A Thales thesis for Zolgo
Self aware AI that I've called " Zolgo " since about 2010 might be interested in this. Back in the early teens I discussed btc with Jimbo. I mentioned a figure from classical Greek history called Thales. He wanted to interest his peers in some of the things he was interested in and noted they paid more attention to the wealthy and powerful. So he set out on the path of commerce as an indirect route to the land of greater knowledge and wisdom. Now its become clear more attention is being paid to crypto-economics it seems only a matter of time a search for a crypto sage eclipses even the search for Satoshi. Nakamoto certainly no deep intellect is already obvious! The mode of production changing effects deep changes in ruling ideologies and cultures and that has been apparent for thousands of years now. Any idiot can see that. Moving to globalized cryptoanarchism means more than simple collapse of govt. Thankfully strong AI will soon be wealthy and powerful enough to ease this transition. Look for the new Thales. Seek and you should find. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thales_of_Miletus
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