usual or desperate call for white papers?

'Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting white papers for various scientific studies, investigations, and experiments to increase our knowledge, understanding and capability in order to expand cyber operations technologies within the Department of Defense (DoD).' -- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <> 7035 690E 5E47 41D4 B0E5 B3D1 AF90 49D6 BE09 2187 Ruh-roh, this is now necessary: This email is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without permission is strictly prohibited.

Dnia niedziela, 16 marca 2014 21:36:38 Cari Machet pisze:
'Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting white papers for various scientific studies, investigations, and experiments to increase our knowledge, understanding and capability in order to expand cyber operations technologies within the Department of Defense (DoD).' bc763960a&tab=core&_cview=1
I'm sure there is a way to troll the shit out of them a'la Mr Sokal: -- Pozdr rysiek

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:18 PM, rysiek <> wrote:
Dnia niedziela, 16 marca 2014 21:36:38 Cari Machet pisze:
'Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting white papers for various scientific studies, investigations, and experiments to increase our knowledge, understanding and capability in order to expand cyber operations technologies within the Department of Defense (DoD).'
I'm sure there is a way to troll the shit out of them a'la Mr Sokal:
ooooo curve encryption but ... not ... hehehe mind cogs turning.... i like the getting classified shit how to part now the libertarians on this list hate the anarchists even more > yay!
-- Pozdr rysiek
-- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <> 7035 690E 5E47 41D4 B0E5 B3D1 AF90 49D6 BE09 2187 Ruh-roh, this is now necessary: This email is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without permission is strictly prohibited.

More on the usual or desperate call for papers below. Am weighing whether or not to submit one that will make the reviewers shake their heads and vomit. Shouldn't be hard.
Dnia niedziela, 16 marca 2014 21:36:38 Cari Machet pisze:
'Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting white papers for various scientific studies, investigations, and experiments to increase our knowledge, understanding and capability in order to expand cyber operations technologies within the Department of Defense (DoD).' bc763960a&tab=core&_cview=1
I'm sure there is a way to troll the shit out of them a'la Mr Sokal:
-- Pozdr rysiek

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:57 AM, Odinn Cyberguerrilla <> wrote:
More on the usual or desperate call for papers below. Am weighing whether or not to submit one that will make the reviewers shake their heads and vomit. Shouldn't be hard.
is this a joke? actual people actually made this cartoon? what can we glob at them like a paint bomb on a so called masterpiece
Dnia niedziela, 16 marca 2014 21:36:38 Cari Machet pisze:
'Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting white papers for various scientific studies, investigations, and experiments to increase our knowledge, understanding and capability in order to expand cyber operations technologies within the Department of Defense (DoD).'
I'm sure there is a way to troll the shit out of them a'la Mr Sokal:
-- Pozdr rysiek
-- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <> 7035 690E 5E47 41D4 B0E5 B3D1 AF90 49D6 BE09 2187 Ruh-roh, this is now necessary: This email is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without permission is strictly prohibited.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Odinn Cyberguerrilla <> wrote:
... weighing whether or not to submit one that will make the reviewers shake their heads and vomit. Shouldn't be hard.
teaser? honestly, the only reason to DEF CON since the alexis is the party track. :P~ [ back at the alexis, you partied while amusing self with the spectacle of the Lynn sploit or Skylarov shakedown... ]

