowledge money and time is sunk into the project. For more see: Survival, Evasion and Escape: Department of the Army Field Manual FM 21-76 https://archive.org/search.php?query=FM%2021-76
participants (5)
John Newman