The Verge: Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be ‘fully mobile’ in 2021

The Verge: Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be ‘fully mobile’ in 2021. PCMag: Movable Satellite Internet: SpaceX to Lift Geo-Restriction on Starlink Dishes Later This Year. Movable Satellite Internet: SpaceX to Lift Geo-Restriction on Starlink Dishes Later This Year | | | | | | | | | | | Movable Satellite Internet: SpaceX to Lift Geo-Restriction on Starlink Dishes Later This Year Lifting the restriction will let Starlink users operate the satellite internet dish from any location, including a moving RV, according to company CEO Elon Musk. | | | | "Later this year, subscribers to SpaceX’s Starlink internet service should get a new perk: the ability to operate their satellite dish anywhere."
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jim bell