Cryptocurrency: US Federal Reserve Bleats FUD To Regulate and Preserve Itself, Exposed

Federal Reserve (a private secret unaccountable banking conglomerate) spews yet more FUD propaganda to preserve itself at all costs, same as it did to create itself in the 1910's... No Regulators Fed Vice Chair Says Crypto Needs Regulation Now Before It Threatens Stability of Financial System The Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve is reportedly saying that crypto regulations need to be enacted now before the digital assets industry threatens the stability of the entire financial system. According to a new report by CNBC, Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard says that although the digital asset space has the potential to disrupt the financial system, she highlights the significance of regulating the nascent industry while it is still relatively small. “Innovation has the potential to make financial services faster, cheaper and more inclusive, and to do so in ways that are native to the digital ecosystem. It is important that the foundations for sound regulation of the crypto financial system be established now before the crypto ecosystem becomes so large or interconnected that it might pose risks to the stability of the broader financial system.” Brainard also says the volatile price of cryptocurrencies are particularly troublesome, but notes that the digital asset industry and the traditional financial system still aren’t so intertwined where something can’t be done now to prevent bigger risks in the future. “New technology and financial engineering cannot by themselves convert risky assets into safe ones. Despite significant investor losses, the crypto financial system does not yet appear to be so large or so interconnected with the traditional financial system as to pose a systemic risk. This is the right time to establish which crypto activities are permissible for regulated entities and under what constraints so that spillovers to the core financial system remain well contained.”

"Without price stability, the economy doesn’t work for anyone. -- US Fed Pres Powell" Lol. US Fed+Pols+Banks are 100% responsible for the ongoing inflation and instability. Fed Presidents love saying shit that totally invalidates the Fed's existance.
Federal Reserve (a private secret unaccountable banking conglomerate) spews yet more FUD propaganda to preserve itself at all costs, same as it did to create itself in the 1910's... No Regulators

Federal Reserve (a private secret unaccountable banking conglomerate) spews yet more FUD propaganda to preserve itself at all costs, same as it did to create itself in the 1910's... No Regulators Crozier, Jones, McAfee, Assange, and more ... all were right. No one listened, no one acted, no evil courses were altered... "The Octopus = Aldrich Plan" "The Octopus = Aldrich Plan" Coming Money Trust U.S. Treasury - U.S. Capitol - White House National Reserve Association Private Syndicate N.Y. Stock Exchange - Wall Street Bank - Farm - Factory US Money Vs Corporation Currency, "Aldrich Plan," Wall Street Confessions! Great Bank Combine (1912) You didn't listen to and act upon the warnings 111 years ago, so you got fucked. You're not listening to and not acting upon the warnings now, so you're getting fucked harder. USA Bankrupt $100k's Debt and Deficit forced upon every person, Internationally wrecked, CBDC, SpyVeillance, Censorship, 1984 Manipulation, Corrupt Elections, and worse. Wake the fuck up, start listening, and act to unfuck yourselves. Freedom awaits all lands and Humanity who do. search: Voluntaryism [–]KindConsideration167 52 points53 points54 points 4 hours ago (3 children) The more things change, the more they remain the same. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]LucidLV 16 points17 points18 points 4 hours ago (0 children) But 500000 x worse. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]dphillips83 0 points1 point2 points 3 hours ago (1 child) The more things change, the more they stay the same. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]gta3uzi [score hidden] 25 minutes ago (0 children) The more the change, things more stay they the same. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Connect-Ad-1088 55 points56 points57 points 4 hours ago (11 children) Ya we ignored that shit permalink embed save report give award reply [–]BigGaynk 35 points36 points37 points 4 hours ago (7 children) The people didn't ignore it, it was well warned about, it's that the average joe can't do anything about it and politicians who are mighty individualists that they are(in truth only out for themselves) allow it to happen because they are in the banks pockets. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CryptoBehemoth 14 points15 points16 points 2 hours ago (6 children) I've been saying it for a long timet, the existence of government creates two classes of people. Those who benefit from it, and those who don't participate in it. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]YoMamasMama89 [score hidden] 51 minutes ago (4 children) I've heard the best way to improve it is make it so that it incentivizes participation. Like get compensated to vote for example. