Trust isn't easy: Drawing an agenda from Friday's DDoS Attack and the Internet of Things ===== OT Warning: - Dear all, I am pretending to be dead to celebrate the Halloween in advance. (+_+) ~ ~ => It's a very, very dead Ceci! I am stinking like Zenaan's messages, keep healthy distance! Please, don't annoy me, if you are a troll. Dreamworks made a cute movie about lovely trolls, full of rainbows, flowers and sweet things. Go watch it if you miss me, instead writing, please. I am deeply dead in the moment and the internet connections in the Hell are horrible. Already tried that Ouija thing, but it doesn't work, exactly like wi-fi in my country. (+_+)* I am not receiving the cypherpunks list messages in the moment, because my lovely Ray Ray -- or another grumpy troll -- decided to send hundreds of "love messages" to me and I am tired. And dead, very dead! Razer, all the p0rn spam was bizarre, but the "Windows 10" spam and the "geriatric diapers free samples" spam were really offensive. You have freaky weird fetishes, dear. Again, search psychological support with urgence please... :( Oh, and remember, I am dead. I am trying to RIP. Don't summon me again, please. Love you, grumpy bastard. Take care. :*

On 10/26/2016 10:34 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
I am not receiving the cypherpunks list messages in the moment, because my lovely Ray Ray -- or another grumpy troll -- decided to send hundreds of "love messages" to me and I am tired. And dead, very dead!
Razer, all the p0rn spam was bizarre, but the "Windows 10" spam and the "geriatric diapers free samples" spam were really offensive. You have freaky weird fetishes, dear.
Es no mi culpa y es no mi problema It wasn't an idle threat but it was an un-acted-on one. Blame someone else. I take credit for the un-original idea though. Rr

RIP sea sea we all love you - -------- Original Message -------- On Oct 26, 2016, 10:34 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote: ===== OT Warning: - Dear all, I am pretending to be dead to celebrate the Halloween in advance. (+_+) ~ ~ => It's a very, very dead Ceci! I am stinking like Zenaan's messages, keep healthy distance! Please, don't annoy me, if you are a troll. Dreamworks made a cute movie about lovely trolls, full of rainbows, flowers and sweet things. Go watch it if you miss me, instead writing, please. I am deeply dead in the moment and the internet connections in the Hell are horrible. Already tried that Ouija thing, but it doesn't work, exactly like wi-fi in my country. (+_+)* I am not receiving the cypherpunks list messages in the moment, because my lovely Ray Ray -- or another grumpy troll -- decided to send hundreds of "love messages" to me and I am tired. And dead, very dead! Razer, all the p0rn spam was bizarre, but the "Windows 10" spam and the "geriatric diapers free samples" spam were really offensive. You have freaky weird fetishes, dear. Again, search psychological support with urgence please... :( Oh, and remember, I am dead. I am trying to RIP. Don't summon me again, please. Love you, grumpy bastard. Take care. :*

Dear Ray Ray, It's ok. I laughed a lot because received Windows 10 and diapers spams at same time and, well, there is an interesting relation between the two things. I ask pardon to Windows 10 users and fans, but in some privacy aspects, it stinks like used diapers and my dead Halloween version... (+_+) ~ ~ I know you are not the real "guilty". You would be more "creative" and the FBI guys would be here now, annoying me, asking if my teddy bear's name is "PedoBear" and why I always have candies in my house, hahaha!!! ;D Take care, grumpy guy. In your free time, see the cypherpunks list archives, please. This list was awesome, very interesting **before** Zenaan, Alexander, Juan, you and me, the noisy, grumpy, bitter, talkative and not polite group. I felt really guilty all the times when I read the archives. Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please? The Science saved me -- as always, of course! -- but I am pretending to be "dead" to disturb this list a little less... (+_+) ~ ~ Do you really think I care about spam messages, darling? I was annoying you and telling to some persons that I am alive, but with no time to answer to private messages. :P

On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say. When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda. I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones. I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship. Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case. My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here. Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects. Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world. Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths. Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;) Cecilia

thank-you for wonderful words sea sea. Since your dead I'm dying to - the only thing that can bring me to life is you RIP -------- Original Message -------- On Oct 28, 2016, 6:48 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote: On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say. When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda. I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones. I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship. Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case. My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here. Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects. Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world. Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths. Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;) Cecilia

On Oct 29, 2016 4:59 PM, "rooty" <> wrote:
thank-you for wonderful words sea sea. Since your dead I'm dying to - the
only thing that can bring me to life is you RIP Hi my lovely baby rooty! :D Receiving the cypherpunk list messages again. I am on the road in this exact moment. Not driving, don't worry, haha!! ;) In the Halloween, I will have 'Fettuccine Afraid-o' and 'Whine' for dinner. Of course, 'I Scream' for dessert. You are invited, my dear. :) Kid, I don't know who you are, but please don't care so much about me. Life has a lot of 'iffy ifs'. If... And if again. Ifffff... Got it? Sometimes it is more interesting than Affff... Hahaha!!! Please don't send it to the list. Just think and laugh. ;) You need to understand I am deeply lazy. I am too lazy for dying. I was thinking how many years I will need to wait until R's balls touch his knees. So I will need only _one_ kick to get one knee and two balls. No patience for two kicks and I bet he doesn't shave. The hair will minimize the kick's impact, so the effect will be more 'effective' kicking the knee at same time. It must be very fun -- probably also painful -- to do 'embaixadinhas' with your own balls, hihi... ;) Xorcist is wrong about his age. Grumpy bastards, like vampires, always recognize each other. That grumpy guy will still live a lot and will bury me. Bury me _really_ dead, I hope! :P Oh, please, it's very, very important! Let R in peace. Juan is a lovely kid. Don't annoy him too. Alex, when is not being manipulated, is also a good kid. Probably will die virgin, but with some luck, there will be other lives in the future and more possibilities to him, haha!! ;) Take care baby. I love you very much. Only R didn't notice the obvious thing. => Japanese blood + Hackerspaces = Giant Robots, wohooo!!! :D You are a lovely, cute little imaginary bot. Not one of mine, unhappilly. Let's wait a bit more. You probably will grown up a lot yet. Live and be happy. We will meet in a future crossroad. Remember I love flowers and fruits. :) sea sea -- "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." On Oct 29, 2016 4:59 PM, "rooty" <> wrote:
thank-you for wonderful words sea sea. Since your dead I'm dying to - the only thing that can bring me to life is you RIP
-------- Original Message -------- On Oct 28, 2016, 6:48 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say.
When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda.
I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones.
I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship.
Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case.
My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here.
Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects.
Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world.
Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths.
Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;)

