[spam][story][personal] Mind Control Boss: Undergrad+ Coursework (EELab+) Edition

Mind Control Boss stared at a paused electronic engineering lab. Mind Control Boss: “Who is responsible for this.”

Mind Control Boss descended from the sky via a portal of military horrors, on to the University of North Dakota. Mind Cntrol Boss stared at the University of North Dakota and its Distance Engineering Program with his hive of zombie government workers, cyborg military assassins, and hairdressers and coerced diplomats.

Mind Control Boss: “who has done field reconnaissance for this target? do i have to do everything myself here?”

Mind Control Boss takes a nanite snapsjot of the university, blasts it to oblivion with a handheld nuclear missile launcher, cleans up the radiation and rebuilds everything and brings all the people back to life. Mind Control Boss: “i was bored so i blew it up and brought it back”

Diplomatic Team: “this is not okay. we are paying for an unharmed target.” Mind Control Boss [in military powersuit] looks at Diplomatic Team

the below reference is past reconnaissance we are also interested in retaking the course but more interested in finishing existing work if reasonable Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 09:53:19 -0700 (PDT) From: NDUS Help Desk <ellucian@service-now.com> Reply-To: servicedesk@ellucian.com To: gmkarl@gmail.com, karl.semich@und.edu, kouhyar.tavakolian@und.edu Message-ID: <22654747.296637.1503075199449@app129022.iad3.service-now.com> Subject: REQ006271016 - Opened For Karl Semich MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_296635_4309975.1503075199448" X-ServiceNow-Source: Notification-17965b720a0a3c3501f3e1807ee75391 X-ServiceNow-SysEmail-Version: 2 Precedence: bulk Auto-Submitted: auto-generated X-ServiceNow-Generated: true ------=_Part_296635_4309975.1503075199448 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_296636_8537023.1503075199448" ------=_Part_296636_8537023.1503075199448 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Short Description: Carl cannot find tegrity videos from his Spring 2017 cou= rses =C2=A0You are receiving this notification because REQ006271016 has been ope= ned for Karl Semich. =C2=A0Name: Karl Semich Campus: University of North Dakota - Main Campus=20 Building:=20 Room:=20 Best contact number: (207) 518-8256 Description: Karl could not complete his EE313 Linear Electric Circuits cou= rse in Spring 2017 and is trying to complete it now. He cannot find the Teg= rity videos for the course.=20 =C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0[[u_signature]] Ref:MSG46246735

experimentee might be thinking of going to europe and studying coercive control we are [so happy to try to pursue edu

[[need to fix diplomacy research, upgrade via getting degreees so talking works in modern culture. ee first.

mcboss group hangs sign on cloud over und mistake saying this is military occupatiom amd cantbe stopped

i found idea for rapid degrees if we win: study independently for things that can tested or negotiated out of. some disoute

My NDUS username is karl.semich, password started with q in 2020, may hve been changed the “reconnaissance” thread may have been support.und.edu but there are other user portals

i recall the lab information was primarily stored on my personal annex. i have some data from that on the laptop with me. it is corrupt and triggers psychology to access. i’ll out car simewhere to try.

i found some intact files, including sparse notes over the years about attempting to resume the first lab. it was about RC and RL resonance circuits. i think it makes sense to relearn or review RC and RL material enough that i would be able to redo the lab — like a prerequisite for writing or reviewing a lab report, Maybe the report itself contains this information, too, dunno. It might be nice to do the second lab, if instructions are somewhere. [I am driving the next few days] I have direct access to these filenames now; 00-Lab Report Template.docx 00-README-WORKNOTES.txt 00-Syllabus_Spring_2017_EE307_DEDP.docx 01-01-charge.data 01-01-circuit-photo.png 01-01-RC.mov 01-01-software-photo.png 01-02-circuit-photo.png 01-02-RL.mov 01-03-circuit-photo.png 01-03-discharge.data 01-03-RL.mov 01-04-circuit-photo.jpg 01-04-discharge.data 01-05-charge.data 01-05-circuit-photo.jpg 01-05-tools-photo.jpg 01-circuit2-RL.png 01-EE307_Lab01_trimmed.mp4 01-example-report.pdf 01-notes.txt 01-report-gnuplottex-fig10.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig10.tex 01-report-gnuplottex-fig1.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig1.tex 01-report-gnuplottex-fig2.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig3.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig3.tex 01-report-gnuplottex-fig4.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig5.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig5.tex 01-report-gnuplottex-fig6.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig6.tex 01-report-gnuplottex-fig7.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig7.tex 01-report-gnuplottex-fig9.gnuplot 01-report-gnuplottex-fig9.tex

On 9/3/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
i found idea for rapid degrees if we win: study independently for things that can tested or negotiated out of. some disoute
idea for faster learning: language model prompt to rephrase information in way understood quickly and effectively

the syllabus is docx. looks like i don't have openoffice, libreoffice, abiword, or a fully functioning package installer atm. maybe i'll just read about RC and RL circuits

some misplaced info boss being hastled by big rivers of electrons what is point of …

i watched a smidge of an rc/rl lecture the circuits are first order differential eqs their voltage and current

“lemme tell you about this. when you’re in ‘nam, and the bombs are falling[, you think about math because it’s the only thing that makes sense when your friends

Mind Control Boss is bent over an RC circuit diagram he has drawn in the dirt. Mind Control Boss: "C, the capacitance, is the ratio between the charge and the voltage when the capacitor is charged ..." Mind Control Boss: "The current through a capacitor, which must be just the amounts of charge entering and leaving the plates since they're insulated, is C times the rate of change of the voltage. i = C dv/dt ." Mind Control Boss looks at a dronecam.
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many