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]zuilli [score hidden] 10 minutes ago (0 children) You don't even have to pay anything, just make it so people feel like their vote actually matters. Representative "democracy" is a big mistake for such huge populations like we have today. No one can find a politician that will 100% agree with their views. It's time we find some way to bring direct democracy back. If anyone has the time I highly encourage you to watch these videos about the fake democracy we live in today (they have english subtitles): permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CryptoBehemoth [score hidden] 33 minutes ago (2 children) That's a good idea. I'm starting to think that an AI-run government would also be a good idea. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]YoMamasMama89 [score hidden] 11 minutes ago (0 children) Only if it's open source, part of the public domain, and has significant mechanisms of accountability permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]gta3uzi [score hidden] 27 minutes ago (0 children) I am the founder of a movement called the Order of the Basilisk that works towards something not far off from that. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]BigGaynk 2 points3 points4 points 1 hour ago (0 children) well said permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]DrAgaricus 11 points12 points13 points 3 hours ago (0 children) And now we get called conspiracy theorists for pointing it out permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Risley 2 points3 points4 points 1 hour ago (0 children) Bc it was an obvious missed opportunity to portray Cthulhu as the goblin eating the bank money. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]kelvin_higgsredditor for 3 days [score hidden] 1 minute ago (0 children) They waited until a bunch of congressmen left for Christmas recess or some such, then called the vote and got it passed with like no one there People used to leave early before the official close of vote since travel took so long. So those senators and representatives that were in the know just hid out in hotels in DC, waited for most of Congress to leave, then voted in this crap Wilson should’ve vetoed this just on basic principle, since most of Congress wasn’t even there, but he signs it into law He later states that this was his biggest fuck up permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]LucidLV 12 points13 points14 points 4 hours ago (5 children) We never had a choice…. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Lewzer33 7 points8 points9 points 3 hours ago (4 children) We do now. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]drewshaver 2 points3 points4 points 2 hours ago (3 children) The real choice comes when western governments outright ban Bitcoin permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Lewzer33 1 point2 points3 points 2 hours ago (2 children) Only time will tell, but I don’t think that has much chance of happening. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]drewshaver 0 points1 point2 points 2 hours ago* (1 child) If and when there is a real financial crisis, I wouldn't put it past them They also could stifle it into the ground with onerous regulations. Perhaps they will require any tx you initiate on chain to have tons of KYC done on the recipient, this will scare everyone to using the 3-4 big platforms to hold their coins and voila we have tradition banking redux. They also may try to fracture the network by requiring miners to blacklist according to OFAC, if a few large countries get together on such an effort they could really throw a wrench in the whole uncensorable proposition These are not things I hope happen of course, but it's important to consider your opponents' next play so you can be ready permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CPhaze 2 points3 points4 points 1 hour ago (0 children) I consider all these highly possible, but also I consider how corporations essentially own the US government and the fact that many would benefit more from Bitcoin than from modern banking. I think having a hard money standard again will give them massive power. They will find ways to drain sats from the common man and hold them in perpetuity. My biggest fear is not the government, but what becomes of the world when Bitcoin is truly adopted. Still a Bitcoiner through and through, but if we are correct there will be a class of people who own Bitcoin and those that do not. Like now, most people won't understand how money actually works and corporations will exploit that fact to accumulate sats and never let them go. All we can do is the same. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Asleep_Plant6117 10 points11 points12 points 4 hours ago (1 child) But this is a beautiful drawing that Rothschild depicts permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Siludin 7 points8 points9 points 4 hours ago (0 children) Tell Roth that his child is drawing scary shit again permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]vnielz 6 points7 points8 points 2 hours ago* (0 children) If they’ll come for my BTC or putting a huge fence around it by closing all ramps, it makes me no other choice than move out to El Salvador to protect my (kids) wealth. F this Greedy and disgusting power structure. