exposed/ Juan right again - J.Peterson utterly conflicted - was Re: JP/Kavanaugh explained - [PEACE]

So Jordan Peterson is a schitzophrenic flake, sneering at free speech and spitting on the presumption of innocence. It's tough to admit ... AGAIN ... Juan is right about Peterson. Peterson called publicly for Kavanaugh to "step down" from his SCOTUS appointment literally to "resolve the Jewish conundrum", thus throwing out centuries of English common law. Thread below. It started when the following nearly 3 hour "Dr Oz" interview of Jordan Peterson landed in my inbox:
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 03:48:16AM +1100, Sheldon Harkness wrote:
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 10:27:22AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Jordan Peterson, as we know, kicked Faith Goldy (a popular somewhat "right wing" reporter/ interviewer/ youtuber) off of his "Free Speech Today..." panel (I think this was last year).
That was the first warning sign.
He's been asked a few times and he's never apologized for that.
That was the second warning sign.
JP said way back to "never apologize, especially to the mob", so I guess he can be forgiven for not apologizing. But...
Finally, on Twitter a few days ago, due to the Jewish "conundrum" put forward by fellow Jews about Trump's recent SCOTUS pick, JP called for Justice Kavanaugh, if he gets nominated (he now has been) to step down from the Supreme Court because of the rape allegations and the vicious baying mob. See here:
So as far as I'm concerned, that's strike 3 against JP.
It is possible he could redeem himself one day - we'll see.
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 12:23:31PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
By the way, here's what JP asked now SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh to do:
“And the #MeToo movement has been set back. For many of its champions were, in Kavanaugh’s case, demanding a suspension of the principle of “innocent until proven guilty,” and calling for the judge’s rejection in disgrace, based solely on their belief in a wholly uncorroborated 36-year-old story.”
Absolutely pathetic!
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 09:03:59PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Here's the low down on Dr. Oz:
On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 06:32:33AM +1100, Sheldon Harkness wrote: <>
On 14 Oct 2018, at 10:59 am, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote: What does it say?
On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 04:21:27PM +1100, Sheldon Harkness wrote:
it's only a minute or so, and quite nuanced .. something along the lines of:
1) Perhaps for the good of the country - e.g. impression of supreme court etc, Kavanaugh could step down after being cleared and appointed, and then they could appoint an equally conservative justice 2) It was just a thought - and may well be wrong (e.g. the fight may be better as many suggest)
From: Zenaan Harkness <> Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 21:17:17 +1100 Subject: Re: JP/Kavanaugh explained No matter how "nuanced" his position, the fact is it flies 180 degrees opposite to his previous and very clearly stated position - i.e. utterly hypocritical. Classic Jewish "intellectualism" to fit the conversation to frame the desired "resolution of Jewish conundrum or goals" etc Innocent until proven guilty has 900 BLOODY YEARS behind it - one of those famed "pillars" of "Western society", and JP was so ready to throw it out the window. And the idea of appointing some other "equally conservative judge"? This is the WHOLE POINT of the Marxist "Left" - defame, fight dirty, impugn the character of good men etc - and if that all fails, then start physical violence - which is now happening e.g. GOP building getting vandalised and public statements of "this physical destruction is just the beginning". And JP thinks these Marxist type of people won't be even MORE vehement in THE SAME tactics against the next conservative judge? Sheer lunacy! JP has two important achievements or messages which have been worthwhile: 1) Take responsibility in the face of the fact that life is filled with suffering and malevolence (clean up your room, lift your load). 2) "Marxism" is a dirty word. Everyone now knows this - the Internet and the spread of ideas today is so rapid, it's awesome! So even the legacy media (MSM) knows that Marxism can no longer be hailed - there is no more excuse. Other than that, Peterson has: 1) slapped free speech in the face (removing Faith Goldy from his panel literally to discuss free speech) 2) slapped the presumption of innocence in the face (Kavanaugh) 3) utterly failed to address the negative sides of Jewish power and Judaism so fundamentally, he's a coward. A flake. This is not surprising since for 30 years or so he lived a cotton wool "tenured university professor" lifestyle. It's no wonder he's schitzophrenic and essentially pro-socialism (Marxism by any other name) - all tenured professors are reliant on Marxist "socialism" for their normal livelihood.

On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 21:30:13 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
So Jordan Peterson is a schitzophrenic flake, sneering at free speech and spitting on the presumption of innocence.
and spitting on so called 'due process' and 'statute of limitations' but on the other hand, a guy like kavanaugh should be beaten to death, not because of imaginary 'sexual abuse' allegations by feminazis but because he's a high ranking government criminal. as to peterson.... "a figure who might be less divisive might be put forward." notice how christian fascist peterson wants Unity.
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness