Much as I have to agree with Gramps about anything he is quite right to complain about you. I endorse and echo his complaint and remind all hateful spammers that attack this list they risk being kidnapped and slowly tortured to death. SEAR the affair of the barbarians. We already know a lot about you, Semich You have already earned killing ( my 2k sats ) Get off this list

On 6/4/23, pro2rat@yahoo.com.au <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Much as I have to agree with Gramps about anything he is quite right to complain about you.
I endorse and echo his complaint and remind all hateful spammers that attack this list they risk being kidnapped and slowly tortured to death. SEAR the affair of the barbarians. We already know a lot about you, Semich
You have already earned killing ( my 2k sats ) Get off this list
pro2rat, to respond rationally, nobody is accepting crypto for death here, and saying you are offering additionally does not provide it being tortured to death is a spasmodic story theme for me, a gruesome horriffic thing filled with pain. you change incredibly going through such pain, whether you die at the end or not.
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many