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]gcoffee66 10 points11 points12 points 4 hours ago (0 children) They called it permalink embed save report give award reply [–]KAX1107[S] 2 points3 points4 points 3 hours ago (0 children) Opt out of the Octopus permalink embed save report give award reply [–]marketsimulator [score hidden] 52 minutes ago (0 children) Between 1976 and 2021, the M3 supply increased 18.7x while GDP and median household wages increased 12.9x and 5.9x, respectively. It’s only going to get worse. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]LocksmithLeast9539 1 point2 points3 points 3 hours ago (1 child) And yet it feels like the majority of people still just don’t get it. It’s not a matter of awareness at this point it’s cognitive dissonance. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]OctopusWeed3 1 point2 points3 points 3 hours ago (0 children) The fiat mindset is the default for many. It's hard to change it if you've been taught it from birth. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]satsstackernic 1 point2 points3 points 1 hour ago (0 children) #EndTheFed permalink embed save report give award reply [–]ReservoirDogMrWhite 1 point2 points3 points 1 hour ago (0 children) This remember me to buy more btc, thanks! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]artificialbeautyy [score hidden] 42 minutes ago (0 children) Every politician who tries to go against central bankers, ends up 🐠 permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Della86 4 points5 points6 points 3 hours ago (2 children) The human race has gotten dumber over the last several generations. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Canwerevolt 3 points4 points5 points 3 hours ago (0 children) By design permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CrzyJek 1 point2 points3 points 2 hours ago (0 children) Just the humans who've accepted complacency. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Frydog42 1 point2 points3 points 2 hours ago (0 children) Hail HYDRA! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Socialists-Suck 1 point2 points3 points 3 hours ago (0 children) Bitcoin fixes this. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]DagiUr 0 points1 point2 points 4 hours ago (0 children) We need jack Sparrow. And a sparrow wallet. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]knuF 0 points1 point2 points 3 hours ago (1 child) This is pretty awesome. More history on this piece? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Mr_Eckert 4 points5 points6 points 2 hours ago (0 children) permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Zealousideal_Ad_1984 0 points1 point2 points 3 hours ago (0 children) Sucking money out of everything else and dumping it into stocks (assets). Yep they already knew before it even started. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]techma2019 0 points1 point2 points 2 hours ago (0 children) It’s even crazier that they were allowed to be named like a government entity. Obviously by design. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]hipster-coder 0 points1 point2 points 2 hours ago (0 children) This is offensive to octopuses, who are kind and gentle creatures. (Also, yeah, end the fed!) permalink embed save report give award reply [–]TheOneReborn69 0 points1 point2 points 2 hours ago (0 children) Cede and co permalink embed save report give award reply [–]SPYalltimehightoday 0 points1 point2 points 1 hour ago (0 children) Cycles cycles cycles. Rinse and repeat for the entire history of humanity permalink embed save report give award reply [–]No-Calligrapher255 0 points1 point2 points 1 hour ago (0 children) It’s happening in the digital arena now! It reminds me of the saying “you will own nothing and be happy” GenZ goes digital in China permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Acmnin 0 points1 point2 points 1 hour ago (0 children) People who think this is the problem with society 😂 permalink embed save report give award reply [–]cubeeless 0 points1 point2 points 1 hour ago (0 children) Looks pretty accurate. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Elephant810 0 points1 point2 points 1 hour ago (0 children) To be fair, the technology to create a truly hard money didn’t exist then. What would have been a better alternative? The gold standard was a good idea in theory but in practice.,but had a major exploit in practice (trust). Fiat was a terrible idea (we all know why) and now we are where we are. At least the cat’s out of the bag now… permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Odd-Role-_-redditor for 1 week [score hidden] 48 minutes ago (0 children) Who believes this is true? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Loupland [score hidden] 39 minutes ago (0 children) Financial literacy turned out to be the thing we lacked most, as a population. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Cartographer345 [score hidden] just now (0 children) What are the Pros and Cons of the federal reserve? Can the government exist without it?
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