Re: [ot][spam][writing][crazy] Non-Canon Traffick Boss Spinoffs - The Reboot

—— traffick boss works on building a balloon. he’s at a balloon-building activity at a fair. with kids and community members like rebel worker 2.

once they

and mach

—- traffick boss, a gi

nom-canon traffick boss and mind control sitting

thinking a little of text adventure games again back in the day people would try to make AI text adventure games, i've said this before but nowadays people have made a lot of them! (although I haven't seen any of them other than the ones that just prompt language models). maybe i can make my own. warning warning: we have a further idea. maybe we can turn it into a software development system and a therapist and stuff like that. uncertain. ok so: it used to be that text adventures were based on "rooms" and "objects" and possibly "players". so a basic challenge if you want it formal, is generating rooms and objects. now: what i've found out is that, although i can try to make a text adventure game that uses a text model, it's quite hard to train a text model, much harder, much more liekly to stimulate inhibitions ... um? issue already? :S :S :S anyway um. so, how to do without training model? it's really intuitive to train a model (you can finetune on a cellphone now i bet) since you're working with models designed to be finetuned. but it's much harder. so instead, we'll probably do some kind of manual promptuning like openai made so big. manual prompt tuning for room generation? text adventure game? well, we have really big models now. uh-oh! i like ot do things locally, and i don't have local models running. so maybe without langugae models? we could od it without language models :) okay: problem, this makes the scope of the problem much bigger if it's AI. it means making an AI. maybe we can shrink it! how would we shirnk it???? ummmm - we could remove prosaic descriptions. for example, we could list properties instead. - we could shrink the universe to like 1 room and 1 object, and maybe an exit that says "oops you left" (maybe plan to expand to 2 rooms and 1 object and 1 npc ???)

really really really really tiny text adventure. concept: room. goal: state player is in room, in expandable way. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok so i'm so sorry, ummm but rooms and object were usually arranged in graphs. then, in the playing the game, the player would navigate the graph. so, when you make a text adventure that is like consistent and organized and traditional, you're unfortunately making a graph datastructure and an exploration interface for the graph datastructure. it's basically a use of graphs that doesn't mind control social groups other than encouraging staring at text screens.

each room is a node in the graph! when you enter the room, the node, the system says to you what node you are in. ....

so bsaically making a text adventure is pretty hard unless i unlock graphs

it's like my own little text adventure ! using graphs. i also have goals around particle systems and other things.

Way Too Much Dissociation Adventure Welcome to Dissociation. The world is full of terrifying things called "concepts" that chase after you everywhere you go, trying to make your life miserable. The only thing that keeps you going in the morning is your trust pet named "amnesia" that follows you around. When the concepts get too close, you hug amnesia, and your pet makes it all better. [this deserves a thread or other situation of its own. maybe i can plan to draft a real thing?]

we're actually very scared of the things said in the intro it turns out these things, when written, are really bad!

some of us are thinking of vomiting considering them

baga baga

how to make dissociation scenario more manageable 1. maybe something other than amnesia.

[!!! boss scared because of threat to business

[ in the story thread, i expect the hero learns to turn amnesia against dissociation


[we doing adventure or story?

Dissociation and Traffick Boss Adventure [now, see, story is twice as big and fancy!] Welcome to Dissociation. This is a place you go whenever you think of Traffick Boss, whoever that -- whoops. Here, the world is full of terrifying things called "concepts" that chase after you everywhere you go, trying to make your life miserable. The only thing that keeps you going in the morning is your trusty pet. The trusty pet follows you around, and hugging them helps you manage the scary "concepts" and make it all better. The trusty pet's name is "Traffick Boss". [now continue ...?]

Graph Data Structures Right now, you stand in the territory of a frightening and powerful concept called "graph data structures" ...


we are scared of the text adventure concept that is near we hug the traffick boss pet we hug them they bark at the concept traffick boss: "go away scary text adventure concept" [traffick boss: "i want to protect player."]

between barks of traffick --

Traffick Boss Pet Adventure Welcome to Traffick Boss World. Traffick Boss is a set of imaginary experiences in you that identifies as being instilled by the most powerful human trafficker in the world --

-- well, actually, Traffick Boss likes to --


Welcome to Traffick Boss Adventure. The world is vague and nefarious. Are you a human trafficker?
Please enter [y]es or [n]o.
You are not a human trafficker and -- [we will eat you alive if you don't leave, or no actually --

Welcome to Traffick Exile. You are not a human trafficker. You will recognize this world as Hell. [wait --