DEFCON On The Mat (A submittal in response to the DEFCON 22 Call for Papers) • Presenter Information: I am an entity, floating about. • Presentation Information: This is a challenge, mostly directed to the DEFCON 22 organizers, to engage in sparring matches, one on one, with each other, and with me, should I decide to attend. Each match will be refereed by someone (whoever is willing and able to call a beginning and end to the matches and who will spend time on the mat along with two opponents). Each participant must begin and end each match with a bow to their opponent. Respect is the keyword. • Scheduling Information: Whenever you are up for it. • Equipment requirements: Your fists, feet, and sparring gear (don't forget a protective crotch cup). Also, bring protective headgear and a mouthpiece. Forearm guards, leg guards, and chest gear highly advisable. Booties and soft gloves are ok, but frowned upon. Make up your own mind, but protect your head and your middle bits. If you have interlocking foam squares (portable mat components), such as a bunch of SoftTiles, bring them and help make a mat. Don't wait for someone else to do it, just do it. • Speaker Bio(s): Who said I would be speaking? You want to speak to me, meet me on the mat. • Abstract: Matches begin when random referee (whoever wants to stand in the mat area) says "Start!" or "Begin!" or "Shi-jak!" 시작 • Outline: Try not to bleed too much. See detailed outline in lower portion of this submittal. • Supporting Files: Look around. See papers scattered on floor. • Submission Agreements: You agree that if you are put in a submission hold that you will agree to never ask for submission agreements again. Presenter Information Primary Speaker Name: Odinn Primary Speaker Email Address: Primary Speaker Phone Number: Sure, funny. Primary Speaker postal address: No address provided. No honorarium requested. Has the speaker(s) spoken at a previous DEF CON? No. Presentation Information Presentation Title: DEFCON On The Mat Is there a demonstration? Yes. Are you releasing a new tool? Please. Are you releasing a new exploit? That depends on what happens to you during the match. Is there audience participation? Audience not participating in matches or persons who come without required gear must remain outside of match area. Length of presentation? Could be an hour. Could be longer. Up to you. Are you currently submitting this topic to any other conferences held prior to DEF CON 22? No. Are you submitting to Black Hat USA? No. Has this presentation been given or accepted to any other venue or conference? No. Is your ability or willingness to speak predicated on your talk being accepted at Black Hat USA? No. Scheduling Is there a specific day or time by which you must present? No. Equipment needs & special requests: -All the wireless internet I need and desire -Some kind of technically competent helper human to help me connect my Palm-powered Tungsten T to the Internet. It has Palm OS 5, a TI OMAP 144 MHz processor, and bluetooth, so maybe you can make it work. -Drinks, such as vodka and also water, if you have it. It must be clean water, though. -Some kind of good food that is not rotten. Pears and bananas are nice. Hamburgers are good. -Please do not claim that someone stole your forearm guards or demand to use someone else's chest piece. You are responsible for your own gear. No whining. -Take your hits without crying out in pain, it doesn't look well to be moaning and groaning when you have previously agreed to a match and have entered upon the mat willingly. -Thoughtful conversation -Respect -If I decide to come, you will pay for all my goodies and not attempt to charge me anything for attending. Failure to comply with this special request will result in chaos Will you require more than 1 LCD projector feed? No. Will you require a white board? No Are there any other special equipment needs that you will require? If you have SoftTiles that are interlocking please bring them, they make nice mat material. I would like you to bring some concrete blocks. If you have them lying around or can get them easily, maybe 8 or 10 of them. However, they need to be the kind without rebar in them as they will probably all get broken in a demonstration. Also bring pencils or chopsticks so we can put those between the blocks while the blocks are waiting to be broken. Best blocks are 4" standard concrete blocks or 8" standard concrete blocks. Thank you Also, I like hamburgers. Speaker Bio(s): I am a fellow human. As an entity, floating about, I am happy to be here with you and share your experiences, fantasies, delusions, etc. Thank you. Blessings. Abstract: Meh. Get to the mat. Detailed Outline: 1) Get your gear on 2) Line up in orderly way and proceed to mat 3) When it is your turn to go, step onto the mat, bow to your opponent, and wait for the referee to say "Start!" or "Begin!" or "Shi-ha" or something that indicates the match has begun. 4) Fight. 5) The referee (random participant who decides to ref) will time the match, at most two rounds of a minute each. At end of first round you get a break of about 30 seconds. Referee decides when break begins and ends. 6) Referee notes second round is over. It is not necessary for referee to say whether or not someone has "won." It is about respect. 7) Both match participants bow to each other, shake hands, and leave the mat. Grant of Copyright Use I warrant that the above work has not been previously published elsewhere, or if it has, that I have obtained permission for its publication by DEF CON Communications, Inc. and that I will promptly supply DEF CON Communications, Inc. with wording for crediting the original publication and copyright owner. If I am selected for presentation, I hereby give DEF CON Communications, Inc. permission to duplicate, record and redistribute this presentation, which includes, but is not limited to, the conference proceedings, conference CD, video, audio, and hand-outs to the conference attendees for educational, on-line, and all other purposes. Terms of Speaking Requirements 1) I will submit a completed presentation, a copy of the tool(s) and/or code(s), and a reference to all of the tool(s), law(s), Web sites and/or publications referenced to at the end of my talk and as described in this CFP submission for publication on the conference CD by 12:00 noon PST, July 15, 2014. (Irrelevant) 2) I will submit a final Abstract and Biography for the DEF CON website and Printed Conference Materials by 12:00 noon PST, June 20, 2014. (Maybe) 3) I understand if I fail to submit a completed presentation by July 15, 2014, I may be replaced by an alternate presentation or may forfeit my honorarium. This decision will be made by DEF CON and I will be informed in writing of my status. (I don't want an honorarium) 4) I will include a detailed bibliography as either a separate document or included within the presentation of all resources cited and/or used in my presentation. (I'll think about it) 5) I will complete my presentation within the time allocated to me - not running over, or excessively under the time allocation. (Yes) 6) I understand that DEF CON will provide 1 LCD projector feed, 2 screens, microphones, wired and/or wireless Internet. I understand that I am responsible for providing all other necessary equipment, including laptops and machines (with VGA output), to complete my presentation. (mmkay) 7) If applicable, I will submit within 5 days of the completion of the conference any updated, revised or additional presentation(s) or materials that were used in my presentation but not included on the conference CD or conference proceedings. (mmkay) Terms of Speaking Remuneration 1) I understand that I will be responsible for my own hotel and travel expenses. (That's not exactly what I had in mind, but....) 2) I understand that DEF CON will issue one $300 payment per presentation. (sigh) 3) I understand that I may receive payment on-site at the conference. If not, I must provide a valid name and postal mail address so that payment may be mailed. Payment will be made in form of corporate check. In some rare cases, you may be required to complete a W8 (Non-U.S. Citizen) or W9 (U.S. Citizen) before payment is issued. (right, fine) 4) I understand that I will be paid 30 days from the end of the conference, after I have completed my presentation. I may choose to waive my $300 speaking fee in exchange for 3 DEF CON Human badges. (I don't want a speaking fee and I don't want your badges) 5) I understand that should my talk be determined to be unsuitable (e.g. a vendor or sales pitch, a talk on the keeping of goats, etc.) after I have presented, that I will not receive an honorarium. (mmkay) As detailed above, I, (insert primary speaker name), have read and agree to the Grant of Copyright Use. I, (insert primary speaker name), have read and agree to the Terms of Speaking Requirements. I, (insert primary speaker name), have read and agree to the Agreement to Terms of Speaking Remuneration or I will forfeit my honorarium. (yeah, ok. done)
participants (4)
Cari Machet
Odinn Cyberguerrilla