According to the most crass agent on this list, the 'internet' is an 'anarchic' 'medium'. So I'm wondering which part of the arpanet, SORRY, which part of the 'internet' is the most anarchic? We can vote on it, and here are some candidates! 1) the part controlloed by amazon? https://nypost.com/2020/09/10/amazon-adds-former-nsa-chief-keith-alexander-t... 2) the part controlled by shitflare, I mean, 'cloudflare'? 3) the part controlled by the joogle jews? 4) the part controlled by the fukerbook jews? 5) the 'backbone' controlled by ATT? 6) the DNS controlled by ICANN ? 7) add any other US corporate mafia here. OK, turns out that partial control of the aroanet is 'distributed' over a number of US mafias who, shockingly! are all in perfect synchrony. I guess it's the sort of voluntary cooperation one can expect from the anarchists at amazon and the anarchists at the NSA https://nypost.com/2020/09/10/amazon-adds-former-nsa-chief-keith-alexander-t...
participants (1)
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0