Time to make a rule to block this babbling trash fountain. On Sun, Oct 30, 2016, 15:38 Cecilia Tanaka <> wrote:
On Oct 29, 2016 4:59 PM, "rooty" <> wrote:
thank-you for wonderful words sea sea. Since your dead I'm dying to -
the only thing that can bring me to life is you RIP
Hi my lovely baby rooty! :D
Receiving the cypherpunk list messages again. I am on the road in this exact moment. Not driving, don't worry, haha!! ;)
In the Halloween, I will have 'Fettuccine Afraid-o' and 'Whine' for dinner. Of course, 'I Scream' for dessert. You are invited, my dear. :)
Kid, I don't know who you are, but please don't care so much about me. Life has a lot of 'iffy ifs'. If... And if again. Ifffff... Got it? Sometimes it is more interesting than Affff... Hahaha!!! Please don't send it to the list. Just think and laugh. ;)
You need to understand I am deeply lazy. I am too lazy for dying. I was thinking how many years I will need to wait until R's balls touch his knees. So I will need only _one_ kick to get one knee and two balls. No patience for two kicks and I bet he doesn't shave. The hair will minimize the kick's impact, so the effect will be more 'effective' kicking the knee at same time. It must be very fun -- probably also painful -- to do 'embaixadinhas' with your own balls, hihi... ;)
Xorcist is wrong about his age. Grumpy bastards, like vampires, always recognize each other. That grumpy guy will still live a lot and will bury me. Bury me _really_ dead, I hope! :P
Oh, please, it's very, very important! Let R in peace. Juan is a lovely kid. Don't annoy him too. Alex, when is not being manipulated, is also a good kid. Probably will die virgin, but with some luck, there will be other lives in the future and more possibilities to him, haha!! ;)
Take care baby. I love you very much. Only R didn't notice the obvious thing. => Japanese blood + Hackerspaces = Giant Robots, wohooo!!! :D
You are a lovely, cute little imaginary bot. Not one of mine, unhappilly. Let's wait a bit more. You probably will grown up a lot yet. Live and be happy. We will meet in a future crossroad. Remember I love flowers and fruits. :)
sea sea -- "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." On Oct 29, 2016 4:59 PM, "rooty" <> wrote:
thank-you for wonderful words sea sea. Since your dead I'm dying to - the only thing that can bring me to life is you RIP
-------- Original Message -------- On Oct 28, 2016, 6:48 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say.
When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda.
I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones.
I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship.
Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case.
My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here.
Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects.
Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world.
Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths.
Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;)

On Oct 30, 2016 4:42 PM, "J.R. Jones" <> wrote:
Time to make a rule to block this babbling trash fountain.
Been there, done that. It doesn't work this way noob. Do it, IF you can. Try it. It will be VERY fun. :) - c. -- "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

On 10/28/2016 07:48 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say.
When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda.
Sounds good to me :)
I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones.
I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship.
Yes, that's an important distinction. As I understand it, cypherpunk is about protection of privacy, and disruption of oppressive systems, through cryptography. It's not so much about ranting, but of course, some of that is unavoidable. But best is concise and funny :)
Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case.
Yes, there are assholes on the list :( But hey, let's not go to war, OK?
My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here.
Well, your English is better than my Portuguese ;)
Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects.
Haters gotta hate :(
Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world. ;)
Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths.
Maybe ignorant twits don't know Samhain ;)
Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;)

please no talk to sea sea. She dead and so am i -------- Original Message -------- On Oct 29, 2016, 2:55 PM, Mirimir wrote: On 10/28/2016 07:48 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say.
When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda.
Sounds good to me :)
I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones.
I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship.
Yes, that's an important distinction. As I understand it, cypherpunk is about protection of privacy, and disruption of oppressive systems, through cryptography. It's not so much about ranting, but of course, some of that is unavoidable. But best is concise and funny :)
Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case.
Yes, there are assholes on the list :( But hey, let's not go to war, OK?
My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here.
Well, your English is better than my Portuguese ;)
Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects.
Haters gotta hate :(
Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world. ;)
Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths.
Maybe ignorant twits don't know Samhain ;)
Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;)

On 10/29/2016 04:14 PM, juan wrote:
On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 15:55:38 -0600 Mirimir <> wrote:
Haters gotta hate :(
the remark is especially impressive when coming from tor bots and amateur agents of the US establishment
Given your behavior, you're far more likely to be an agent than I :) Me, I'm just a typical privacy geek.
participants (6)
Cecilia Tanaka
J.R. Jones