Price discovery in the Bounty-Law justice system
APster price discovery may start tiny - but from little things sometimes big things grow - especially when the target is well known and widely disliked. People who understand the basics of money and markets know these things. You don't have to pay a premium for any product that's cheap and widely available. People who don't know the basics - like Marxist-Communists and inverse-Marxist libertarians - are the last true believers in a ' Homo economicus '. They prefer stale and falsified formulas. Cant and dogma. Fanatical neo-religious economism. Where these metaphysical commandments are applied disasters follow. In the Ancap case look no further than Dolfuss Austria, Pinochet Chile and the ongoing Btc-colonialism presently encouraged by the likes of Dumbfuck moron, and Shitcoiner extraordinaire, Gramps.
participants (1)
professor rat