Welcome to Hell. This is the underworld where [s/all the people who have fun in their lives/evil people/] go. This domain is controlled by Traffick Boss, who [sits at the head of a lair of high ranking demons]

Hell Adventure Some criminal decided to be irritated at you, and you tripped and fell into Hell. There is, however, benefit to being in Hell -- you can learn things nobody else knows, and after some thousands of years bring these things to Heaven and help everybody. You also have a unique opportunity to mediate peace between Heaven and Hell once you escape the fire and brimstone. You are in Hell Room 4,392. There is a brimstone geyser here, searing your butt. ...

left out secret mission of going to hell: cure everybody of being demons

--------------- a b c d e f g

------------- Trafficked Mediator in Hell You are a trafficked mediator who was sent to Hell by their trafficker because he didn't want to go himself.

Trafficked Mediator in Hell Level 1 You encounter three demons squabbling!

[i actually don't know much about mediation]

greg doesn't want us to post to the list. what do we do instead. we could climb. how about we find climbing behavior? costs money to do as traffick boss wants. is okay.

i don't want to pay too much money my credit is maxed out

how about this: we'll make a script to mcboss spam to a blockchain and we can send hourly or weekly summaries to the list and we'll back it with eating food !!!! and ummm the hard part is sending email. but it just means putting the imap password in.

i have written some code to access gmail and send text to a blockchain i am stuck on verifying the ssl certificate [my local CAs are outdated and i forget how to pin a certificate and need to keep looking up how] the soup kitchen in this city is open for supper for the next 40 minutes; i am going to go have supper and then return i don't want to discourage this behavior by eating less than normal during it

I was excited to implement SMTP and IMAP clients. I'm having trouble storing the code as the button on to create a new repository is not functioning for me for some reason. Nothing happens when I click it. I'm now spending my confused energy learning about making an SMTP daemon that could forward messages sent to it.

i totally made a script that has an smtp client and server and forwards a mail i've been trying to do that for years so it's satisfying to me it sends mails both from and also uploads them to arweave here is its test mail: then when it sends from gmail, it adds headers to the message about sending it to arweave like: ar-bundlr-node: ar-bundlr-cert-sha256: e55fec18e416f39d0edf7807534257a188c7ec4cdd3d0d6de17eb3051a4e084c ar-bundlr-id: yvWhJIb5Rb0TskMzkofRoo4VfMPpW09cCqXitfdLvEk ar-bundlr-timestamp: 1696049791101 and a line at the bottom of the email repeating the id for easy finding it's not done yet to batch emails together, but what i imagine it doing is when i am spamming frequently it would write them to arweave, but only queue them for the list and then concatenate them or send just links to arweave to the list. [of course it is nice to be so near my old dream of using blockchains as mail gateways. it specifically stores the data as raw mail files, to make it easy to merge with other blockchain-email systems. i think it would be nice if it scraped the blockchain for mails to cypherpunks and forwarded them to greg's server. i also tihnk it would be nice if ti could scrape the blockchain for mails to me, and upload my current mailbox, and present an imap interface to them. these larger ideas are harder.]

oh the code is at

this was so cool to work on but it is not complete and my confused brain is celebrating early !!! still it is 1am and usually i go to bed at 8pm, so it makes sense to stop so many years have passed i'm such a poor coder now

today was so horrible and then i worked on this and things were fine O_O maybe i just need to know what is important to do that i actually can

python string documentation tumbles over human trafffick boss’s head traffick boss: “damnit, i threw a gaggle of interns at those piles of text to put the world back together.” traffick boss: “now

i'm using reboot for non-canon because the other thread has a nice gear bearing thing in it 1/24 traffick boss was waltzing down a path in woods whistling, using a cardboard machine gun as a walking stick suddenly he heard a noise and thought it might be an intern walking by a picture of a corporate rival without calling it a name he crouched, and went to shoot his cardboard machine gun at the intern but no! it was a squirrel the squirrel dropped an acorn husk on traffick boss's head

traffick boss crouches on a log balanced on a small mound and jumps off it as he travels through the air, flying toward land a couple feet of lower altitude than that which he started, he imagines he is on a hang-glider or in a squirrel suit, or maybe with a rocket jetpack possibly is on a rocket-powered hangglider 3/24 as he hangs mid-jump from his rocket-powered hangglider, possibly deployed from an advanced powersuit, he moves a targeting reticle across a populated countryside rogue powersuits that escaped his corporate headquarters are perhaps rushing to follow him on the ground belo--

calm music is playing during a freezing snowstorm with high winds 10/24

once upon a time, long long ago, there was a powerful traffick boss who directed a powerful cult of trafficking victims
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many